Title: To Be Given Happiness
Type of Story: Series Remake
Genre: Romance, Adventure, and Action
Rating: T for Teen. (Rating might go up in much later chapters.)
Main Paring: Naruto and TenTen. Side Parings:Kiba and Ino, Shikamaru and Temari. One Sided Parings: Sakura and Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke, Rock Lee and Sakura (duh.), Hinata and Naruto, Neji and Tenten.
Summary: For most of Naruto's life everyone had hated him. What would happen if he had found a friend? Would he be able to find the happiness that he had longed for? Or Would Someone give it to him? REMAKE OF NARUTO.Follow Naruto's life from start to finish as he makes new friends, enemies, and grows up to become a great Ninja.
SOK: Yo! SOK here with another amazing story from the world of Naruto.
Kyuubi: I'd hardly call your other stories amazing.
SOK: Shut up fur ball. As you can see the great and all mighty Kyuubi will be helping me with this story. Although all he has done so far is eat all my beef jerky…
Kyuubi: This story is going to be a remake of the whole series so it will be pretty different from the actual manga. The ninja arts and stuff will be mostly the same. The story is going to start when Naruto is 4 years old and end when he is around 21 maybe. We don't know yet.
SOK: This is going to be one of those fics where Naruto and Tenten meet at a young age and kind of grow up together. I plan on not rushing this story so if my chapters start to become rushed then please yell at me for it in a review. Seriously, I don't mind flames as long as they're about my story and NOT about how the NarutoTenten paring is so stupid or some shit like that.
Kyuubi: Yes, if someone flames us about the paring itself I will be forced to devour him or her. Now get on with the disclaimer.
It was the middle of summer in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The sun was shining and there wasn't a single cloud in the great blue sky. The warm weather would make any kid want to go outside and play in the Leaf Village's central park, even the ones who didn't have anyone to play with.
The one little boy who didn't have anyone to play with was a four-year-old boy whose name was Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto was nice enough but for some reason nobody would play with him. When he would ask another kid his age to play with him they seemed like they would and then their parents would pick them up and take them to a different spot in the park, telling their children to stay away from him.
Nonetheless Naruto would always wonder outside to the nearby central park and play in the giant sandbox that was in the middle of the park.
Today was another one of those beautiful days when Naruto would leave his empty apartment and play. As usual any child that was playing in the sandbox was moved away as soon as he got there.
With a low child like sigh Naruto walked to the center of the sandbox and began to dig a hole with his small hands. Naruto had no idea why he liked to dig holes but it was a good thing he did because he had no other toys to play with.
Loosen up the sand a bit, push it to the side, loosen up the sand a bit, and push it to the side. Naruto continued this process for about and hour and he eventually had a hole big enough for him to sit in. It wasn't deep enough for him to completely hide himself in but the walls were as high as his stomach when he crossed his legs and sat down in it.
Naruto grumbled something about digging deeper before he crawled out of his hole and began to dig again. Eventually though his hands began to sting from digging in the much deeper levels of the dirt as it became harder and harder to dig. After about thirty minutes he had to stop and go to the public restrooms to go to the bathroom.
When Naruto came back out there were two kids that looked slightly older than him kicking the sand back into his hole that he had been working so hard on.
"Hey, stop it!" Naruto yelled at the boys as he ran back over to the sand box to stop them from filling in the hole. Naruto reached the sandbox, totally out of breath as he rested his hands on his knees. "Stop…putting…sand back in…my hole."
The two boys narrowed their eyes at him. "No…when you're in the sandbox our mom won't let us play here so you should go play somewhere else." One of the boys said angrily. The boy had a slightly pudgy face and a cap on. Other than that there wasn't anything unique about him.
"Yeah, go home." The other boy was very small for his age and had dark brown hair that seemed very tidy.
"But I want to dig a hole." Naruto responded in a whiny tone. He was on the verge of crying when the two boys kept filling in his hole and totally ignored him.
When the boys were about half way done filling in his hole, Naruto plopped down on the ground and began to lightly cry. Naruto had after all done nothing wrong. He didn't deserve this.
"Hey, cut it out!" A girl about Naruto's age with brown hair tied up in two round buns came running over to the sandbox. "Stop it you meanies!" The girl yelled at them angrily and the boys stopped and just stared at her.
"We don't wanna stop." The smaller of the two boys responded with a tone any child would use when being told to stop something that they wanted to do. The small girl glared at them with her eyes slightly narrowed.
"Cut it out or I'll wreck something you make." The girl was now about a foot away from the two boys glaring daggers through them. For a five year old she had an extremely intimidating dare.
"You're a girl, you wouldn't wreck anything we make." The slightly pudgy boy argued. Of course they didn't think she was a threat because she was a girl and they were boys. Simple five-year-old logic.
The little girl responded by picking up a rock and throwing it right at their feet, almost hitting one of the boys' toes. The boys looked up at her with a scared look on there faces, not wanting to be hit with a rock.
"I'm gonna throw the next one at your head." The little girl threatened with an oh-so-innocent smile on her face as she tossed a second rock up into the air, way above her head, before it came back down and landed right back in her hand.
The boys began to run in the other direction, talking about telling their mommy or something along those lines. The little girl smiled in victory as she put the rock she had back down on the ground. Naruto had stopped crying a long time ago and was thanking her repeatedly.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you."
"Your welcome. Those boys were really mean." The little brown haired girl responded politely like she had been taught. Naruto just smiled but when realization hit him that her parents were probably going to come take her away from the sandbox he frowned and looked around for any sign of an adult walking towards the sandbox and saw no one.
"Where are your mom and dad?" Naruto asked curiously with his head cocked to the side. He figured if they weren't coming to take her away than her parents weren't here.
"There over there." The girl pointed to a bench a little ways away by the swings. The girl was now sitting down across from Naruto.
"How come they aren't taking you away?" Naruto was still using that same curious tone and he still had his head cocked to the side in confusion.
"Why would they do that?" Now it was the little girls turn to look confused.
"I don't know." Naruto responded truthfully. He really had no idea why everyone stayed away from him.
"Then why did you ask?"
"Cause moms and dads take kids away from the sandbox when I'm here." Naruto was now preoccupying himself with taking the sand back out of his hole with his hands.
"My mom and dad let me play where ever I want." The girl seemed almost smug about that fact where as Naruto was happier than he ever was. "I'm Tenten, what's your name?" Tenten then extended her hand for a handshake, like her parents had taught her.
"I'm Naruto!" Naruto exclaimed happily as he shook her hand. When Naruto and Tenten were finished shaking hands Naruto began digging his hole again but then he realized that Tenten might want to help. "Do you want to help me dig a hole?" Naruto looked up from his work to see Tenten with a wide smile on her face.
"Ok. I'll be right back." The girl then got up and began to run over towards her parents. Naruto frowned, expecting her not to come back but then his eyes went wide as he watched her pick up a bucket with different kinds of small plastic shovels in it. Tenten talked with her parents for a second before running back to the sandbox.
Tenten giggled lightly at the wide-eyed Naruto who was staring at the bucket of sandbox toys like they were the most precious things in the world. Tenten sat down across from him again and extended the bucket out to him.
"Pick a shovel." She said with a smile. Naruto felt his eyes water up because of happiness but refused to cry. Naruto instead examined each shovel closely before grabbing an orange one that looked like a smaller, plastic version of an actual shovel.
"Is your favorite color orange?" She asked as she grabbed a brown shovel.
"Yep! How'd you know?" Naruto answered as he enthusiastically began to dig. Of course it wasn't that hard to figure out with Naruto wearing an orange jumpsuit like outfit and picking an orange shovel.
"You're clothes are orange and you picked the orange shovel." Tenten said, giggling again. (I don't know. It just seems like a little girl would giggle a lot around Naruto because of his personality.)
"Oh." Tenten began to help Naruto dig the hole and Naruto couldn't have been happier with how the day was turning out. He might have actually found a friend.
"Naruto, where are your parents?" Tenten asked as she began to push some of the sand out of the way that was falling in the hole. Naruto frowned slightly but within a few seconds his smile was bright again.
"I don't have any." He responded with that big smile still plastered on his face. Tenten looked up at him with a sad expression. She knew enough to know that Naruto's parents were most likely dead. Before Tenten could say anything else, Naruto began talking about ramen and how good it was.
They were both young but some how they kept their conversations about their favorite things going for over an hour. After that hour was up they had dug a large hole big enough for both of them to fit in comfortably and it was deep enough that you could only see their heads over the top.
Smiling like a couple of monkeys they were about to start making it bigger when Tenten's parents walked over to the sandbox.
"Hey Tenten, we are going to have to go home in a little bit." Tenten's mother told her from the outside of the sandbox. Tenten's mother was a slightly shorter woman with dark blonde hair that when to about the middle of her back and she seemed like a very fit woman.
"But mom, we were going to make our hole bigger." Tenten wined as she climbed out of the hole and walked up to her parents. Naruto hesitantly climbed out of the hole too but stayed back by the edge, just watching to see if Tenten's parents were nice.
"We can always come back tomorrow." Tenten's father responded to her as he picked her up in his arms. Tenten's father was a medium sized man with short shaggy brown hair and he also was pretty built. What caught Naruto's eye was the ninja hitai-ate (headband) on his forehead.
"Who is your friend Tenten?" Her mother asked as she looked over at Naruto who was slightly fidgety under the two adults gaze.
Tenten's parents knew who Naruto was, everyone knew who Naruto was. Tenten's parents knew a lot about him like how he had no parents and how the Nine Tailed Fox was sealed within him. However, Tenten's parents were very thankful to the boy, unlike most of the village. Tenten's parents were very open minded and always thought about the positives of things instead of the negatives.
They always thought of the young man as a hero like the Fourth wanted him to be. They were there when the fourth had sealed the Fox inside of Naruto along with the Third Hokage, Kakashi Hatake, and other strong shinobi that had stayed to fight to the very end. So of course they allowed their daughter to be friends with a boy who they considered a hero.
"His name is Naruto." Tenten responded enthusiastically. Tenten's mother smiled at her daughter. Her daughter seemed very happy and that was all that really mattered to her.
"Hello Naruto, I'm Akemi Shobuki and this is my husband," She gestured to the man next to her. " Isamu Shobuki." Akemi, Tenten's mother, greeted Naruto with a smile on her face well her husband, Isamu was talking with his daughter about something in a low whisper.
Naruto smiled his brightest smile. These people didn't seem to despise him like the others did and they were even being nice. Maybe his life wasn't so bad after all.
Out of no where Tenten began to smile just as bright as Naruto was smiling as her father finished speaking to her then he set her down on the ground and she quickly walked over to Naruto.
"Hey Naruto, do you want to come have dinner at our house?" Tenten asked rather enthusiastically, happy that her new friend could come and visit her home. Naruto's eyes went wide when she asked, surprised that they were offering to let him into their home for dinner, seeing as how everyone else seemed to think he was a disease.
Naruto just nodded his head vigorously for his response, seeing as how he was speechless at the moment.
"Good. We better get going then. I need some time to cook dinner." Akemi was already turning around to head out of the park, expecting them all to follow. Without a word Isamu began to follow his wife and then Tenten grabbed Naruto's hand and began to basically drag him towards her parents.
Naruto followed wordlessly with a big grin on his face. It was good to be alive.
SOK: So, how'd you like the first chapter? I think it is some of my best work as far as beginnings go.
Kyuubi: Which isn't saying much.
SOK: HEY! You didn't help at all so you have no right to be talking in my AUTHOR's notes.
Kyuubi: I finished eating your beef jerky and I had to take a nap. It isn't my fault you didn't wait till I got up.
SOK: Whatever…I think I'm going to have a few time skips next chapter. I'll tell a little bit about the diner at Tenten's house and then I'll most likely skip a few weeks ahead real quick and then I'll time skip to when Naruto is five years old to show when he enters the academy. After that I may end up timeskipping to when Naruto is 7 or 8 if I don't take up a lot of space with the other two skips.
Kyuubi: Why would you tell them that?
SOK: So they will stick around to see the next chapter when it comes out.
Kyuubi: Eh…I still think it was stupid to tell them how the next chapter is gonna play out.
SOK: Ok everyone. I hope you all review and add my story to your alert list. Also, if it isn't to much to ask for could you guys tell me if I'm right for giving you guys some hints about the next chapter or if Kyuubi is right about it being a bad idea to give you guys hints.
SOK: I also just want to say that I know my tense is all screwed up I just can't get my mind to lock onto past tense.