Of Sparks and Empty Lives
By: Bad Shot
Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS or anything in their universe I just play with it for my own fun.
Pairing: Tony/Ziva
A/N: This is my first NCIS fic, not my first fic though so I hope you guys enjoy it. Takes place right after Recoil.
(12 hours before Recoil)
The familiar chime of the elevator indicating it's passenger had reached the, 'bullpen,' of NCIS rang out. It echoed in Tony's ears as he sat at his desk, slowly looking over the papers in front of himself while managing to peek out of the corner of his eye to see who was arriving. Ziva and Mcgee stepped out of the elevator Mcgee clamoring to get out as well as trying to continue whatever stimulating conversation he was having with Ziva.
They both walked over to their respective desks and got down to their normal routine. Mcgee booted up his computer automatically getting ready for the day. For a brief moment before Ziva sat down Tony saw something peculiar. He couldn't tell what it was but he was sure by the way her eyes had flickered to something on her desk something was up. He looked back down at his papers carelessly initialing an inch above the spot that was made for his initials. When he realized his mistake he swore at his pen as if it had caused the mistake.
"Wow Tony, taking your anger out on your pen, maybe I should tell Gibbs to put you in therapy," Ziva joked twirling around in her own chair biting on the tip of her pen.
"Maybe I should tell your dentists that you are biting your pen. Heard it wasn't good for your teeth."
"See I would be intimidated by that if you actually knew my dentist," Mcgee listened to this from his corner and snickered at their usual banter.
Tony gave a huge sigh and reached into his pocket, pulling out his cell phone, "Okay you asked for this. I'm just gonna have to get Dr. Stone on the line right now. You really should have told me that your dentist was so hot. I have one more question who the hell keeps their dentist on speed dial, honestly."
Ziva got up quickly and tore the phone from his outstretched hand, "Oh my god, how did you actually get my dentist's number?" she demanded planting her feet down and staring at Tony.
"A magician never reveals his tricks Ziva," Tony taunted.
Suddenly Ziva started to push buttons on his phone and Tony cried out wondering what she was doing. She finished with an exaggerated push of the okay button and set it down on his desk, "There now you don't have her number anymore."
"That hurts Ziva. Really deep down. Right here," he said placing his hands over his heart.
Ziva rolled her eyes at him, "Grow up Tony," she said and walked away to talk to Abby.
"So Tony when did you steal her cell?" Gibbs asked from his position on the stairs. He took a sip of his coffee and waited for his answer.
"Yesterday night when she was undercover."
"Mcgee!" Gibbs shouted.
"Yes Boss?"
"Hit him for me."
(12 Hours After Recoil)
Tony was in a bad mood when he walked into NCIS, or rather walked into the bullpen from the coffee machine. He had been there for nearly 24 hours and needless to say he wasn't very happy with it.
Ziva walked in sullen but better then she had been right after her shooting the killer. She gave Tony a nod, acknowledging his existence.
For Tony this meant nothing, 'A nod?!' he thought, 'After all this bullshit we went through to make sure she was safe.'
He walked down to his desk and flopped into his chair before Ziva had even begun to settle in. She gave a small jump as if the sound his sitting down had made had startled her. Well sitting down was putting it lightly. He basically walked to his chair and fell into it, "Oh what am I still scaring you Ziva?" he said in a condescending voice.
Ziva was slightly taken aback by his tone, "What? What the hell are you talking about Tony?"
"Oh come on!! How do you not know yesterday I tried to touch you and you jump like I'm the Joker or something."
"The who?"
"Joker enemy of Batman, and stop trying to change the subject."
Ziva gave a quick glance around, no one was their other than her and Tony at the moment, "I wasn't trying to change the subject and you know it."
"Oh so now I do know something 12 hours ago I was idiot for even thinking your precious Micheal could be another killer," Tony was nearly yelling now something that was fairly new to Ziva.
"Okay Tony what the hell did I do to you? Your acting like a child who had his rattle stolen from him."
"Oh I'm acting like a baby. You know what if you don't trust me just say it! Just say it I can handle it."
"Fine you want me to tell you that your an arrogant pig who uses woman, and can't go one day without getting on me about my English. Also the fact that every time someone else is happy you sulk like a baby because your life isn't as perfect as someone else's! You just can't stand it when other people are happy can you?"
"Forget it, this is hopeless. You can't even seem to look past the obvious can you?"
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"IT MEANS THAT YOU ARE BLIND TO EVERYTHING AROUND YOU. I've seen dogs more aware of others feeling than you."
Ziva stepped up to him and slapped him with all her strength causing him to spin around and clutch at his mouth, "DON'T YOU EVER! INSINUATE THAT I DON'T CARE ABOUT EVERYONE HEAR. I had to work to earn everything I have while you grew up with a great life. Then when you got to NCIS you didn't have to worry about anyone judging you. If you truly think I don't care then you Anthony Dinozzo can go to hell for all I care."
"Something going on here?" Special Agent Gibbs asked as he stepped out of the elevator with Ducky at his side.
"Nothing is going on here," Ziva said emphasizing nothing.
Gibbs put two and two together and realized they had been fighting. Although considering the red mark on Tony's cheek a lot of people could have figured that out, "Dinozzo go home you've been here forever."
"With all due respect..." Tony started.
"I don't care if you have no respect at all or all the respect in the world I don't wanna see you in this building for 24 hours."
Tony opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it deciding it would be better to let it go. He picked up his gun and badge and started to walk out.
"Dinozzo I don't think your going to need those," Gibbs said pointing at his badge and gun.
Tony gave out a loud sigh and threw his badge and gun on the ground storming into the elevator and pushing the button with some extra force.
Once again the familiar chime of the elevator sounded, this time indicating someone leaving rather than entering.
A/N: Tell me what you guys think. Trust me it will get more TIVA than that. Remember reviews make me write faster.