Authors Notes: Again I find myself with another idea for a Fan Fic, This is going to be a bit different then my previous Fics as The Dramione Pairing has been established previously and broken as this begins.I know i had already had another story on here that had the same title, I decided to change that story a bit, That is part of another work In Progresss I am working on actually and will have a new title and other things to it.

Anyways I hope you like this it was a piece that actually came to me in a dream believe it or not.Well in part another part well i'll let you figure it out a bit..Oh how i love to make my readers guess ..

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling, And everyone who is authorized to the rights of Harry Potter. I am just a fan no Copyright infringement is intended.

Please read and review.. Thank you!!

Another Chance At Love

Written By Alexaviera J Raven

Chapter One: The Unexpected Reunion

Draco Malfoy looked around The Great Hall from his seat at the Professors table. He took in the sights of the arriving students,They were piling in and settling themselves in their house tables. He kept an emotionless mask as he for a moment contemplated the students. He could feel their excitement as they piled in and were chatting amongst themselves. He recalled for a moment his youth as he had been a student at this fine school before he himself had become a Professor.

Minerva McGonagall the Head Mistress at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry sat in the middle of the long table looking at the students and she was writing on parchment. She looked over a moment at her colleague. "Draco, How are things coming with your classroom, You are prepared for tomorrow's lessons?" She asked the new Potions Master as he nodded quietly. "Indeed I am as always prepared. I look forward to shaping young minds, Here at Hog warts. " He then looked towards the Slytherin table and he saw a few faces smirking in his direction. Draco was the new Head of Slytherin house, He had taken over the Potions assignment after the retirement of Horace Slughorn. He felt a little unnerved by the way the children were looking at him for a moment, Then he noticed a few of them and he nodded back to them. There was respect in their eyes. He knew their parents of course most of them were the children of his friends from his days at Slytherin. To be honest he corrected his thought, They were children of his minions as there were no real friends for Draco Malfoy in Slytherin house except for Blaise Zabini who he had known since he was three years old and was his best mate.

He was lost in thought as Minerva turned to her left and looked at the other new Professor to their ranks. " And you Hermione my dear, are you prepared as well?" She asked her as she smiled. Hermione Granger was the new Transfiguration teacher, Minerva herself had asked her to replace her as such and she nodded. " Quite prepared as always Minerva, Though I know that this year is going to be different then I am used to, I am prepared for it. It's going to be a pleasure living here again and being able to teach young minds. " Professor McGonagall nodded. " Yes it is different as it will be the first year for You and Professor Malfoy's though having taught at Durmstrand must have prepared Mr Malfoy, As You having previously taught at Beaubaton Academy" She said as Hermione nodded. She was quiet as Draco was mentioned.

All The chairs were taken except for the proverbial D.A.D.A. Chair . To his right were professors, Sprout and Longbottom,Both of Herbology, Professor Binns,Flick wick,Vector. To his left were the Head mistress, Granger,Sinestra,Trelawney, Firenze, and at the end was a empty seat. Draco for a moment had caught eyes with Granger and he looked away. He shook his head as he wondered what she knew that he did not. The Great doors opened and a group of First Years opened and up stepped Professor Rubius Hagrid, The Games Keeper and Professor of Magical creatures, He was leading the first years to stand in the middle of the Hall and onto a make shift platform. In the middle of the platform stood a stool and a large grey and brown hat. It smiled as if it was finally happy to be awakened. It burst into a song.

Then it quieted as The first name was called to step forward, A student sat on the stool and the hat as if by magic was floating above them and it plopped on her head. " HufflePuff" it announced as then Hagrid read off more names, It was quite boring for Draco who watched but didn't really care as long as the sorting was finished soon, There were three more students to his house and not surprising they were Anabel Goyle, Vincent Crabbe jr, and Alexandre Krum who was a transfer from Durmstrand. He had taught Krum's son and knew the boy was gifted in Potions. He saw the look of respect as Alexandre stood and he gave a salute to Draco as he made his way to the Slytherin table.

He watched and then perked up intrest when he heard the name. "Caledonia Granger" Draco then watched as a little girl with silvery white blonde hair and steele grey eyes approached the stool, In her hand was a large tombe and she sat lady like her hands in her lap. The hat wasn't even completely on her head then it called out..


The little girl nodded and looked up at the Professors table and then she smiled quietly a moment and went to join the Slytherin's. Draco looked at her curiously then he smiled back quietly. He took in her features and he then relaxed. It brought back memories a bit and he was reminiscing as he then was snapped out of it He then looked at a blonde haired boy and he smiled as he tilted his head forward with great interest. "Scorpius Malfoy" The announcement was read by Hagrid. Scorpius stepped forward, His silvery white hair gleamed in the light of the candles that lined the ceiling of the great hall. He sat folding his hands in his lap and looking up a moment to Draco. Draco held is breath a moment and he nodded as the hat went on the child's head.

Hermione watched with some curiosity as well. She then smiled quietly a moment. Draco had taken that moment to look at Hermione. For a moment they looked at each other and then back at the child , She coughed a moment. Draco just was silent as he then waited.

The hat sat for a few minutes as it contemplated where to sort this child, It knew who it's father and mother were and it then pulled off his head fast. .


It roared out as Draco for a moment let out a breath then he stood up and clapped. The boy turned to look at him. Then he gave him a smile and walked to the Gryffindor table. Draco sighed as he shook his head but he gave his son a proud look. Scorpius sat down next to James Potter and then he smiled as he replied. "Welcome to Gryffindor" Scorpius nodded. "Thank you sir" James chuckled a moment. " I'm not a sir my father is, James Potter" He then shook Scorpius's hand. " Scorpius Malfoy, Your dad is Harry Potter?" He asked then he smiled. "Wicked" He then looked up at his dad who was looking over at a brunette woman and he smiled.

Maybe if Dad gets a girlfriend he will stop being such a prat about babying me so much

Scorpius was thinking this as he then saw the woman look up and he noticed her brown eyes, saw her face and he paused for a moment. " Who is that lady?" He asked as he looked at James. James gave her a glance, "That is Professor Granger, Head of Gryffindor House " He replied as he then chuckled. "She is my Dad's best friend other than my uncle Ron" He then turned to look at Scorpius. "My little brother Al is a first year too, But they placed him in Slytherin,It is odd though I think you are the first Malfoy in history to be a Gryffindor" James told him. Scorpius nodded. "Yes my mum was a Gryffindor, up till this year I thought I was going to attend Durmstrand because my Father taught there but here we are at Hogwarts" He then smiled. Then he closed his eyes. " Are you alright?" James asked. "My mum, She died when I was a baby" Scorpius just replied.

"Look here cry babies aren't allowed in school if your going to cry so much you should have been a HufflePuff" Scorpius turned to look at the girl who gave him a smirk. James shook his head. "Calley-Rose " He started as he was after all A Prefect. She smirked bigger. "Jim, I was just trying to let him know that it's not tolerated" She said as she then shook her head. "Really now why are you staring at my mum?' She asked the boy who sighed. "She reminds me of someone, My mum actually" He replied as he then looked sad. For a moment she took pity on him. " If it helps my Dad died when I was a baby also,He was a Slytherin" She said as she then looked up at her mother a moment who was looking at the blond professor. "Who is he?" She asked as Scorpius smirked. " He's my dad that's Draco Malfoy, He's head of Slytherin house and the Potions master" He said proudly. He then noticed. " Your Mum is looking at my Dad" Caledonia nodded. " I noticed your Dad is looking at my Mum as well."

"Caledonia Granger" She told him extending her hand to him.

"Scorpius Malfoy" He told her extending his hand to her.

They shook hands and then they both replied. "You think we should try and get our parents to like each other, I mean look they both teach so they have something in common, As well as they have kids who love them both,Besides I wonder since they both went to school here and my mum said she met my dad in school." Caledonia stated as scorpius nodded. "Wicked and brilliant ,atleast we can try" He then beamed and smirked. as He did he saw Caledonia give him a mirrored smirk and wondered if that what he looked like when he did that, He knew it was almost as good as a smirk his father did. He chuckled. "Must be a Slytherin thing" he replied as she laughed. " Maybe mum hates it when i do that for some reason" She then went to drink her pumpkin juice.

Then the speech was made with the usual rules and regulations,Then The Head Mistress nodded to Hermione and Draco both to stand. " Last but not least we are fortunate this year to welcome back two former students,So please welcome the arrival of our extremed colleagues Professor's Hermione Granger who will be teaching Transfiguration, And Professor Draco Malfoy who is our Potions Master"

Cheers and shouts went across the Hall as Draco and Hermione both stood. " In addition, Miss Granger will be the new head of Gryffindor and Mr Malfoy The new head of Slytherin" Hermione and Draco both smiled a moment then they looked at each other and the smiles faded slowly. He tilted his head and gave her a smirk. She snorted and sat down. He chuckled and sat also. Hermione just picked at her food as she saw her daughter look at her and she then gave Draco a look raised her eyebrow tilted her head and smirk. At that moment Draco saw the exchange and his heart stopped he for a moment coughed into his napkin as he then saw Scorpius give the blonde a look and he too smirked. It was uncanny as he saw the children both giving the patented Malfoy smirk and then he looked at Hermione who had gotten quite still. Her eyes darted to Draco's and he then just held her gaze a moment. Then they both coughed a moment and then Minerva smiled. She replied quietly. " My my I hope that you both aren't coming down with a cold" They shook their heads. Draco and Hermione's coughs had sounded like..

"Meddling Old Bat"

"Meddling Crone"

They then looked at each other and for a moment it was as if they were trying to decipher what the other was thinking.. They both got up after the Feast and went their sepperate ways, To their quarters and both were in a maelstrom of emotions. "How dare she do this?" Came Hermione's scream,She was looking around at her quarters in the North tower off of her classroom. "Why him? Why now when I just got my life straightened out,got over him?" She sat and she began to cry. She then decided she needed to take a walk and clear her troubled mind a bit. She ventured out to the lake and she stood there a moment just looking at the way the sky was alight with stars, She sat on the north side of the tree and looked at the lake,Deep in thought.

In the Dungeons below in his quarters off the Potions Classroom, Draco was screaming, "Anyone but her, Why Hermione of all bloody people?, She irritating and she's always right never wrong, She's.. Still my wife and yet she doesn't want a damn thing to do with me" He asked the walls of the dungeon that didn't answer him back. He decided he needed to get some fresh air and think alone, He knew that his yelling was doing nothing but giving him a headache and he really wasn't in the mood to create a headache potion to take. He got up and exited the dungeons and he decided he wanted to sit by the lake. It was a full moon out and there were thousands of stars in the sky. He sat on the South side of the tree and leaned back looking up. A shooting star crossed the sky then as they both saw it and they both made a wish on it.

It was the same wish, That they could make it work between them, Draco still loved her as much if not more since their seventh year of school. Hermione too still wanted him, Even after all the years they were apart.

In two parts of the castle there were two small lights on. The Gryffindor tower sat a small boy who was looking at the lake and he saw his Dad go out there. He had seen the Pretty professor too and wondered if they liked each other. Scorpius then noticed a light on the edge of the forest as if someone was holding a candle and he saw silvery white hair and he then saw the shooting star. And he closed his eyes.

I wish I had my Mummy

I wish I had my Daddy

Caledonia had seen the star and made a wish as she saw Professor Malfoy get up and heard him curse she had been curious. He had went to the tree and then she noticed her mum, She looked like she was crying . She was quiet as she turned to go back to the Dungeons, She was quiet as she passed the tree and neither saw her. She noticed the light in the Gryffindor tower however and saw the silvery white hair and smiled. She knew that they had to do something, She waved to Scorpius who waved back and then she descended into the opening of the dungeons. She went to her room and tried to think of a way to make her mum happy. she had an idea but she decided she would need Scorpius's help with it, And she knew her mum might get mad at her but in the end if she could make her mum happy with the Potions Master wasn't it worth it?"