Beauty Beneath the Glass



Shiki Senri ... Toya Rima ... Two vampires attending Cross Academy as Night Class students.

For as long as they both could remember, they'd always been together.

Even when they were just toddlers first learning how to walk and pronounce their own names.

She remembers the little chestnut haired boy who used to call her "Weema" when he couldn't pronounce her name, and how he used to pull on her gold pigtails.

He remembers the little golden haired girl who would hit him everytime he tried to take that teddy bear away from her.


For as long as he could remember, Rima was the quiet one. The one who didn't say anything unless she had something to say.

She had always had that creamy white skin, and those deep blue eyes that he would get lost in everytime he stared at her.

There were times in which he would want to trail his finger tips over that white skin, and pierce into it, but he knew very well that it was just a vampire instinct. Or that's what he told himself when he didn't want to give into the fact that he had it bad.


For as long as she could remember, Shiki was the sleepy one of the two. The one who would take any chances he could get to fall asleep in some dark place undisturbed.

He always had that messy chestnut hair and those eyes that would make her cold shield melt.

There were times when he would grab her hands with his own, causing her skin to tingle, and send a weird sensation through her spine. It was just the cold. But that was just what she told herself when she didn't want to admit the truth that she was smitten by him.


Everyone knew that Rima and Shiki liked each other ... no ... loved each other. Everyone besides Rima and Shiki.

Those two were just too blind to see how the other felt. Sometimes ... they were just too thick to notice the slightest hint of affection.

How could they not fall for each other?

Both were models ... a great ones for a fact. Even Ichijo had a manga with a picture of Shiki on it.

Both had beautiful features, yet both had a bad adittude.

If only they could see ... the feelings each held.


Ever since they've known each other, they've been forced by their parents to become models, and go to outrageous photoshoots that could involve nude shots.

For all they knew, when one of them would pick up the phone, their agent would be yapping on and on about some random shoot in who knows where.

There was even this one time ... when Shiki was forced to take pictures in only boots and jeans ... nothing more.

Let's just say it was a hot day for Rima.


24/7 ... they're friends. Just plain ol' friends that go way back. Though they refuse to see the truth ... they can't help but get closer to each other, with each and every step.

But when he grabs her pale fingers with his, and pulls her close to him as the music plays in the background, he seems to forget the world around him and enter one of his own. One with only him and Rima. When her deep blue eyes mesmerize him into a trance he can't seem to break, he can't help but lean closer to her smaller form. And when he did, she would flush, but he would make himself think otherwise.


For several months, they had been attending Cross Academy, and have been students of the highly admired Night Class. Shiki's unwilling to tell Rima the truth about his hidden feelings. And Rima herself is afraid of giving the wrong impression.

But as they do ... they drift further apart. They couldn't help but feel jealous when another came into their lives such as the greaet Kaname Kuran, and many other aristocratic students.

After all ... how long could they keep it to themselves?


End of Prologue

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