Whispers before Promises

Whispers before Promises

Hola amigas and amigos!

MitshuiLuv: Garsh Courtney, you don't have to read it! .. No 'thanks for the review' for you! ... Butt head... (For everyone else, she is my friend so don't worry!)

x3WHITE: I can't tell you that! But thank you very much! I am glad you like it ! Thank you for the review!

Sora Keyblader: Review for Chap 1: Thank you! I tried to make him sweet since I don' like his usual mean-ness. Yay! I'm turning you into a sap! No, don't melt!

Review for Chap 2: Maybe, maybe not! Haha, yes he IS creepy like that. hates Fugaku. Thanks for your reviews!

RamenProductions: Thank you for the review!!

Last Time:

I closed my eyes, and slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep. I didn't even notice that through the slight opening in my door stood a figure, watching us as we slept.

Present Time:

-Mikoto's POV-

Tap, tap, tap

I heard light footsteps, and wondered who was up. I ignored it for a while, and then I heard them go back towards the way they came. It was only until the second time I heard the footsteps go by I started to get worried.

I heard the steps head back and I turned towards Fugaku. "Honey, I think someone's in the house." he just waved his hand and mumbled "It's probably just that brat, Sasuke."

I scowled at his words, and got out of bed. Walking towards the bathroom, I noticed Itachi's bedroom door open slightly. "That's weird. Itachi never leaves his door open." I thought. Deciding that it was too strange of a thing, I peeked into his room.

What I seen inside shocked me greatly. There, in Itachi's room, was Sasuke cuddled up to his brother. And Itachi was cuddling back. They looked so peaceful and happy; I wasn't used to Itachi being so nice to his brother. I smiled, quietly closed the door, and went back to bed.

I lay back down and look at Fugaku again, contemplating whether or not to tell him. I decided not to, since he would probably just go into the room and pull Sasuke out. Rolling around, I fell back asleep.


-Itachi's POV- (BTW, I am rarely doing Sasuke POV. Cause I cool like that, savvy?)

The first thing I felt was a bright light searing through my eyelids. I reluctantly opened my eyes and felt a bundle from beside me move. That's when I remembers Sasuke was in my room.

I smiled, gave him a kiss on the forehead and got up. I got ready and was heading for the door when I heard a groggy, tired voice from behind me. "Itachi? Where are you going?" he asked me while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I am going to have breakfast, and then train. Hurry and get dressed. I'll wait if you want." it didn't take much convincing as he ran into his room, got dressed, and ran back to me. "Can I train with you today Itachi? You could teach me how to use shuriken!"

We started walking, and he grabbed my hand. I looked down, and wondered how dad would react if he saw this. "If I can, then I promise I will let you, Sasuke. And don't they teach you how to use shuriken in school?" I asked.

He looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. "Well, yeah. But it isn't the same as if you were to teach me! Your better than all my teachers!" he gleamed at the end. We arrived in the kitchen, and sat at the table.

"Good morning boys! How was your sleep?" my mom asked, as if she knew something. I looked in her eyes, and confirmed that she seen us asleep last night. Yet she didn't seem to care...

"I slept great, mom! Ita... Aniki let me sleep in his room!" 'That was close. He shouldn't call me by my first name in front of our parents' she looked at him, then back at me, and smiled. "He did? That was very kind of you Itachi. I'm glad you two are getting along!" then father came in.

"Well, I'm not." he looked my way. "You are too old to allow your brother to sleep with you. It is not normal." Boy, he thinks that is abnormal? Wait until he finds out why I'm being so kind to Sasuke. "Not only that, but I don't want you to get soft. You don't need a distraction like him when you should be training."

Mother glared at him, looked back at us, and whispered. "Well, I think it's wonderful. Don't listen to your father; if you want to get along, it's great!" She stopped whispering. "Now, my little darlings, would you like some breakfast? Sasuke, you must be starving. And Itachi, you need energy if you are going to train all day!"

We nodded and she went into the kitchen. Fugaku (A/N: I'm gon' stop calling him father, k? He is hardly a father figure .) sat down and looked at me. "I want you to stop spending so much time with your brother. He is holding you back." I looked at him with cold, empty eyes.

"It would seem to me, father, that it is you that is holding me back, not Sasuke. Stop trying to control me, and maybe I will pay more attention to my training." I said. He fumed and looked away. "You are just going through a teenage rebellion. You had better wise up before I ban you from talking to Sasuke."

Right then, mother walked in with a tray and some plates. On the plates were some eggs, bacon, hash browns, and toast. She placed them in front of me, then Sasuke, Fugaku and then herself. We all thanked her and began eating as if nothing happened.

"Hey, mom? Do you think that maybe I could train with aniki today?" before she could answer, Fugaku interrupted "Absolutely not. You slept in his room, now leave him be so he can train." This time, Mother AND I glared at him. She looked over and answered "I don't see why not. If Itachi doesn't mind, then of course you can train with him."

Fugaku stood up and slammed his hand on the table. "No! He can't! And I am sick of you undermining me!" He raised his hand at her and she flinched. She was hand shy? Has Fugaku been hitting her?

"Learn your place, wretch, before I teach it to you personally." she slowly nodded and he walked out of the kitchen. She looked at us and smiled. Sasuke and I looked at her worried. "Hey, Itachi, you wouldn't mind taking Sasuke with you to train, would you? I think he would like that."

I shook my head, and she smiled. Sasuke got up, and ran to get his stuff ready. I took this as an opportunity to question her. "Mother... Has, has father been hitting you?" She looked shocked before smiling.

"Of course he hasn't sweetie! Why would you think that?" I just shook my head, knowing she was lying. "You flinched when he lifted his hand. It's a sign that someone has been hit." "Well, he hasn't Itachi. Please don't worry about these things! You just enjoy your childhood!"

Sighing, I nodded and looked at her again. "If he has, then tell me. You don't deserve to be treated like that." She gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead before saying "Of course, Itachi. I would tell you. Thank you." I slightly hugged back before she straightened up "Alright! Your brother should be almost ready! Thank you for agreeing to take him training with you, he has wanted to go with you for so long."

"Yes, you are right. It is no problem at all. I am thinking I will enjoy his company today." I finished as Sasuke ran in. "I am ready to go aniki!" he looked at mother, "Thank you so much for letting me train with aniki today mom! ... And you can tell me if anything is wrong! 'Cause I love you and I don't want you hurt!"

"Sasuke, you are such a sweetheart, but you don't need to worry about that. You are still just a boy." "I know! But still!" Laughing, she waved us out the door. "Have fun you two! And Itachi, you teach Sasuke whatever he wants to know!" I nodded and we went off into the forest.

"Itachi! Mom said you had to teach me whatever I want to know! You're being mean!" Sasuke had been complaining for almost half an hour because I wouldn't teach him any forbidden jutsus even though Mother told me to teach him anything. "I'm sorry, Sasuke. You are just too young and are not quite strong enough for those. I don't want you hurting yourself. Think of something else and I promise to teach you, ok?"

He looked thoughtful before nodding viciously. "Ok, Itachi!" His eyes narrowed "Anything?" I nodded and he smiled. "Ok. I want you to teach me how to be calm and brave like you!" I blinked. "That's it? I can't teach you that. I was born this way."

"B-but! You said you would teach me anything!" his bottom lip quivered. It looked so adorable and tempting. Laughing, I pulled him to me and planted my lips firmly on his. At first he was still, but he soon loosened and shyly pressed his lips on mine. I smirked against him and pulled away. "There. You kissed back didn't you?" He slowly nodded, not getting what I meant.

"You just kissed me, and I am your brother. That was brave." his eyes lit up and hugged me. "Thank you Itachi! You're the best!" After that we continued to train, and even snuck a few kisses in between each lesson. A while later, the sun started to set and we decided to head home.

"Hey, Itachi?" said Sasuke on my shoulders. "Hmm?" "Thanks for letting me train with you. I had a lot of fun!" I looked up at him and smiled. "No problem, Sasuke. I had fun too." He smiled back and rested his head on mine. "Love you, Itachi" he said in his groggy voice. "I love you too, Sasuke."

(At home with Fugaku and Mikoto) -Mikoto's POV-

A slam could be heard throughout the halls as Fugaku slapped me into a wall. "I don't think you have realized that you don't make the decisions here. You need to learn that you are worthless, and always will be."

Tears streamed down my eyes as I nodded. "Y-yes, d-dear. You r-right. I'm s-sorry" bruises were all over my arms and stomach from his beatings. "And since you are such a weak person, Itachi and Sasuke are starting to think I hit you!" he said, anger seeping in his voice. I decided to be brave and remind him "You do hit me. It's your fault that they have figured it out. Now my little babies are worried!"

Wrong move. He grabbed me by my shirt and threw me across the room. "If you treasure your life then don't you EVER talk back to me, understand?!" I nodded slowly and struggled to stand. He scoffed and walked away. I heard a cry to my right, and saw Itachi with Sasuke standing in front of the door. My eyes widened. How long had they been standing there?

-Itachi POV-

I had just walked in, placing Sasuke on the ground when I heard Fugaku in the other room. He seemed to be yelling. "And since you are such a weak person, Itachi and Sasuke are starting to think I hit you!" my eyes narrowed and I heard my mother's voice.

"You do hit me. It's your fault that they have figured it out. Now my little babies are worried!" I soon realized what was going to happen and I looked down at Sasuke. He look worried and was about to run into the room. I quickly bent down and whispered "close your eyes" before I tightly covered his ears. He listened to me and his eyes were soon closed.

There was a loud crash, a cry, and Fugaku yelling at her once again before leaving. Sasuke whimpered at the noise even though my hands were over his ears. Mother must have heard him, since she looked over, her eyes wide.

"H-how long have you two been there?" she asked looking away. I uncovered Sasuke's ears and told him to go to his room. He hesitated but when I sent him a firm look he nodded and left. I sat beside mother and wiped the blood from her face. "You lied to me, mother. Why didn't you tell me he was hurting you?"

She started crying and pulled me into a hug. "Because, my little baby. I didn't want you worrying about me. You are such a sweet child; I didn't need you wasting your life thinking about it." I rubbed her hair and sighed. "I could have helped you. I will help you. You don't deserve what he treats you, and I am going to end it."

She looked at me shocked, "Itachi! Don't talk like that! He is still your father, no matter what he does to me! Please. Don't do anything." We looked at each other before I sighed and nodded my head. She smiled lightly and thanked me.

"I should probably go talk to Sasuke. He is still young and probably doesn't fully understand what just happened." I said and she nodded. "Alright. Shall I come with you?" I was hoping that I could talk to Sasuke myself, but the thought of leaving Mother in this room alone when Fugaku came back sickened me, so I nodded.

We walked to Sasuke's room, and heard small sobs. We looked at each other and I opened the door. He didn't look up, but he twitched so I knew he knew we were there. "Sasuke? Come now, give your mother a hug" he looked up and ran to her, hugging her tightly, sobbing.

I closed the door and we sat him on the bed. "Sasuke. You are going to promise me that you aren't going to worry about this. I am going to fix it so that everything is happy, alright?" I rubbed his cheek and he nodded slowly. "Ok, It... Aniki-" Mother cut him off "It is Ok, Sasuke. I know you want to call him Itachi, so you can. Just be careful with it around your father." he smiled and nodded.

"Ok, Itachi. I trust you! Please make mommy and dad stop fighting." he jumped into my arms and sobbed, cuddling my stomach. Mother looked at us and smiled, and I smiled back. "Don't worry, I will. I promise you that." I felt him nod against me.

Mother came in, "you two don't need to worry about it right now. It is late and you are both very tired. You should go to bed." we nodded and Sasuke looked to me and then to mother. "Mommy? Can I please sleep in Itachi's room tonight if it's ok with him?" she nodded and looked at me. "Sure. Let's go".

I walked with him and mother behind me into my room. He quickly hopped into my bed and she came over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before moving back. He looked at me expectantly, his arms outstretched. I smiled and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek as well. Mother "Awed" before she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

She was about to leave, before Sasuke stopped her. "Mommy. Don't sleep in your room tonight, ok? You can sleep in my room!" smiling she nodded at Sasuke, before thanking him and bidding us goodnight.

I climbed into bed and hugged him tight to me. "Itachi? Will everything be ok?" he asked. "Of course it will be. Now go to sleep, you have school." He nodded and after a while I heard his breath even out. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I watched his frail form slowly moving with each breath and ended up falling asleep as well.

You likey?? Sorry it took so long!! I really hope it was worth it! Also, I REALIZE ITACHI WAS WAAAY OOC! But to be honest, he WASN'T OOC.


You see. Itachi was ordered by the Hokage to kill his clan, and he didn't complete the mission since he didn't kill Sasuke which is why he left. He begged the hokage not to tell Sasuke about the mission. And the reason he is always so mean to Sasuke afterwards is because he wants him to be strong, so it's actually for Sasuke's benefit. So, in reality, Itachi is a nice person!!


Please send me a review! It would make me ever so full of joy!! Love you all!