A/N: I'm hoping this story will get a positive reaction. I came up with it when I was noticing that I was writing a lot of stories about Emmett getting Bella to do stupid things. I actually told myself I wouldn't write another story like this. That lasted a whole two minutes. I came up with the idea of Emmett getting Bella drunk, but I didn't want it to be like Toke it Up or Sex Education with Emmett so I came up with this. :D I'm really freaking proud this. It's a short series, about five chapters.
Summary: Bella and Emmett are stuck in the police station because Emmett came with the bright idea of getting Bella drunk at a bar. Short series! NOT AN EMMETT AND BELLA LOVE STORY! Very funny
Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.
That Darn Emmett
I was going to kill Emmett. I sat next to him in the police station; my hands were crossed over my chest. I glared at him through the corner of my eye. Charlie was going to kill me. Edward was going to kill me. In fact I'm pretty sure even Esme' and Carlisle were going to kill me. And when they got done killing me, I was going to come back to life and kill Emmett.
I woke up this morning, thinking that I was going to have to suffer another day of Emmett making fun of me and then go on with my life. But no, he got me a fake ID and decided to take me to a bar in Seattle, because he thought that it was his right as my future brother-in-law to get me drunk for the first time. I couldn't understand why he couldn't have just bought a six pack and sat at his house and watch me drink. No, we had to drive to Seattle and get me drunk at a bar.
Needless to say, I got drunk pretty quick and some weird men try to take advantage of that. Emmett being the big bad vampire he is, got into a bar fight over me. I would have helped, but I was too busy puking up my guts on the pool table. The police came, took our names and ages, realizing that we were under age, they hauled us to police station. Well tried, I was still throwing up on the pool table, and it didn't help that there weren't any seatbelts in the backseat of the cruiser. Let's just say that the policemen that took us here weren't going to be using the cruiser for awhile, and Emmett lost his favorite sneakers.
My head was pounding and my throat was dry. I was still nauseous but it was getting better. I turned to Emmett; he was leaning back against the chair, a grin spread across his face. "You're going to be in so much trouble when Charlie gets here." He laughed.
I groaned. We hadn't been able to call our parents yet but I was dreading that phone call. I thought about just having Emmett call Carlisle and have Carlisle keep this on the DL from Charlie.
"Do you think Alice has seen this yet?" I asked, keeping my voice low. Something about police stations, made me feel like I should keep my voice just barely above a whisper. Or it could be that my pounding headache made me want to avoid all loud noises.
Emmett shrugged. "There's nothing much she could do about it anyways. What are the cops going to think if they see a seventeen year old girl barge in demanding that we be released? They'll think she's crazy and we'll be in a lot more trouble than we were in the beginning."
"Alright you two." A police officer walked up to us. He was old and clearly had more than one too many donuts under his belt. "The charges for the assault have been drop but the bar tender is charging you," he pointed to me, "for public intoxication, destruction of personal property," I think he was referring to the pool table that I ruined, "and illegal consumption of alcohol."
I groaned and bowed my head. I was never going to drink, ever, again. And I was going to make sure that as soon as I was a vampire, I was going to throw Emmett through a wall. I looked at him; I inwardly smiled to myself as I thought of Emmett flying through a wall.
"Alright, you each get one phone call." He pointed to the phone.
Emmett got up first. I stared at him as he quickly dialed the number. My first guess was that he was calling Carlisle, boy I was wrong. I listened the one sided conversation intensely.
"Hi Rose." Emmett's voice sounded overly cheerful.
He was quiet as Rose said something, his face dropped.
"She told you?" He asked.
His face continued to drop.
"Baby, it's not what you think! She wanted it more than I did!" His voice was almost whiny; it was weird seeing Emmett act like this. "I know. Can you please come and get us…you don't have to tell him if you don't want to." He sighed loudly. "I know she will…alright. I love you." He added in the 'I love you' in a hopeful voice. I was pretty sure by the glum look on his face she hanged up on him.
I was laughing under my breath when he came to sit back down. He shot me a glare. "It's your turn now." My grin disappeared. He was right, it was my turn.
I got up to the phone and started to dial Charlie's number. I thought twice about it. I was an adult now, I didn't need my daddy to come and save me. So I did the next best thing. The phone didn't even ring before a desperate voice answered.
"Bella?" Edward practically screamed. I flinched. Ouch. Emmett was laughing from the chair.
I took a deep breath. "It's me." I said in a strained voice.
"What the hell were you thinking?! Going to a bar? You're only 18! You don't belong in those things, even if you are an adult-" I threw the phone away from my ear, the last thing I wanted was someone screaming in my ear.
"Edward," I whispered when I sure he was done. I was on the verge of tears. "They're charging me with all these different things, I don't even know anymore."I was crying now. "I can't get charged with anything Edward, Charlie will kill me." I was sobbing into the phone.
Edward sighed. "Its okay, Bella. I'll be there as soon as possible."
I nodded. "I love you." I cried out to him.
"I know Bella."
"I'm sorry." I sniffed loudly, more tears falling out of my eyes. I didn't know why I was so emotional, were all people like this after they drank their weight in hard liquor?
"I know you are Bella. Be a brave girl for me until I get there, can you do that?"
I nodded than I realized Edward couldn't see me. "I'll try." I cried into the phone again.
We hanged up.
I walked over to Emmett. He was frowning at me, like every other guy in the world he didn't like it when women cried. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder in a brotherly way. "Are you okay, Bells?"
I sniffed loudly and shook my head. "No." My breaths were hyperventilating. "That was Edward, he's really angry at me. What if he doesn't want to marry me after this?" I started to cry harder as I realized that he might not love me anymore. "He didn't even say he loved me." I brought my hands to my face. Emmett awkwardly hugged me.
"It's alright, Bella. Edward loves you. He's just a little over protective. It'll be okay." He started to rub my back.
"No it won't!" I cried out burying my face into his chest.
A lady officer walked up to us, her eyebrows were scrunched together. "Is she alright?" She directed the question Emmett.
"Yeah she's alright. She's scared and sobering up." He was still rubbing my back.
I looked at the officer. "Would you marry me even if I had a criminal record?" I asked.
She looked like someone had just hit her across the face. "Um…" She hesitated.
"Bella, I'm pretty sure that gay marriage is still illegal in Washington." Emmett tried to comfort me.
I let out a desperate sob. "Now I'm talking about breaking the law. Edward will never want to marry me now." I started to cry on Emmett's shoulder. He looked uncomfortable and mumbled something about Edward being braver than he looked.
End Chapter.
A/N: So tell me what you think. If you like it, tell me. If you don't than tell me anyways. If I get a good amount of reviews for this story I'll update it daily! It's going to be short, about five (maybe six) chapters. The chapters are short to. It's just to cure my addiction to one-shots. The second chapter has already been written. I love it, I have every chapter outlined and it's great. I think my favorite is the third one.
Daddy's Little Cannibal