A/N: Here's what you missed (on Glee!) in the past few chapters, since I'm sure none of you actually remember. It's been so long! I'm very sorry for the wait. Anyway, Ron and Hermione went to visit Harry at the Dursley's in order to give him information about Voldemort. While there, they discovered secrets about Harry's home life that he had neglected to tell them. This offers insight that slightly changes the way they perceive him. Harry has a "vision" about Voldemort's plan to get Harry secluded, and then surround and kill him. Harry talks to Dumbledore about this, and they agree that Harry will resume Occlumency with Snape, and Snape will be in charge of getting as much information a possible from Voldemort. Harry becomes a skillful Occlumens, and uses this to his advantage when he faces Voldemort. When the Weasleys (and Malfoy, who has been staying at the Burrow) run out to help him, he is flooded with a power he didn't even know he had. He drops his wand as magic flows through his hands and creates a shield, keeping the onlookers out of danger's way. He kills the Dark Lord, then runs. Ron, Hermione and Ginny take a portkey and arrive at Hogwarts a few days late.

Hagrid greeted us when we arrived, his eyes red and his beard soggy. "C-come in," he choked. We had just dropped our stuff off in the dorms, and Fred and George had gone to meet with Flitwick about something. They'd be heading back home later that night.

We sat awkwardly on Hagrid's giant couch, each of us wanting to say something helpful, but none of us knowing what.

"It's such a strange thing," Hagrid grunted, pouring us tea with shaky hands. "How this really great thing that happened is also so—" he cut off.

"I know," Hermione acknowledged.

"Have yeh at least heard from him?"

Hermione shook her head and accepted the giant mug of tea Hagrid offered. I took mine, and sipped anxiously. Ginny sat next to me. She'd been uncharacteristically quiet.

"What do you think, Hagrid?" Hermione asked, peering at him as though he could provide her answers I couldn't.

"'Bout Harry?"


Hagrid seemed to choke in a sob, then composed himself a bit and said, "Dunno, Hermione. But Harry's strong."

"I know he's strong," she said impatiently.

"But he's also smart. Don' forget that."

That seemed to be the right thing to say.

We trudged up to the Common Room, dreading having to attend dinner. We wouldn't go, but we hadn't eaten since that morning and we needed food. We presented the Fat Lady with the password McGonnagall provided us with, and crawled through the portrait hole. A few people were in the Common Room as we entered it, and they stared at us. They nodded at us respectfully when we passed them, and they were smiling. It took me a minute to remember that most people were celebrating the defeat of You-Know-Who.

Hermione and Ginny followed me up to my dorm, where Neville was ready to greet us.

"Hey, guys," he said as I moved to get a better look at what was sitting on my bed. "Oh yeah," Neville said, following my glance, "Fred and George left that for you guys. Said they thought you'd like to stay away from the Great Hall tonight."

They had been to the kitchens, and returned with a basket full of food. I silently thanked my brothers and dove into the feast, hardly remembering to pass some around.

"It's great, isn't it?" said Neville. We stared at him. "About Voldemort. It's really over, you know. It's over." There was truth to that, and there was plenty of reason to be cheerful, but I could hardly force a smile. "I know you're upset," Neville went on, "but I think he's okay." We didn't answer. "He's Harry. He's okay."

I just nodded and handed him a sandwich, which he accepted gratefully. We ate in silence.

Everyone in the school seemed to be fascinated with us. If they weren't staring at us, they were stopping to have a chat. They wanted to know details of what had happened; how it happened; which of the rumors were true; and where, they kept asking, where was Harry Potter?

Malfoy had been shooting us glances as well, but not his usual, sneering ones. He looked at us with the question in his eyes: any news? A subtle shake of our heads, and we kept walking.

Not much changed as the week progressed. I had taken to carrying Harry's wand around with me, as though hoping it would summon him back. Speaking of… "Accio Harry!"

Well, it was worth a try.

Harry's perspective

The beds were comfortable there. Soft. And the sheets smelled clean and new. I breathed in and rolled over. The sun was peeking in through the window, and I knew I had to get out soon. I had been sneaking into various hotels and inns and taking shelter in their rooms. I would have paid, but I didn't actually have any money with me, and the last thing I wanted to do was walk through Diagon Alley to Gringotts. I climbed out of bed, took a shower, and changed back into the only clothes I had with me. Fortunately for me, these places frequently had laundry rooms.

I left through the front door; I find the most discreet way to sneak around is to do it in plain sight. No one expects the guy casually strolling by the front desk to be staying there illegally.

My lack of wand turned out to be an issue. Wandless magic isn't easy. Whatever came over me that night when I used it must have been triggered by something powerful, because I hadn't been able to find it again. If I concentrated really hard for long enough, I could usually make something small happen just out of frustration, but nothing significant. But it didn't matter. None of it mattered anymore.

The great thing about this place I'd been wandering around was that no one knew me. The name "Harry Potter" meant nothing to these people. The what who lived? The chosen who? Just words.

What amazed me the most was Hannah. I'd met her when I was hiding out in the library—one of the few places I could go without having to spend money. She sat next to me and commented on the book I was reading.

"It's really beautiful, you know," she said. "The whole story. I think we can all identify with Holden in one way or another, at least sometimes."

"Yeah," I said.

"I'm Hannah."


"Do you live around here?"

"No. You?"

"My family does. I'm here visiting them."


"So what brings you here?"

Normally I'd make something up or change the subject, but this was different. I wasn't Harry Potter. I didn't have to be anything. "I don't really have anywhere else to go."

She considered me for a moment. "Aren't you in school?"

"I should be," I said with a small laugh.

"Running away?"

I looked at her. There was something very safe about this girl. "Yes."

"Come with me." She took my hand and pulled me toward the exit; The Catcher in the Rye fell onto the couch.

We ended up at a beach, and the sand was soft and the waves were loud, and Hannah and I sat there and were. Just were. It was the strangest thing, lying on the sand, propped up on my elbows, this girl I just met sitting next to me, not worrying. Just being.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" she whispered. "So strong. Menacing, almost. But under it all, there's a whole other world."

She was right, and I told her so.

"Doesn't it make you feel small?" she asked.

It did. It was good.

Hannah and I didn't leave until well into the night. We rested in the sand and stared at the sky and the stars, and the world washed over us. When we finally left so that Hannah could head back to her family, we stood in front of her house for a long time.

"Would you like to come in?"

"I can't."

"Will you be around tomorrow?"

I hadn't stayed in the same place for more than a day yet. "I—yes."

"Meet me here at noon."

She smiled and kissed me on the cheek and was gone.

I didn't go back to the hotel. I couldn't. Instead, I walked. The streets had become bare as the sky got darker and a chill fell over the town. I was looking for something, and I wasn't sure what it was, but I'd been looking for it since I left the Burrow. But as I strolled down the sidewalk, I noticed that I wasn't looking as hard.

Ron's perspective

I tucked Harry's wand back into the drawer of my nightstand, and glanced at the bed next to me. It was still empty, but if I looked hard enough, I could see the outline of my friend's figure resting on the pillow, his hair falling over his scar.

A/N: WOAH. An update! What is this magic?

Hey, guys! I missed you, and I missed this story. It's been over TWO YEARS. I can't even believe that. So, I refuse to once again say, "Sorry this took so long, but I haven't abandoned this story and it'll be updated again soon!" and then not update in twelve years. So to avoid this problem, I'VE FINISHED THE FIC. That is correct. This fic does have an ending, and it's been written. I can therefore guarantee that updates will be coming AT LEAST every two weeks. There isn't much left now. I just have to divide it into chapters and figure out which parts I should post when. Please review and let me know what you think! If there's anything you're dying to see happen, I can try to work it into the upcoming chapters before I post them. Any feedback at all is wonderful. =)