Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters.
I do not own the rights of Resident Evil.
Chapter 1
The memories
It was the first time since 5 years that I got back in the mansion and the memories all got back to me. How 4 people of my team got sliced in a laser room. How many people got infected by the T-virus, and some got eaten by the living dead. How my true love got infected and became one of them right in front of my eyes. Its no wonder that I have been avoiding to get back here.
But I had to, I have a lot of weapons here that I might need. I walked in the main hall, and seeing Rain again when she first entered the mansion. 'I should've made her leave' I softly said bowing my head and sadness in my eyes. I fumbled with my ring, remembering how we first met.
It was raining and I was waiting for the bus to take me to my work. But as always, when you really needed the bus it is always too late. I checked my watch for the tenth time. 'You know that it wont help, checking your watch every 2 minutes' a rough, yet gentle voice came from behind. I turned around looking at a woman. She was just a little shorter then I am, and has brown hair. 'I'm already late for my appointment at work and that stupid bus isn't really helping me get there' The brown women chuckled. 'The bus is always late, you'd know it if you travel with the bus more often' she walked up to me. 'My name is Rain' she said seeing my amused face she continued 'yes, just like this' she said holding her hand up so she could catch some of the rain drops. 'I'm Alice' and extending my hand 'nice to meet you' 'So, where do you need to go?' 'I need to go to the Umbrella facility' The other woman looked surprised 'you need to go to Umbrella?' I nodded 'yep and I'm already too late' She still had that look on her face. 'Ok I give up, why is it so weird that I have to go there?' Rain smiled 'its not weird, I have to go there to' 'Really? That's nice'
Looking away to try to see if the bus was already coming. 'You don't like working there, do you?' she asked. I looked at her, surprised that a complete stranger could tell that from my face. 'Its my job, and I'm good at it. I should do what I'm good at' I simply stated. 'No, you should do what you love to do' she looked in my eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful, you could seriously get lost in those pretty brown eyes. 'Bus is here' she said. 'What?' I asked, not getting what she said. She chuckled 'the bus, that thing we where waiting for' she said, an amused smile spreading across her face. Snapping out my day dream I said 'oh yes, the bus. Right. Lets go then' I said turning and heading to the bus.
There was someone standing in the door opening. Watching me while I was sitting on the floor. I looked up.
'Rain?' I asked shakily. The figure stepped into the light. 'Who's Rain?' the blonde woman asked. I looked up to her, realizing it wasn't Rain, but Claire. I deliberately didn't tell her everything about my past, I didn't want her to worry about me more then she already does. 'Rain is….' I stopped to think what she exactly was, I cant say she's my true love. That'll break her heart. 'Rain is just someone I knew' I decided. She looked at me, she knew I was lying. 'Ok' she said, with a little hurt in her eyes. 'If you wanna talk about her, you know where to find me' she said kneeling down to look me in the eyes. 'I know' I softly said.
She got up and said 'lets go get the guns' And walked to the bedroom. I walked passed the secret entrance, and saw Rain once again before me.
Laughing and having a good time, we were just watching a comedy movie.
It was one of her favourites, she told me once.
'I have to go now, it's a long day tomorrow' Rain said a few hours after the movie ended.
'Do you really have to go?' I asked her
'I have to work tomorrow'
I rolled my eyes 'I'm your superior I think I can give you some time off'
Rain laughed 'I don't want the others to think that there's something going on between us'
'Why not?' I asked, suddenly hurt by what she said.
'Because I want to keep work and my personal live separate'
She must have seen the way I looked at that, because after that she said.
'Oh what the hell, screw it' and she kissed me.
It was so soft, and very passionate.
I got lost in the kiss, it was so perfect, and it made me feel the way I never felt before.
Then we had to break up for some air.
My eyes were still closed, to keep that feeling.
She climbed over me at the couch, and started to kiss my collarbone and worked her way up to my ear and to back to my mouth.
I moaned quietly causing Rain to grin while she kissed me.
'Rain…' she didn't react, she continued kissing me.
'Rain, wait' I said pushing her back.
'What? Did I do something wrong?'
'No, not at all' I said grinning.
'My pager is going off' I said, putting my hand in my pocket and showing my pager.
Reading who paged me at this really inappropriate timing Rain started teasing me.
'Oh no' I said.
Rain looked at me 'what?' she asked careful.
'Mission' Rain looked seriously confused.
'A mission? But I didn't get paged'
I shrugged 'better call him, it should be really important. Normally he always waits till the next day to inform me of a new mission'
'Alice?' a voice shouted, waking me up from my thoughts.
I ran to her.
'what's wrong?'
Claire frowned.
'Why would there be something wrong? I just called you because you're the one who knows the code, remember?' she said smiling a little bit.
'Right' I said, typing in the security code.
'Are you okay? You don't look so well' she asked concerned.
I smiled, half-hearted.
She always cares so much for me, always knew when something is bothering me, or just how I feel and what I'm thinking.
'I'm okay, really. There only memories'
'Hey, you know you can talk to me. You're not in this alone. You have me now, you don't have to feel like you cant tell anyone of what you went trough here' Claire softly said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
She was right, I'm not in this alone.
And I need someone to talk to.
'Rain…Rain wasn't just someone' I started.
I started fumbling with my ring.
'Rain was my partner' I told her.
'She meant everything to me'
Claire's looks softened 'I had a suspicion that you and Rain were together'
'We had been together for 7 months, she gave me this ring before I got send here to guard it' showing my ring to her.
'Weren't you allowed to see her?' Claire asked surprised.
I shook my head, tears filling my eyes.
Claire put an arm around me holding me tight and moving her hand up and down my arm.
'Why weren't you allowed to see each other anymore?'
I swallowed, trying to get the chunk out of my throat.
'They…they found out, and thought that it was too dangerous if we were on a mission' I said bitter swallowing again and trying to hold back the tears.
'So they decided it would be better if we got separated from our team. She in the Alpha team and I just here guarding the stupid hell house'
I got up and walked to the drawer to get the guns.
'Lets just get out of here' I said walking away.
In the doorway I stopped and turned around 'are you coming?'
Claire nodded and got up 'you cant keep running away from her, I've tried it, it will destroy you' she said and walked past me.