What's up?! I'm here at work, reading reviews and going, "Say what?" you guys really liked my last chapter a lot. I really thought it was badly written! But thank you! Oh, and for those of you who like Shika, don't worry; there will be a lot of him protecting Sasuke in this chapter! -- w00t! BTW I am SO SO SO SOOOOO SORRY for this being so late! I hadn't intended on it taking so long. First; my lap top broke, and we had to send it to get fixed; then I went on vacation and now I'm fighting a writer's block! Gah! Stupid writer's blockingness! Please though, enjoy this chapter; hopefully it'll be all cool like. We now have all the information regarding both Naruto and Sasuke's pasts; now it's up to our sexy main characters to piece together who murdered Sasuke's parents! Also, Itachi's on the breaking point, what will he do now?! All excellent questions that I don't know if I'm going to answer them all or not; muwahahaha! I'm evil. Also, Kyuubi refers to Naruto as 'kit' and Sasuke as 'kid'. IMPORTANT: Read the AN at the bottom of this chapter too! Anyhow, on to the 10th installment of 'Moving Day'.

Only new Japanese word in here is 'Oyasumi' which means 'goodnight'.

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or respective characters

Warnings: language, incestuous thoughts, boyxboy action

Rating: OT for language and adult themes

Thank you everyone who reviewed! I love you!

"…" Talking

"…" Thoughts

"…" Kyuubi Talk

--…-- Naruto to Kyuubi

Moving Day


Once left alone outside Itachi turned to Kisame, "I'm going to need you to look up this, Hyuuga, boy." Kisame nodded, "Find out as much information as possible." Kisame nodded again, for some reason the name sounded familiar anyway. Sasori frowned; he too thought the name sounded familiar. Both nodded at Itachi and turned to leave.

Sasuke lay in his bed, wrapped in his blankets, breathing in the smell of his shower, "What am I going to do now?" he mumbled sleepily; closing his eyes. "I don't care; Kyuubi, Naruto, Shukaku, Gaara. Who ever. They're still my friends. I'll let them know tomorrow." Sasuke yawned, curling up into a small ball, he drifted back asleep.


Chapter 10: School Again?

All day Sunday Sasuke stayed in his room; only leaving to get something to eat. On his small few trips for food, Itachi had bombarded him with questions in which Sasuke had given him the cold shoulder. Itachi only stopped asking questions when Sasuke had slammed his bedroom door in his face. Itachi also noted that Sasuke took 3 to 4 showers during the day alone. These combined with Sasuke's reaction yesterday had Itachi figuring out what happened real quick and he was beyond pissed. Whoever this Hyuuga boy was, he was going down. Also, sometime during the day, both Kisame and Sasori had epiphanies and remembered that they worked with a boy named Hyuuga. Itachi told both of them to keep an eye on the boy and watch his behavior around Sasuke. Around 3 in the afternoon Naruto had come by and dropped Sasuke's stuff off; Itachi had opened his mouth to quiz the blond when Naruto cut him off, staying firm with his decision from yesterday. Itachi had mirrored Sasuke's actions with him and slammed the front door in Naruto's face.

All those events now brought Itachi to Monday morning, standing outside Sasuke's bedroom debating whether or not to wake Sasuke up for school. Itachi resolved to ask and opened the door to find Sasuke already awake and just staring blankly at the wall next to Itachi's head. "Sasuke?" He asks timidly. Sasuke blinks and tilts his head slightly to show he's listening, "Are you up to going to school today? If not you can stay home." Sasuke blinked again and sat up, shaking his head he muttered out,

"No, I'll go to school. Naruto should be here in like twenty minutes anyway." Itachi nodded and turned to leave. Sasuke sighed and stood up, sauntering to his closet he pulled out the loosest clothes he owned, grabbed Itachi's cover-up and marched into the bathroom to take another shower. Shower complete and make-up in place, Sasuke wandered out from his room and into the living room right as the doorbell rang. Itachi looked up from his cup of coffee to watch as Sasuke slowly made his way to the front door and opened it, "Morning Dobe." Sasuke greeted. Naruto smirked,

"Mornin' Teme! Ready to go?! I got my bike fixed on Sunday so we can ride that… if you're okay with it." He added carefully. Sasuke blinks and looks past Naruto to glare vehemently at the bike,

"No, it's fine." Sasuke turned back to Itachi and nodded his head, "I'll see you when I get home, 'kay aniki?" Itachi frowned, but nodded. Sasuke turned to Naruto and the two sauntered easily to the blonds' bike. Naruto hopped on and handed Sasuke the helmet,

"Are you sure you want to ride my bike, Sasuke? Iruka is still home, he could give us a ride." Naruto whispered quietly. Sasuke scoffed and took the helmet before muttering just as quietly; if not more,

"I said I was fine. So I'm fine." Sasuke threw the helmet on and carefully climbed on the bike behind Naruto. Twenty minutes later (Because Naruto drove the speed limit) they arrived at the school. After pulling into the student lot and parking, Sasuke jumped off the bike and landed almost face first into Gaara,

"Good morning Sasuke." Gaara turns to Naruto, "Uzamaki." Naruto frowns,

"Subaku." Sasuke growled at their display and pushed past both boys grunting,

"We need to tell Shika about this weekend." Without stopping, Sasuke began to make his way to the roof. Naruto stayed put as Gaara followed after Sasuke, "I think he's mad at us, kit." Kyuubi muttered gloomily. Naruto nods, --Yeah, I think he is…-- he sighs and shakes his head as he jogs to catch up to the other two boys, --But I suppose its to be expected, I almost forgot he found out about you and Shuu on Saturday. That must be what he's upset about.-- Kyuubi grunted his agreement in Naruto's head.

Sasuke reached the roof first and greeted Shika with a small wave and a 'Hey'. Shikamaru makes a face as he notices Sasuke unconsciously distance himself from Gaara and Naruto as the two arrive on the roof next. "What troublesome thing has happened now?" Shika watches as Sasuke takes a seat a few feet away from him and sigh, "You missed a lot of things this weekend." Sasuke informed him. Shikamaru blinks in confusion at Sasuke before settling a full, albeit lazy, glare on the blond and red-head sitting in front of him.

"What'd I miss?" he mutters as Naruto and Gaara exchange glances before Naruto takes a deep breath,

"It started Saturday morning when Kakashi, he's that perverted police officer helping us figure out stuff, came over. He had some info regarding Sasuke's car accident with his parents." Naruto then proceeded to relay all of Saturday's events; minus the discovery of Shuu and Kyuu or course, Shika just thought Naruto and Sasuke had a fight over Neji. Shikamaru was quiet through most of it, though it was possible to hear growling when Naruto mentioned Neji's 'attempt' on Sasuke. At that point, Sasuke had cut in and made Shika promise not to say or do anything to or about Neji. Shikamaru, reluctantly, agreed to keep quiet and non-violent. After Naruto had finally finished, Sasuke had situated himself as far from the other 3 boys as physically possible, and was leaning against the railing with his eyes closed. Gaara frowned,

"You have Sasuke in most of your classes, Nara." It was a statement. Shika shrug-nodded,

"I do. All but the P.E. class you have with him." Gaara stared as Shikamaru waited for the red head to elaborate. After a few seconds of silence, it was Naruto that spoke,

"He's still weary of people getting too close right now." Another statement, "Watch him?" finally a question. Shika gives Naruto a soft smile,

"Yeah, I'll watch him. It's not troublesome at all." He joked lightly. Naruto humors him with a forced chuckle as the bell rings for class. Sasuke's eyes snap open as he turns from the railing, having missed the last bit of the conversation, and watches the other three boys stand. Shikamaru brushes some dust casually from his pants and looks to Sasuke, "Ready for class?" Sasuke nods and the four head out to their separate classes. Sasuke's first hour went by relatively smoothly except for Iruka asking if Sasuke was feeling okay and trying to check if he had a fever. Sasuke had flinched away and Shika had to save him from explaining his reasoning; the two barely made it out of there unscathed.

Finally sitting in his second hour French class, Sasuke was leaning his head on his desk trying to sleep; he hadn't gotten any rest last night, when the teacher made an announcement. They were apparently going to have a new student teacher starting today. Sasuke made to ignore the rest of the announcement when an eerily familiar high-pitched voice called out to him and a warm body suddenly latched onto his, "Sasuke!" Karin squealed, "It's FATE that we're in this class together!" Sasuke's eyes went wide as he began to hyperventilate and cried out,

"Shika!" Shikamaru was out of his seat in an instant and along with the teacher's assistance, pulled Karin from Sasuke's small, minutely shaking frame. Sasuke clenched a hand over his heart to ease the beating as he turned a sharp glare on the girl next to him. A tall lanky brunette with shoulder-length hair and wire framed glasses known to him only as: Karin, Deidara's acquaintance. Figures.

Sasuke vaguely recognizes that Karin was still prattling away; something about always wanting to be a teacher and how Sasori helped her get a job here. Sasuke'd have to talk to him about THAT decision. Karin smiled down at her obsession. She'd had a crush on Sasuke ever since she met him a few years ago. So what if the kid was younger then her? He's was hot. Inwardly, Karin fumed; according to Itachi: a boy at this school had, most likely, violated 'her' Sasuke. From the reaction he had just now, she figured that guess to be true. Keeping her smile, Karin wandered back to her place up front; Itachi hired her to keep an eye on a Hyuuga, Neji while Orochimaru hired her (Separately without Itachi knowing, of course) to keep an eye on Sasuke and a one Uzamaki, Naruto.

Having successfully calmed down, Sasuke glares over at the spawn that was most likely told to watch him. He sighed; another point against Itachi, cause he just 'knew' he was behind this. After class ended as Sasuke and Shika easily dodged Karin's attempts at following them, the two made their way to English discussing what Karin's appearance meant, "You met Deidara that day, right?" Sasuke queried, referring to the day Shika had come by to work on their project. Shika nodded,

"Annoying blond that said, 'yeah' at the end of every sentence?" Sasuke grunted,

"Karin is his friend. I have no doubt that aniki ordered her to watch me." Sasuke shook his head, "I suppose it's to be expected though, for not telling him about the incident with Neji." It was Shikamaru's turn to grunt,

"Troublesome woman." Sasuke chuckled,

"You have no idea." The two continued their talk until it was time for lunch. Arrival at their usual lunch spot found not only Naruto already waiting for them; which was weird in and of itself; but there was also Karin sitting next to Naruto as well. The two were arguing about the health of instant ramen as a food choice. Sasuke felt himself develop a twitch, "Karin." He hissed through clenched teeth, "What are you doing here?" Karin stopped mid rant and shot her head in Sasuke's direction,

"Sasuke!" she jumped up and launched herself at the ebony-haired boy. Sasuke lurched back, having expected her this time, ducked behind Shika and cried out. Shikamaru jerked forward and used his body as a shield to effectively stop Karin's attack. Naruto frowned and growls, stepping forward and physically pulling Karin off Shika and hurtling her at the bench behind him. His eyes flash red, then back to blue as he spits out,

"What do you think you're doing?! Don't touch him!" Karin was completely shocked at the rough treatment from the seemingly kind-hearted blond boy, "I guess he really is possessed by that demon. I saw his eyes flash red." Karin mused silently. Sasuke took a noticeable step away from Naruto and fumed at Karin,

"Don't you have to stay with the teachers or something? Go find Sasori!" he sneered. Karin pouted and opened her mouth to object when a deep voice cut in,

"Someone ask for me?" Naruto visibly shuddered and allowed himself to fall down in a seat next to Karin. Sasori eyed the demon boy wearily, then shifted his gaze to Sasuke who had tensed upon Sasori's arrival. Walking with Sasori; was Neji. Sasuke and Neji's eyes met at which Neji smirked and Sasuke flinched; recoiling closer to Shika's side. Sasori narrowed his eyes on Neji before sharing a knowing look with Karin; both nodded almost imperceptibly. Shika and Naruto glare venomously at the male student-teacher. Neji almost chuckles but is thwarted when Gaara brushes past, shouldering Neji painfully. Neji glares as Sasori carefully approaches Sasuke,

"How are you feeling today?" Sasuke shrugs and grunts,

"Fine I guess." He mutters, feigning indifference while keeping an attentive eye on Neji. Sasori nods and hums his approval,

"Just be careful, chibi. I don't want to worry about you." He mock-scolds as Sasuke forces himself not to smile and gives a series of short, quick nods. Sasori reaches over to ruffle Sasuke's hair, but stops halfway and gives a small wave instead. Neji looks surprised from the exchange, "Sasori-sensei knows Sasuke personally? Shit." Neji's features took on a fearful quality as Sasori turns back to him, "Shall we go?" Neji half-nods and the two continue their walk. Neji watches Sasori out of the corner of his eyes before clearing his throat,

"Y-You know Sasuke Uchiha?" he tries casually; his voice squeaking slightly towards the end of his question. Sasori flicks his gaze at the boy before answering,

"I do." He comments, almost flippantly, "I'm friends with Sasuke's older brother. Thus I am friends with Sasuke. Really, I consider him my own little brother and feel the need to protect him as such." Neji shudders, feeling as if the words held an unspoken threat and nods minutely.

"I-I see." Neji confirms, "Shit, Shit, Shit! I'm totally screwed!" he worries, "Although, no one has done anything to me yet… Is it possible Sasuke didn't tell anyone…?" Neji smirks triumphantly at his conclusion: Sasuke hadn't told. He was safe. Sasori eyes Neji's facial features, watching as they change from stressed, to afraid, to… triumph? Sasori frowns, "What does the boy feel he has won?" he narrows his eyes suspiciously at the now beaming boy.

Back at the lunch table, things had seemingly calmed down. Shikamaru had his head down, Sasuke was sitting next to him eating some sushi, Naruto was across from Sasuke devouring his ramen, and Gaara was seated across from Shikamaru just staring at Sasuke. Karin had left right after Neji and Sasori saying that she had a meeting with the principal. Just as Sasuke was about to take another bite; Kakashi randomly popped in and pulled Sasuke into a backwards hug,

"Sasuke-Kun! Yo!" Sasuke went stiff at the sudden contact; unpleasant memories of recent filter through his mind before he clicks back into reality and struggles in Kakashi's grasp,

"L-let go!" Sasuke's voice squeaks as Kakashi's one visible eye widened and he released Sasuke just in time to avoid a red-eyed Naruto about to claw through him. Kakashi jumped back and took a defensive stance as 'Naruto' advanced on him,

"Don't touch him." Kyuubi hissed. Gaara belatedly realized what was happening and slowly approached the enraged demon,

"Uzamaki." He clipped out calmly, "Relax. It was an accident. Stop." He said the last word with more force as the rest hadn't seemed to make a difference. Kyuubi growled as red blinked back to blue and turned to face Gaara,

"Thanks." Gaara grunted as response to Naruto's gratitude. Meanwhile Sasuke had laid his head down on the table, taking deep breaths. He was vaguely aware of Shika comforting him with words to his right, but he really couldn't make all that much out. Sasuke growled in his head, "Damn. Damnit! I thought I was getting better!" he berated himself. Shika, as if reading his thoughts, moved to different words of comfort,

"Sasuke; you can't expect to be completely better. Its' only been a few days. It's completely reasonable to still deny a person's touch." Shika waited and received no response from the boy, "Troublesome man." He turned his glare on Kakashi, who was staring in wonder at Sasuke,

"Sasuke…?" Kakashi started; Sasuke flinched slightly, "'What' happened a few days ago?" Sasuke slowly lifts his head from its perch to look at the commander.

"Nothing happened." Sasuke replies firmly, giving the others a look that said, 'I dare you to contradict that'. Kakashi's one eye narrows unhappily before he steps forward quickly, causing Sasuke to jerk back,

"Don't lie to me Sasuke. You weren't like this Saturday morning." Kakashi pointed out logically. Sasuke looks away and repeats,

"N-nothing happened." He whispers it a third time, almost in an attempt to convince himself. Before Kakashi can push more, Naruto cuts in,

"What are you doing here anyway, perv? Shouldn't you be working or something?" Kakashi barks out a laugh at that,

"Heh, working, right. Actually I'm here on business today. Tsunade-sama hired me to keep an eye on … things." He smiles cryptically. Naruto furrows his nose,

"'Things'? What kind of 'things'?" Under his mask Kakashi's smile grows and he shakes his head,

"Nope. Top secret. Can't tell you." Kakashi then turns a serious look on Sasuke, "Now, tell me what happened." Sasuke curses silently; he'd hoped with Naruto as a distraction that Kakashi would have forgotten about him. Looking up, Sasuke sees the determination printed in Kakashi's features and sighs,

"How about," He starts, "We strike a deal." Sasuke answers calmly. Kakashi, with his interest piqued, raises an eyebrow and nods slowly,

"What 'kind' of deal?" Sasuke smirks,

"I have someone tell you what happened on Saturday," He paused, "And you tell us, in detail, what you're really doing here." Kakashi blinks, "Wow, what a deal. 'Have someone tell me'? Why can't he do it?" Kakashi is about to agree when Sasuke speaks again, "Also," he adds, still thinking on how to word his next statement, "When we tell you my side, you have to promise not to … 'hurt' anyone." Sasuke thinks, then nods to himself. Kakashi frowns, "Now, that's a weird request…" Naruto growls,

"I don't even know why he gets to know in the first place." He turns his stare on Kakashi, "All of us had to promise the same thing. If you don't promise, we won't tell you." Naruto sniffs with disapproval before turning back to his food. Kakashi nods firmly,

"Okay. I agree. I'll tell my end first." He looks for objections, receiving none, he continues, "Tsunade has hired me to keep watch for a well known crime boss. He's been sighted in the area and is feared to cause trouble at the school." Sasuke frowns, "Crime boss? How dangerous…" He nods before looking to Gaara and Naruto,

"One of you tell him about Saturday." Naruto huffs and looks away in defiance. Sasuke sighs, "Gaara?" Gaara grunts and casts a weary gaze at the commander,

"Saturday at approximately 11:30 a.m. Sasuke was essentially, for all known purposes, kidnapped. Around 12 p.m. said kidnapper attempted to…" Gaara glanced at Sasuke who was tensed up and had his eyes clenched shut with his hands covering his ears. Gaara sighed, "He was almost raped." Gaara ends weakly, "If me and Naruto had shown up seconds later…" He shakes his head; he didn't want to think about that. Kakashi stays silent, glowering at the bench, "Raped? Sasuke was almost raped?!" he couldn't seem to wrap the thought around his mind. After a few seconds of nothing, Kakashi's eye widens and he turns to Sasuke,

"Oh my… Sasuke! I am so sorry! I touched you and—I'm sorry!" Sasuke looks up from the table and forces a smirk,

"Don't worry Kakashi, I'm fine." Sasuke waves the air away, "I know you didn't mean it." Kakashi's face contorts to anger,

"Who?" he hisses out, "Who did it?" Sasuke frowns and shakes his head,

"No. I'm not telling. Aniki doesn't even know what happened. Feel privileged I told you at all." Naruto and Gaara grunt their agreement. Kakashi growls, then stops as he gets an idea,

"What if…" he starts, "If I tell you the name of the man I'm looking for, will you tell me the name of the person who touched you? I still hold to my promise not to hurt him." Sasuke wrinkles his nose cutely in thought, biting his lip, he nods,

"Alright, I accept. But you tell first." Kakashi frowns, but nods nonetheless,

"Orochimaru Sannin." Sasuke's eyes widen slightly as Naruto pipes up from the other side of the table,

"Isn't that the snake-man we ran into on Saturday?" Sasuke barely nods, "Damn. I knew he was creepy." Naruto rants as Sasuke turns to Kakashi,

"Who is Orochimaru?" he questioned, "To the police?" he clarified. Kakashi frowns,

"He's a lot of things. Aside from having his own crime syndicate, he's thought to have ties with the mafia, run a child prostitution ring; he's a pedophile himself," At that Naruto and Sasuke both shudder, "he's thought to be behind several unsolved rapes, kidnappings and murders; among other things… you know him?" Kakashi's frown deepens as Sasuke barely nods a second time,

"Aniki told me to stay away from him. Said he was dangerous, but didn't say how…" Sasuke muttered disdainfully, "Damn…" He sighed as Kakashi waited with well concealed impatience,

"And you…?" the commander finally sought after several seconds of silence, "Who hurt you?" Sasuke takes a deep breath and without looking up whispers,

"Neji Hyuuga." Kakashi's eye widens as three strangled growls erupt around the table. "Hyuuga?" Kakashi swore, "They're really high up. That bastard." without realizing it, Kakashi clenched his fists digging his nails painfully into fleshy palm. Sasuke saw the minimal movement from the corner of his eyes and jumped to his feet,

"You can't do anything to him!" he half-hollered, surprising most of the cafeteria, "You promised." Sasuke reminded, lowering his voice to a deathly whisper, "Nothing." He hissed. Kakashi slowly unclenched his fist and Sasuke's head shot to the side as the bell rang. Sasuke shrank considerably and looked a bit faint; he had to deal with Neji all next hour. Shika stood quickly and hovered behind Sasuke without touching him, waiting to catch him in case he fell,

"Don't worry. I'll be there. I won't let anything happen." Shika muttered, watching as a twitch of Sasuke's head was his only response. Kakashi frowned, then smirked unseen behind his mask, "God I love this mask." he thought evilly,

"Well, I should get going; got a job to do you know." Kakashi waved briefly before flitting away leaving only a puff of smoke in his wake. Naruto narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the spot where Kakashi had been standing. –Work? Him? I doubt it. That perv is up to something.—Kyuubi snorted, "Isn't he always?" Naruto grunted as Sasuke and Shika slowly made their way to History. Neji was nowhere in sight as both boys took their seats. Sasuke was grateful that when class started, Neji was still absent. Shikamaru was suspicious, and had a feeling that Neji being missing had something to do with a certain nosey commander.

Halfway through class, Neji finally arrived. He was paler, Sasuke noticed, and if you looked hard enough, you could see his body shaking with slight tremors. Neji sighed as he handed the teacher a note for his tardiness. The note stated that Neji had been assisting Sasori-sensei with delivering some papers and they lost track of time. The real reason was that Neji was ambushed; there was no other word for it. Shikamaru had been half-right when he suspected Kakashi for Neji's absence. What Shika hadn't thought of, is that Sasori was the other reason.

Neji shuddered at what had just occurred as he plopped (gracefully mind you. He IS a Hyuuga) into his chair.


Sasori had just asked for Neji's assistance with something in the being-renovated part of the school. The static red-head teacher was acting abnormally quiet and restrained; more so than usual, or so Neji figured. As the two wandered silently through the halls, a feeling of dread suddenly washed over Neji causing him to stop and look behind him. Seeing no one there, Neji turned back around only to freeze as a voice hissed into his ear,

"Hyuuga." Neji jumped and spun around to face a man he knew all too well,

"Commander Hatake." Neji greeted, glad his voice hadn't stuttered. Neji heard Sasori-sensei shift from somewhere behind him and eased from one foot to the other nervously. "What brings you here Commander?" Neji tried again after receiving no response from the man. Kakashi's one eye narrowed to a dangerous level,

"You." Kakashi answered simply. Neji blinked but before he could ask, Kakashi started again, "Thought you'd gotten away with it, did you?" Neji stiffened considerably, but kept a confused look on his face,

"I'm quite sure," he started, "that I have no idea of what it is that I've supposedly to have done." Neji finished coyly only to jump as Sasori-sensei growled behind him,

"Of course." Sasori hissed, "But if we ever find out you touched Sasuke again in the future; we'll make sure you never know anything permanently." Kakashi chuckled darkly,

"Well said."

:End Flashback:

Neji shuddered a second time and shook his head. After a few more threats, the men let him go. "I never thought Sasori-sensei could be so scary." Neji sighed and allowed his head to drop to his desk, "And what the fuck was up with Commander Hatake? That man has never been more serious in his life." Neji took a chance to glance over at Sasuke. He was talking to the Nara boy again, "What's so goddamn special about that kid?!" Neji grunted as the bell rang and students got up to leave.

Shikamaru walked Sasuke all the way to his gym class today, both in silent thought. Waving goodbye to Shika, Sasuke stepped into the locker room to greet Gaara, "Is Gai-sensei in his office?" Sasuke asked after gaining Gaara's attention. Gaara paused, thought, then shook his head,

"No. I believe him to be in the gym already, doing pull-ups or some other nonsense." He scoffed. Sasuke nodded,

"Okay. Thanks." Before walking off to find his PE teacher. Gai, when found, was most certainly doing pull-ups; Sasuke gingerly approached the over-enthusiastic man, "Gai-sensei…?" Sasuke questioned carefully. Gai looked down from his place on the wall before dropping next to Sasuke,

"Yes Uchiha-kun?!" Gai beamed a 1000-watt smile, "How can I help your youthful self?!" Sasuke flinched slightly,

"Can I sit class out today?" Sasuke didn't really feel like changing clothes in a room full of men. He was feeling a bit better being around people as the day wore on; but still didn't think he could handle someone seeing him with his clothes off. Gai's smile fell to a look of concern,

"Are you unwell, Uchiha-kun?" Sasuke shook his head and was going to explain when a figure popped up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder,

"Sasuke-kun had a tough weekend." Kakashi smiled his words, "I too, feel he should sit out." Sasuke blinked and looked up at the commander. He'd jumped slightly at the hand, but had relaxed instantly at recognizing Kakashi's lazy drawl. Gai beamed,

"Kakashi-san! My rival! How amazing and wonderful it is that you have graced our youthful selves with your presence!" Sasuke and Kakashi both flinched at Gai's loud voice, "of COURSE I MUST agree! Uchiha-kun will sit class out today! My rival! You again defeat me with your cool ways!" Kakashi blinked,

"Uh…huh. Lets sit down, shall we Sasuke-kun?" Sasuke gave a brief nod as he and Kakashi wandered towards the bleachers; the bottom ones. Sasuke shuddered as he continued to listen to Gai-sensei ramble on about Kakashi's amazing-ness and modesty until class started.

Upon leaving the locker room, Gaara immediately noticed Sasuke sitting on the bleachers with that poor excuse for a police officer and made his way over; ignoring Gai-sensei's questions of where he was headed. Sasuke looked up as Gaara approached, "Is everything okay, Sasuke?" Gaara questioned monotone. Sasuke shrugged,

"I'm fine. I just didn't feel like changing, ya know?" Gaara nodded his understanding,

"I see. I'll tell the Uzamaki-idiot so as he doesn't worry." Gaara was fighting off a twitch of his lips as Sasuke chuckled at what he assumed was Gaara joking. Gaara wasn't, but didn't bother to correct,

"Thanks Gaa."Sasuke smiled up at him as Gaara stomped down a blush, nodded and walked over to where Naruto was frantically looking for Sasuke.

"He wasn't kidding you know that, right?" Kakashi asked when the red-head had finally calmed the blond,

"I know." Sasuke snorted lightly and shook his head. The rest of class found Kakashi telling Sasuke about his 'rivalry' with Might Gai and how it came about. Sasuke listened through until class had ended. After changing, both Gaara and Naruto approached the pair on the bleachers, "Oh," Sasuke started, "Gaara, today I was thinking I'd wait for Naruto, is that alright?" Both the blond and the red-head blinked. Neither said a word so Sasuke continued, "I just don't want to go home to an empty house and be alone just yet. Kakashi said he'd wait with me, and Gai-sensei informed us he doesn't have a 'youthful 6th hour'." He explained using air quotes. Both boys nodded again before Gaara finally spoke,

"Alright then. I will see you tomorrow." Gaara turned to leave as Naruto waved,

"I'll be back after class then!" he smiled, eyes twinkling sadly. Just then, a thought struck the Uchiha,

"Wait!" Gaara and Naruto stalled, "I'm sorry for not saying it sooner but: I'm okay with you. All four of you. I trust each of you with my life." Gaara's eyes widened considerably as Naruto started gaping like a fish,

"Y-you mean that, Sas?" Naruto finally managed. Sasuke nodded firmly as Naruto's hands twitched with the restrained urge to hug the raven. Sasuke noticed this and smirked, shaking his head, he murmurs,

"It's okay dobe, go for it." Naruto 'whoop's' and tackles Sasuke in a glomp. Immediately his body tenses, but Sasuke forces it to relax and hugs Naruto back, nuzzling his face into Naruto's chest affectionately. When Naruto releases him, Sasuke looks at Gaara expectantly. Gaara scoffs in a failed attempt to hide his growing smile and ruffles Sasuke's hair. Kakashi, who was present throughout the vague exchange, was utterly confused. The bell rings and Naruto, now late, bolts to class yelling that he'd be back in an hour. Gaara sighs and shakes his head before nodding goodbye and leaving Sasuke alone in the gym with Kakashi.

Sasuke sighed, exhausted, and collapsed back onto the bleachers; Kakashi following next to him, "Sooo," Kakashi started. Sasuke raised a brow, "What was that whole 'acceptance' deal that just went down?" Sasuke snorted,

"You just made our conversation sound like a drug deal." Kakashi's one eye closed in a smile, "It's nothing. I said something to them over the weekend and … it's nothing." He repeated, having had not thought up a good enough excuse. Kakashi frowned,

"Obviously it's not nothing. I've never seen that static red-headed-bastard look so happy." Sasuke scowled,

"Don't call Gaara that. Just drop it." He huffed and looked away, effectively ending the conversation. Kakashi sighed in defeat,

"Fine. How are you and Naruto-kun doing? On Saturday he told me that the two of you are dating. Is that still true?" Sasuke spared a peek at the commander before sighing and turning fully in his direction,

"Yeah. We've been officially dating for a few days now." He nodded and sighed again, "The whole thing with Neji set us back a bit, but I'm sure I'll be fine in a couple of days." Kakashi frowned a the mention of Neji before shaking his head,

"You keep getting into all sorts of trouble. Didn't Naruto say earlier that you ran into Orochimaru?" Sasuke nodded quickly,

"Twice even. Both times he kept trying to get me into his car. If Iruka-sensei hadn't shown up the first time, he might have succeeded. You said he was a pedophile, right?" here Kakashi nods, "Ah, that explains it then. I'll definitely avoid him now." Kakashi sighed and took a secret glance at Sasuke. Although the boy's clothes were baggy, the shirt fell off a delicate shoulder Just. So. And Kakashi couldn't help but admire the exposed view of the tantalizing piece of skin.

The two continued conversing until the last bell had rang. They had revisited Sasuke's case file; Kakashi attempted to get Sasuke to explain why Itachi was a suspect, to no avail. Kakashi also tried to weasel out who the other two of 'all four of you' were, again without success. Kakashi looks around the gym subtly before smirking and scooting a bit closer to the raven-haired teen, "Hey, Sasuke?" Kakashi started casually, waiting to gain Sasuke's attention, "Can I give you something?" He questioned innocently. Sasuke blinked and cocked his head to the side cutely,

"Sure, what is it?" after taking one last sweep of the gym, Kakashi leaned forward and cupped Sasuke's face with his left hand while using the right hand to pull his mask down. Realization hit Sasuke around the same time Kakashi gingerly pressed his lips to his. Sasuke froze on the spot, only snapping out of it when an angry, disbelieving gasp resounded from the other side of the gym. Sasuke pulled back just in time to watch a flash of orange and yellow speed out the door, "Naruto!! He saw--" Sasuke jumped up and grabbed his satchel racing out after the blond. Kakashi smirks before readjusting his mask and walking from the gym whistling a happy tune.

Naruto couldn't believe it! He couldn't 'fucking' believe it! That goddamned mask wearing pervert! How the fuck dare he?! And Sasuke! Why did Sasuke let him get that close to begin with!? Naruto was furious at them both, and as thus, was running away like a bat outta hell. He was just about to reach his bike when he was practically tackled into it by a gasping Sasuke, "I said," gasp, "wait! Damnit Naruto! Didn't you hear me calling you?!" Sasuke growled, still wheezing out of breath,

"Wait?! Wait for what? For me to watch you make out with that perv?! Is that why you wanted to stay after?! For fucks sake, if you had wanted to dump me, just do it!" Naruto screamed irrationally. The two were causing quite a scene. Sasuke's eyes went wide with fear as he whispered out harshly,

"D-dump?! God Naruto! You are so fucking stupid! Why would I do that?!" Naruto opened his mouth furiously before Sasuke cut him off, "I didn't know Kakashi was going to do that! I freaking panicked and froze! I never wanted—"Naruto growled,

"You looked pretty cozy to me! You want to hurt me, Sasuke?! Is that what it is?! Get my hopes up about Kyuu and then push me away?!" Sasuke's eyes started to water at Naruto's accusations before he grasped, needy, to the front of Naruto's shirt,

"No! That's not it at all!" he cried out desperately, "I love you Naruto! I would never do something that would hurt you intentionally!" Naruto stared blankly at Sasuke as he processed what was just said. Sasuke blinked before turning a bright red and releasing his hold on Naruto, "Oh…god…I…bye." Sasuke turned to bolt, fully intending on walking home when a clawed hand encased his wrist,

"Wait." Kyuubi whisper-demanded. Sasuke stops and hangs his head, his bangs covering his furious blush,

"Kyuubi?" he questions softly, cursing in his head, "Damn! I must have really pissed Naruto off for Kyuubi to be out!" Kyuubi grunts, his grip on Sasuke tightening slightly,

"Yeah. The kit let me out." Sasuke's eyes widen, "'let' him out?" Sasuke turned back around to look at the now red-eyed blond, "The kit went into a mild state of shock." The demon explained, "But I can tell you this: we're sorry. And we accept your apology as well. We know you didn't want what had just happened." Sasuke nodded mutely, a light blush returned to his features. Kyuubi smirks, "In the meantime, let's head home. You look tired." Sasuke chuckled nervously. He 'was' tired,

"Kyuu, you can drive?" Sasuke questioned skeptically. Kyuubi let out a loud laugh,

"Sure!" Sasuke frowned as Kyuubi laughed again, "Yes yes, I can drive. You don't get to be as old as me without learning a few things." Sasuke blinked but nodded; that was a reasonable answer. Kyuubi unlocks the bike and hands Sasuke the spare helmet. While climbing on behind Kyuubi, Sasuke whispers directly into the blonds ear, sending bolts of electricity through the blonds' body,

"Thanks." Kyuubi stampeded down the threatening blush and grunted his 'yeah' as he started the bike. Kyuubi, like Naruto, loved to speed; but keeping it at a decent level, he got them home in 15 minutes instead of Naruto's ten. Kyuubi parked his bike in front of Sasuke's house and the two climbed off. Looking around, Sasuke noticed that Itachi's car was missing, "Weird," he mused, "I figured he'd be here to bother me more." Sasuke turned to Kyuubi, "Want to come inside and hang for a bit? Aniki isn't home yet." Kyuubi-in-Naruto blinked,

"Are…you sure?" Sasuke shrugged and nodded. Kyuubi flashed a toothy grin, "Yeah! We'd love to!" Sasuke rolled his eyes as the two made their way to the front door. As Sasuke took out his key he wondered, "Does Kyuubi notice that he usually says 'we', and rarely refers to just himself?" Sasuke stifles a giggle, "It's kind of cute." Kyuubi frowns over at Sasuke, "What's the kid up to? He seems to be laughing at something." Kyuubi narrows his eyes and makes a pouty face as Sasuke finally pushes the door open, toes his shoes off, and drops his satchel by a small desk. Kyuubi copies Sasuke as he enters the house, looking around curiously, "Do you want me to get Naruto back out?" he asks tentatively, still exploring the room. Sasuke stops his trek to the kitchen and glances back at Kyuubi-in-Naruto,

"I don't care. Whoever is fine." Sasuke shrugs indifference. He really doesn't know Kyuubi all that well; this is a good chance to find out more about him. Kyuubi, on the other hand, is thrilled, "I get to stay!" he beams as Naruto scoffs –Yeah yeah. Just this once. Lets explore first!—Kyuubi nods vigorously and sets out to discover the unknown. (this is their first 'real' time being in Sasuke's house, remember?). Sasuke watches Kyuubi-in-Naruto snoop around his house, not going into any rooms, for ten minutes before the two retreat to the kitchen to get snacks. Kyuubi explains to Sasuke his past as a demon, and what it is like living inside Naruto's head. The two make several wise-cracks about that, much to Naruto's displeasure.

The two were sitting at the kitchen table sipping tea when Itachi returned home an hour later. Walking into the kitchen Itachi stalls, his eyes flash red before he reigns in his momentary surge of rage at seeing 'Naruto' in his house. Talking with his Sasuke. Forcing his features to take on a more agitated then deathly enraged quality, Itachi clears his throat, "Sasuke?" he starts, "what is…'Naruto' doing here?" 

Itachi examines the blond sitting at his table, "Red eyes, sharp nails, elongated canines… the demon? Why is Sasuke sitting with a demon?!" Itachi narrowed his eyes as Sasuke rolled his,

"Naruto is just hanging out. That's alright, isn't it 'aniki'?" Sasuke demands, stressing his reference to his older brother. Itachi holds in a growl as he watches the demon smirk. Ever since he found out Naruto housed the Kyuubi-beast (Sasori, remember?) he's been watching him closer. Why Sasuke would willingly allow this demon into his home, because he knew that Sasuke knew it was the demon, was beyond him. Itachi grunts,

"Fine. He leaves before dinner." Sasuke stands up suddenly and beams,

"Thanks aniki! We'll be in my room!" he reaches over and grabs Naruto's wrist, dragging the now standing blond to his room. Itachi seethes as he watches them go, digging his nails into his palm hard enough to draw blood. Something in his control snaps.

Once inside his room, Sasuke closes his door and locks it, resting his head against the frame he sighs. "Aniki's going to kill me for that." He shakes his head and looks back, watching as Kyuubi-in-Naruto wanders around his room. Kyuubi is inspecting everything he can while trying his darnedest to ignore Naruto railing at him to let him out. Kyuubi was in control, and he didn't want to relinquish it just yet. After five minutes of just staring at the blond, Sasuke saunters to his bed and collapses on his back with his eyes closed. Both arms were resting by his head as his legs hung over the side of the bed.

Sasuke's eyes snap open as he feels the bed dip down by his hips. Looking down at the demon-boy, he asks, "Kyuubi, what are you doing?" Without answering, Kyuubi climbs on top of Sasuke, placing both his claws atop Sasuke's hands. Sasuke pulls his arm a bit and begins to panic when he realizes he can't move them, "Kyuubi?!" he cries out, "What are--" he stops, his breath hitching and his body seizing up as Kyuubi's face comes within inches of his own. Kyuubi growls lightly before muttering in a low, husky voice,

"Relax. I just want a kiss." Sasuke opens his clenched shut eyes, briefly wondering when he closed them as he thinks "But… Kyuubi may be in Naruto's body… but they're still two different people…. Wouldn't this be considered cheating…?" Kyuubi, taking Sasuke's silence and slightly more relaxed state as permission, leans the rest of the way down, pressing his-in-Naruto's lips softly against Sasuke's. Sasuke, still confused by his earlier thoughts, doesn't respond to the kiss. Kyuubi gets agitated and ends the kiss briefly after a soft nip, and narrows his eyes at Sasuke, "Kiss back." He demands gruffly. Sasuke turns his head to the side and whispers softly,

"But… wouldn't that be considered cheating?" Kyuubi blinks and releases his hold on Sasuke's arms to lean back and sit on Sasuke's legs. Sasuke props himself up to explain, "You're not Naruto. Being in his body doesn't make you him. If I kiss him while it's you, aren't I cheating on him?" Kyuubi frowns, that 'did' make sense. He wasn't the kit, (thank god for that) and the kid was dating the kit. Dilemma.

"If Naruto says its okay, can I?" he asks instead. Sasuke blinks, blushes and looks away,

"I uh…er… guess so? But only if Naruto is truly okay with it."He ends firmly. Kyuubi-in-Naruto nods his head vigorously, "Kit!" Kyuubi asks(pleads), "Can I? Just this once?" Naruto glares at the demon, --You can feel it just fine with I kiss him. Why do 'you' need to be in control?—Kyuubi in Naruto's mind shakes his head harshly, "No! You know my senses are different when I'm in control of your body. It'll feel different." Kyuubi persists. Naruto grumbles to himself, --Damn demon. Damn logic. Fine. But if Sasuke gets uncomfortable and tells you to stop, you stop. Got it?—Naruto demands. Kyuubi nods again as his face lights up far too much for Naruto's liking.

Meanwhile Sasuke was watching Kyuubi-in-Naruto's facial expressions. If he were anyone but an Uchiha, he would have laughed out loud at the faces Naruto's body was making. He'd watched the looks of depression, pleading, determination and then an immense amount of joy cross his features. Sasuke disliked the last look the most. As Kyuubi-in-Naruto's eyes came back into focus, a feral grin broke out across Naruto's face; fangs gleaming darkly as a husky voice made its way to Sasuke's ears and down his spine, "He said it was okay." Kyuubi's deep voice reverberated throughout Sasuke's body, causing him to shudder slightly, "He told me though, 'if at any point you get uncomfortable and want me to stop, tell me, and I'll stop.'" Kyuubi recited, just as Naruto told him to.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, slightly suspicious, but Kyuubi had promised to stop so…, "Okay…" Sasuke agrees. Kyuubi, who's grin had faded, came back full-force as he placed a clawed hand on Sasuke's shoulder and pushed him back down on the bed. Following him down, Kyuubi hovered over Sasuke's body before forcefully attaching his hungry lips to Sasuke's. After a split second of fear, Sasuke tentatively responded. Kyuubi happily removed his hand from Sasuke's shoulder and tangled it into his hair instead, deepening the kiss by delivering a nip to Sasuke's lips. Sasuke gasped slightly allowing Kyuubi's tongue to delve inside and brush against his. Sasuke brought his hands up to clutch at Naruto's shirt; Kyuubi retaliated by grinding his hard-on down into Sasuke's thigh, causing both boys to moan.

The hand Kyuubi had placed by Sasuke's head became restless and wandered from Sasuke's cheek to his neck with feather-like touches. Down it continued before resting contently on Sasuke's hip. Kyuubi pulled away from the kiss to give Sasuke time to breath and began to kiss, bite, and lick softly across his jaw and down his neck, where he bit down hard making Sasuke yelp. Kyuubi smirked, licked the bite mark in a mock apology before biting again, just as hard. That time Sasuke's hips bucked up into Kyuubi, who decided he wanted Sasuke's shirt off. Now. Feeling Kyuubi's hand start up under his shirt, Sasuke's body stopped reacting positively and the hands on Kyuubi's back shot to halt the demon's movements, "Stop." Was whispered hoarsely, and with much begrudging, Kyuubi stopped.

"I'm sorry, I didn't—" Kyuubi started and Sasuke cut him off with a small kiss,

"Don't. You stopped, nothing to be sorry for. I just… don't want… to go that far yet." Kyuubi nodded and went in to kiss Sasuke again when a hand on his mouth stopped him. Sasuke sat up and looked to the side before muttering, "I think you should go." Kyuubi blinks, taken aback by the seemingly sudden request, and pouts slightly,

"Oh…okay." Kyuubi flashes an uncertain smile as Naruto's eyes bleed back to blue. Sasuke sighs, pulls himself out from under the blinking blue-eyed blond, and stands,

"Sorry." Sasuke mutters. Naruto shrugs, stands, and pulls Sasuke into a loose embrace. After kissing Sasuke chastely on the lips, Naruto pulls back and rests his forehead against Sasuke's own,

"I think I should head home." Sasuke frowns, but nods. Really, that's what he'd meant earlier, not that Kyuubi personally should leave, but the both of them. It was almost dinner time. As if having read both their thoughts, a knock rings out and Itachi's voice calls through the door,

"Sasuke, dinner's ready. Naruto needs to leave." Naruto chuckles as Sasuke unlocks the door,

"Guess I've got good timing. I'll see you in school tomorrow." Sasuke rolls his eyes, but nods before opening the door to a glaring older brother. The three stood still for a few seconds when Sasuke sighed,

"He can't leave if you don't move aniki." Itachi blinked but stepped aside nonetheless, allowing Naruto to pass. Itachi ventured back to the kitchen as Sasuke walked Naruto to the door, "Later dobe." Sasuke waved. Naruto opened the front door, peeked past Sasuke to see no one, and leaned forward placing a soft kiss on Sasuke's lips. Pulling away, he whispered huskily,

"Later teme." Naruto smirked at something behind Sasuke before turning and leaving, closing the front door after him. Sasuke stood still for a few seconds; just basking in Naruto's daring, and then locked the door. As Sasuke made his was into the kitchen, he nearly jumped when Itachi set his plate down heavily with a loud 'clack!' and dropped down into his own chair. Sasuke sat down as well and sighed… Itachi was upset with him. Sasuke shook his head and began to eat in silence.

Itachi was practically glowering death. He'd walked out of the kitchen earlier just in time to watch the blond give Sasuke a kiss. Then said blond had the audacity to smirk at him while whispering in Sasuke's ear! Itachi was furious! On the other hand, his brother didn't seem quite as jumpy now as compared to this morning, giving Itachi the feeling that something significant had happened today. Itachi sighed inaudibly and shook his head lightly; Sasuke worried him too much. This obsession with his little brother was quickly escalating into something dangerous. Itachi didn't know how long he could hold out before attempting to claim that soft skin and pale body as his own. He 'did' know that it won't be too long yet. His last thread of patience was wavering.

After dinner, Sasuke headed to his room to do homework, leaving Itachi to wallow in his loathing. Fed up with staring into space, Itachi stood up and wandered to his bedroom, flipping his phone open and pressing speed-dial # 4: Sasori. Closing the door behind him, he heard a click on the other end of the phone, "Get Karin on the other line." Itachi hissed. Sasori sighed almost imperceptibly and muttered,

"Hold on." Itachi grunted as the line went silent for a little bit. During that time, Itachi collapsed onto his bed and took several deep, calming breaths. There was another click before Sasori's voice filtered through the phone, "Back." Itachi grunted again as Karin piped in,

"Evening Itachi-san!" She chirped happily, "What do I owe--" she started, only to be cut off,

"Kill the pleasantries. I want a detailed report from both of you about Sasuke's day." Here was a strangled sigh from Karin's end and silence from Sasori's after Itachi's demand. Waiting a few moments, Sasori took a breath and relayed his day expectantly, including his run-in with Commander Hatake. Itachi listened quietly through the relay, commenting where required. Karin cut in every so often, adding her two cents to shared scenes before explaining her day as well. "Fine." Itachi sighed after the two stories were completed, "Continue your observations tomorrow as well." Both murmured a 'yessir' before Itachi resumed, "Good. I will speak to you both later then." Itachi then hung up without waiting for an answer.

Glaring at his door, Itachi hits speed-dial #3 and waits for Kisame to pick up, "Come over." He states flatly when Kisame had answered. Itachi then hung up again and fell back on his bed. He didn't need Kisame's response; he knew the man would come.

On the other side of town a different phone call was made. Karin cheerily retold Orochimaru everything about her day, Sasori's day, and all of Itachi's reactions. Dismissing the girl, Orochimaru snapped his sleek black phone shut and growled. Sasuke would be hard to get at. From Karin's statements, it seems Sasuke was always with someone; especially now that this 'Hyuuga' boy has violated him. Orochimaru smirked, the Hyuuga boy's attempts were thwarted, leaving Sasuke all to him. He chuckled darkly, "Soon Sasuke. Very soon.".

Back at the Uchiha household Sasuke took his second shower of the day and began to get ready for bed. The day had been exhausting, but at least he now knew where he stood with his friends. He disliked being on uncertain terms with people he finally let in. Having trouble with them and his aniki were really wearing down his nerves and energy. Pulling on a too-big-for-him pair of boxer shorts and an oversized t-shirt, Sasuke made his way to the living room where Itachi and Kisame were sitting on the couch.

Entering the room Sasuke stopped on Kisame's side of the chair, eyeing the way Kisame's arm was lounging over Itachi's shoulders, "Evening Kisame." Sasuke greeted. Kisame looked away from the television and gave a small wave with the arm not around Itachi,

"Hey chibi." Sasuke nodded,

"I'm going to bed now, aniki. I'll see you in the morning." Itachi flicked his gaze to his brother in mock indifference. That simple snap allowing him to take in his little brother's sparsely clothed frame,

"Oyasumi, Sasuke." Itachi murmured, turning back to the T.V. completely. Sasuke sighed, Itachi was still mad at him for some reason,

"Oyasumi, aniki." He whispered tiredly, retreating back to the sanctity of his bedroom. Once Sasuke was gone, his bedroom door shut firmly; Itachi allowed his tense body to slacken. Sasuke had looked absolutely delectably vulnerable today; Itachi had barely restrained himself from jumping the boy. His last tendril of control cracked slightly; if he didn't act soon, he would lose Sasuke to someone else forever. Itachi would 'not' let that happen.




A/N: IMPORTANT!! Rape is bad. Plain and simple as that. I do not accept or condone rape or attempted rape. Anything of an intimate nature (i.e: hugs, kisses, holding hands, sex) should all be consensual. (Meaning BOTH parties have accepted and are okay with what was happening). I add this because my dad told me that if I mentioned rape, and made it out to seem like a good thing, then some dumbass would go rape someone. DON'T DO IT!! Rape is a VERY bad thing. Do Not rape someone (or try). I will have possibly 2 more attempted rapes in this story (one will succeed; but I'm not saying to who and who by). This chapter, aside from getting to know Kyuubi, is basically to show the NEGATIVE effects that rape (or attempted rape) can have on a victim. And even so, I do not feel I portrayed the ugliness of it that well. I have a friend who, in high school went to a party, got cornered and was almost forced into sex. She got away with the help of some friends (and I think her dad) but years later she is STILL emotionally scarred. Even the mention of someone being rape or having it been attempted causes her to go into a mild relapse. Thus said, I will reiterate, RAPE IS BAD!! DO NOT RAPE AND OR ATTEMPT AND OR FORCE YOURSELF ON ANYONE. That is all; thanks for listening to my rant.