Another older story, but I reread it and fixed it up a bit so hopefully it's not too terrible: In this section we meet Meg's family, mainly her younger sister, who plays a large role in Meg's personal life, as well as the rest of Meg's immediate family. Also included is the story of the loss of her father and older brother.

"Meg? Meeeeeeeeg? MegMegMegMegMegMegMeg-" Meg's younger sister danced impatiently from one foot to the other, trying to get her older sister's attention. Meg, body more than halfway inside the large refrigeration unit, dug around and finally managed to lug a large beverage container out and onto the counter.

"MegMegMegMegMegMegMeg-" She paused for a second to take in a deep gulp of air before continuing,


After a few more minutes of the constant noise, Meg turned to her sister with a mock innocent expression on her face,

"Oh…were you talking to me?" Miranda gave her an exasperated look then asked,

"Meg, can I ask you a favor? Pleeeeaaaaaase?" Her eyes became huge and pleading. Meg froze and looked wearily at her sister. Uh oh, a favor? This could not end well. She eyed her suspiciously and asked,

"Depends on what kind of favor you're asking and whether or not anyone would be killed in the process." Miranda crossed her arms defiantly and stamped her foot,

"I'm not some sort of walking hazard, you know. All I wanted to ask was if you'd let me and Millie borrow your transport for the day." Meg started, causing her to spill the cup she was pouring.

"Oh, drat. ..wait, what did you say?"

"Geeze, way to freak out. It's no big deal! We just want to go to the Mall and maybe, you know, fly around down town for a bit and then, like, meet up with some friends later."

"No big deal? Do you honestly think I'd be ok with you flying around down town, where there are thousands of innocent citizens walking around? I don't think so. And besides, you're not even old enough to drive yet." Meg grabbed a near-by towel and mopped up the mess. Suddenly she stopped and swung around to face her sister, an accusing look on her face, "Wait a second. Miranda, have you been taking Mother's transport out again while she's not looking?!" Miranda kicked at the smooth metal floor of the kitchen and avoided her sister's eyes,



"Ok, ok I only took it out once!"


"…maybe it was a few times, but it was only around the neighborhood! And Millie was with me!" Meg blew out an exasperated breath,

"Oh yes, with Millie. That makes me feel a whole lot better about my little sister breaking the law by flying around on Mother's vehicle." She strode over to the sink and wrung out the dripping towel, while Miranda sat at the center island, pouting.

"Why are you so mean to Millie? She's my best friend!"

"Since when? I thought Mackenzie was your best friend; you two have been inseparable since you were both five. Then suddenly a month ago you're only hanging around with Millie. Did you have an argument or something?" Meg absently tossed the towel down a near-by chute, refilled her cup and joined her little sister at the center island. Miranda sat with her head down on the counter,

"No, we didn't…I guess I just liked Millie better. She's so much more fun to be around." She looked hopefully back up at Meg, "Can we please borrow your transport?"

"Not on your life, baby sister." Meg took a sip then continued, "Can't I just give you two a ride as usual?"

"No way!"

"Why not? You used to be fine with that! I even dropped you off a few blocks away from the Mall so you wouldn't have to be seen with me." Miranda buried her face in her folded arms, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Because that's so lame, Meg!"

"What do you mean lame?...wait are you saying I'm lame?!"


"What exactly is that supposed to mean?! Ok, granted I realize that having the only Earth Specialist on Mars as an older sister won't win you a popularity contest but you don't honestly think I'm lame, do you?"

"Ok, maybe you're not exactly lame but…sorry to tell you this sis, but you're kinda…old." Meg choked on the sip she had taken and after a few seconds of coughing she slammed down the cup, glaring at her sister.

"WHAT did you just say?"

"Don't take it the wrong way, Meg, but seriously you're like, a million years older than me. So I can, like, only be seen with you for so long." Meg stared at her in disbelief.

"I'm only twenty-eight! And you," She shot her sister another warning glare before she could say anything else, "are only fifteen. Last time I did the math that's only a thirteen year difference…which is pretty far from a million years, genius." Miranda shrugged and rolled her eyes at her sister,

"Whatever, Grandma." Before Meg could think of a comeback, a gentle but firm voice suddenly cut into the conversation.

"Are you two at it again?" The sisters turned and saw their mother stride into the kitchen, carrying a vase filled with flowers. Both sisters suddenly burst out at the same time,

"Mother, Meg's cramping my style-!"

"Mother, Miranda's calling me old-!"

They both stopped and glared at each other. Their mother only chuckled and set the vase down on the counter between the two of them.

"Alright, that's enough, girls. Meg, do try to get along better with your little sister, will you dear?" Miranda smirked at Meg. "And Miranda, darling, you know your sister can't get away from work very often so shouldn't you be a little kinder to her?" Meg looked smugly at Miranda, who pouted, "And don't you have some homework you have to finish up before dinner as well?"

"Yes, Mother." Miranda slid out of her seat and headed towards her room. She paused in the doorway, turned back to her sister and said sweetly,

"Are you going to be ok, sister dearest? I don't want to tire your old bones out with all my youthful demands, I know how hard it must get at you age." Laughing, she darted away to her room before Meg could reply. Meg stormed to the hallway and shouted back at her,



Meg returned to the island, fuming, while her mother chuckled again and began arranging the flowers. She let her daughter cool down a bit before remarking,

"My, what lovely flowers. Are these from the lab?"

"Partly, the tulips and the roses of Sharon were grown in the lab but I grew the lilacs back at my apartment. Apparently, lilacs do quite well in the Martian enviroment." She watched her mother move the flowers arund until she was satisfied with the arrangement. Meg gazed at the vase, momentarily lost in thought.

"You know, Meg, your father would have been quite proud of you." Her mother's gentle voice jarred Meg from her daydreaming and she looked at her mother with a surprised look on her face,

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course I think so. He would be so pleased that at least one of his children learned to love Earth as much as he did." A look of deep sadness passed over her face. Meg got up and sat beside her mother, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Father would have been proud of you you kept going even when you had to bear the sorrow of not only losing him but also...losing Micah." It wasn't easy for either of them to remember that one day that changed their lives. Meg could remember it clearly, since she had already been fifteen when they heard the news.

Meg had been at home, babysitting her then two-year-old baby sister while her mother waited at the spaceport to pick up her father and older brother. Miranda had recently "discovered" Meg's hair and would often reach for it, petting it or more commonly - gleefully tugging at it. Meg had been right in the middle of trying to pry Miranda off when the communicator buzzed. Laughing with her baby sister still refusing to let go, she answered it,

"Haha! Hello?"

"...Meg?" Meg could tell by the sound of her mother's voice that something was terribly wrong.

"Mother, where are you? everything ok?"

"I - I don't know yet, dear. But could you think you could watch Miranda until I get back? If I don't return before her bedtime, just put her to bed."

"O-ok, Mother...yes, that's fine. I'll take care of her."

"Thank you, Meg. Oh, I have something to attend to, I'll call you later, alright? I love you-" Meg heard the click on the other end of the line. She looked at the communicator, puzzled and slightly nervous. But another hard yank on her hair from Miranda immediately snapped her back into the present and she returned her attention to her squirming sibling. She held her sister r at arm's length and gave her an over-exaggerated angry look. Her sister clapped her hands happily, shrieking with laughter and reached out towards Meg. Meg laughed again and gave her a quick hug, putting her in a soft playpen before Miranda could grab another tiny fist-full of hair. Miranda pouted at first and tried to crawl out to reach her sister, until Meg placed her favorite toy next to her. Miranda's tiny eyes sparkled with excitment as she grabbed the doll, hugging it tightly. Meg watched her little sister playing contently in her playpen, while a small voice nagged at the back of her mind, reminding her of the fear and despair she had heard in her mother's voice.

What had happened...?