The Covenant - Ty's Tied Up - Reid/Tyler

"Man, that thing's too ti--"

"Shut up Ty, it's just fine," Reid smirked, pulling on the tie currently keeping Tyler's wrists bound just for extra measure.

"Reid, come on, that's gunna leave marks and--"

"And then you can tell everyone about our sexcapades," The older teen chuckled, kissing down Tyler's neck, which was currently turning a lovely shade of red from the blush he was sporting.

"Yeah well... what am I gunna tell Caleb? And Pogue?"

"Does that matter, baby boy? I'll tell 'em," he grinned and ran his teeth across Tyler's neck, causing him arch into him.

"Reid, I swear to God if you leave a mark on my ne--"

"Like this?" he asked as he sucked and nibbled on Tyler's neck.

"Holy sh--"

Tyler was cut off by someone knocking on their door.

"Oh.. my.. God.. REID! Get off!" he whispered harshly, squirming and bucking under Reid to get him off.

Reid chuckled and kissed Tyler lightly, "Shush, Ty, I'll deal with it."

And by that he meant he was going to climb off Tyler and answer the door shirtless with his pants half undone and hanging off his hips.

"Pogue, hey," Reid grinned, keeping the door open enough for Pogue to see just him and nothing else. "Need something?"

"You weren't answering your phone, Caleb was wondering whether you and Tyler were still up for the movies tonight... where's Tyler?"

"Eh, he's a bit.. preoccupied right now," Reid shrugged. "So yeah, movies tonight, got it. Meet you there. Gotta go bye," he flashed him a grin and closed the door... only to have Pogue stop the door and push it open more.

"Oh God," Tyler groaned, looking up at the ceiling. "It's not what you think..."

Pogue looked between the beet-red Tyler and smirking Reid with amusement. " have Tyler... tied up... on your bed..."

"Great sight, isn't it?" Reid smirked, "Now if you don't mind, we sorta wanna... get down to business, y'know."

"God, I'm dreaming. This isn't happening. I'm gunna wake up any minute now. My God, help m--"

"Pogue?" They could all hear Caleb's voice carry down the hallway. "Everything alri-- okay..." Caleb walked in on the scene before him and just stopped.

Tyler groaned and closed his eyes, not understanding how in hell he was still tied up. "Just kill me now."

"Guys, guys, as much as I love an audience, me and Ty want some alone time here, huh? So you two go run off and do whatever you do when you're alone and leave me to torture baby boy here, alright?" Reid said as he ushered an amused Pogue and an equally amused and flustered Caleb out of the room.

"I hate you, Reid. Hate. You."

"You won't be saying that in 10 minutes," Reid grinned, closing the door and turning around.

"Bite me."

"Oh, I will."