This is my collection of short stories focused on the Percy Jackson series. They will vary from general/friendship fic, to Percy/Annabeth romance.

Title: In Which Grover Grows a Garden
Genre: Friendship/General
Rating: G
Characters: Percy + Grover
Summary: You'd think after going sword to sword with Ares or visiting the Underworld and living to tell about it that something as simple as flowers wouldn't be fascinating.
Notes: Set before Grover's departure on the 4th of July in The Lightning Thief.

It was something like amoebas; you know those blobs that all life started from or something like that? Anyways, when an amoeba wants to make another amoeba it just splits into two. I'm sure there's some fancy scientific name for this process, but since I can't remember it at all (let's face it, science stuff like this is kind of boring compared to blowing things up in the lab) I'm going to call it replication. So amoebas replicate, and at that very moment, Grover was playing something on his reed pipes that was having the same effect on flowers.

I couldn't help but stare. Even after all the crazy hijinks I'd been through, little things like this still shocked me. You'd think after going sword to sword with Ares or visiting the Underworld and living to tell about it that something as simple as flowers wouldn't be fascinating. Actually, I would probably never admit aloud I found flowers fascinating either- Annabeth would never let me hear the end of it and the Demeter kids might get the wrong idea.

But it was Grover, and letting Grover know that something he'd done impressed me always made him light up with a smile. And hey- isn't that what best friends are for?

"How are you doing that? It's really cool."

The reed pipe tune, which sounded a lot like something by Elton John, abruptly halted as Grover whipped his head around to see me.

"Oh hey Percy."

"That some sort of replication song?" I asked pointing to the row of flowers he'd made grow alongside cabin three.

Grover blushed, probably embarrassed that I'd caught him doing something like charming flowers. He shuffled his feet, suddenly very interested in a rock by his left hoof.

"It's a song of gratitude," he muttered.

That's when I noticed what type of flower it was. It was a water lily, but it was growing out of solid ground. A perfect gift for the son of Poseidon. Turning back to Grover, I met his eyes.

"Is this...I mean- for me?"

Grover nodded, once again finding the ground terribly interesting.

"What for?" I felt kind of stupid asking, but I honestly wasn't sure why he was thanking me. Annabeth, Grover and I had practically taken turns saving each other's life during the quest so it wasn't like thanking me directly for one of those instances would be necessary.

"For being my best friend, for wanting me to come along on the quest in the first place- a lot of things," he hurriedly said. Taking a few steps towards me, he stopped right in front of me. "But most of all, for believing in me. I wouldn't have gotten my searcher's license if it wasn't for you."

He said it so genuinely that I couldn't help but hug him, reaching a hand up to ruffle the curly hair between his horns.

"Thanks, man. You're one awesome satyr, Grover. Just remember that."

Grover sniffled, his head resting on my shoulder, "I'm going to miss you when I'm gone. It was nice having a best friend."

I pulled back, keeping my hands on his shoulders so he would look at me.

"Grover, we'll always be friends, no matter where you go or I go. So if you need me at all or just want to talk, just send me an Iris-message or call or whatever."

He smiled at that, "Okay, but only if you promise to do the same if you need me."

"Of course, G-man. You'll be the first to know."

"Percy! Grover!" I could hear Annabeth's voice calling out from near cabin six. "It's dinnertime, you two!"

"All right!" I yelled back, "Keep your shorts on!"

I didn't even have to look to know Annabeth was most likely blushing and scowling at me. Grover just laughed. Throwing my arm around Grover's shoulder I grinned.

"Okay, real quick before a certain daughter of Athena drags us to the Mess Hall- can you do that flower thing again?"

Grover's smile lit up, just like I figured it would, as he grasped his reed pipes and started to play what I'm almost certain was Crocodile Rock. Sure enough, the water lily replicated into two lilies, the new one moving itself over a few inches from the first one.

Concentrating as hard as I could, I felt that familiar tug in my stomach and a small pond of water seeped up from the soil and left the water lilies to float on the surface.

"There we go. Perfect."

I smiled over at Grover and he smiled back. It was probably the one and only time I would be proud of something related to me gardening. Definitely a monumental event that should be celebrated with lots of food and caffeinated beverages. Lucky for Grover and I, and our growling stomachs, it was dinnertime. Casting one last glance over at our lily pond, I challenged Grover to race me to the Mess Hall. He won, of course, but this time I didn't mind at all.