Paralysis was a sensation she was used to. Whenever he was around, she felt it. Or, more accurately, she didn't.

It was like someone completely shut down her body when he was around. It made her mind turn off, and her lips move on their own. She babbled and stuttered, her face automatically becoming red.

Why it happened, she didn't know. She didn't understand why her body wouldn't respond when she saw his face or heard his name. It happened every time.

When she heard that he had left she was, in a way, slightly glad. Maybe she could finally be free of this curse. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. All it did was make the boy the talk of the town, and increased the amount of times a day that she heard his name.

Luckily for her, it eventually died down. The paralysis eventually faded, and was replaced by other things.

Several years passed. The once feeble and timid girl grew into a tough and confident young woman. She was stronger than she had ever been, and was growing stronger every day.

It was then she heard the news. He had returned.

She began to revert to her old ways. She hid behind walls and bushes, checking constantly to see if he was around. Waiting for the right moment to welcome him back.

When she finally ran into him, her old instincts took over completely. She panicked, hiding around the corner, thinking of the right things to say. Did he remember her? What would he want to talk about?

The hyperactive boy – or man, as everyone liked to call him now – solved her problems by coming over to talk to her instead.

Her face began to flush, and her mind reeled. Her tongue felt like useless stone in her mouth; heavy and unmovable. The unwavering smile in her vision began fading to black as she fell and passed out.

The paralysis was back.