
15 years old

Sirens wailed in the late night air, paramedics shuffled and struggled to keep the young boy awake as they got him in the stretcher. News reporters crowded the scene, reporting live to the world of the freak accident that happened in the small suburban area. Neighbors crowded their yards whispering among another about the grisly appearance of the boy that got into the stretcher, he was so thin…so dead.

As the paramedics finished loading the boy into the ambulance, there was another person. A young girl who sat on the curb, her arms shielding her frail body from harsh cold, but it wasn't cold outside. It was never cold in the summertime. Although the boy looked sicklier than ever, the young girl looked perfectly healthy.

An older woman approached the girl on the curb, looking down at her in pure hatred and fear. The young girl stood up quickly and stared the woman in the eyes but no emotion marred her face.

"What did you do to my son" She spat. "He was perfectly fine before I left you with him!"

A man came apparently the boy's father and wrapped his arms around his wife. He was staring at her too…was it in anger towards her? She couldn't tell because the gaze left as quickly as it had come.

"Let's go to the hospital, Jen" He said as he pulled his wife towards their car.

She realized the whispering had stopped. She looked around and all the neighbors stared at her, some clutched their children closer to them, others turned their backs in disgust and went back to their homes. A firm hand gripped her shoulders and she whipped around arms up ready to strike.

"Whoa… it's me" A tall man said dressed in a dark suit. Souta

"Kid you're in deep shit this time" He said. "Can you tell me what happened?"

She said nothing.

"Okay then, you can tell me later" the cop said. "Come on"

She knew the cop well before her, he was with her when she was shipped out to foster care 3 years ago and he's been with her ever since. Their relationship was mostly based on a brother sister type; although she never really talked to him though she always listened to his problems and he didn't mind that she didn't comment on them. Once they were in the car and belted, he started the car up and drove out the driveway.

"Its 10:00 and your parents let you out this late"

She glared at him. They are not my parents


His cell phone rung and he picked it up. "Smith"

Souta glanced back at her every now and then as he talked on the phone obviously it was about the boy, the boy she almost killed. "I understand" he closed his phone and sat it back in its original position.

"Will he be ok" her voice was raspy from not talking for so long.

Souta turned into a yard and stopped in front of a shabby looking house with a dirty pool behind it. "Doctor says that he doesn't know what caused the hemorrhaging but the boy will be fine, just have to stay in the hospital for a while"

Thanks" She said softly.

"No problem, I'll be here tomorrow and you can tell me all about it" he held his hands out and patted her gloved one. "Now go on before they call the police on ya"

She stepped out of the vehicle and pulled her key out of her pocket. She turned to Souta to let him know that she was going inside; he waved and pulled out of the driveway. She turned back to the door and heard the television on loud and clear. Her breathing deepened and she opened the door and stepped inside.

In the past two years she had moved into 4 different foster homes, all of which was normal and happy families. She felt that she didn't deserve that type of life, she didn't deserve them. So she moved from home to home until she landed right in this dump of a place, but it was welcoming and comfortable, except the people that came along with it.

Her foster mother Sheryl was an alcoholic who has gone to rehab more times than she could ever count and still walk out with a bottle in her hand. Sheryl had a son named Matt who was a gang member and a pervert, but he rarely spent anytime at home. Her husband Oshou always started the fights in the house whether Sheryl cooked the food at the wrong temperature or if his collectible weren't dusted everyday, they were cheap anyway.

She slowly made her way to the living and she was in luck. Sheryl and Oshou were sound asleep on the ripped sofa. How could they sleep in all that noise? She would never now. She tiptoed past them and went to her room in the far back. She sighed and pulled her chair from behind the door and jammed it under the doorknob. Something she did every night she stayed in her room. She was too tired to go and shower so she laid on her small mattress and snuggled under the covers.

Almost 3 hours later she still couldn't sleep.

She couldn't stop thinking about what happened tonight… Her mind ranged in angry screams from the people lives she had taken over the years, so many people… though she never meant to, never meant to scare her father away after he found out what she could do, never meant to put her mother in a coma for so many years, never meant to hurt the one person that she cared so much for as he was gasping for air, the angry veins of his body protruded out from under his white skin. Something was sucking the life out of him and she could fill it surge deep within her.

She just had her first kiss with her first ever boyfriend, Hojo Ken. Although she was pretty much the outcast at school, Hojo always talked to her and they hung out often. He was the only boy that ever liked her, that offered to share their first kiss together. Now he was dying from her deadly kiss of death.

She wiped the lone tear that escaped from her eye, crying wouldn't take back what had happened. Nothing would. The only thing she could do was closed her eyes and pray that a better day would come.

truth be told i am going to like writing this