Summary: Two-shot: Naruto Uzumaki finds a stray kitten on the streets of Konoha while heading on his way back to his dingy apartment in the slums and saves it from starvation. For the good deed done, the kitten decides to kindly show his affection. Yaoi. NaruSasuNaru. Lemon. AU
Rating: M
Pairings: NaruSasuNaru
Content/Warning: Semi-edited (working on it,XD), Yaoi (MaleMale), character death, WAFF, Alternate universe/reality(AU/AR), crude humor, and profanity Oh, and the fact that Sasuke is supposedly containg a body of a sixteen-fifteen-year-old, shouta.
Disclaimer: Look at my profile for a full disclaimer. I keep forgetting to put it up in the other stories and decided that I would just place one on my pro saying it's for each and every story I type for a fandom. It's nice and says I DON'T OWN NARUTO. Since it's the only fandom I am currently writing about. Oh, and I accept requests to write stories for any fandom and particular types of depends. X3
AN: Konoha is a modern (fictional) city in Japan throughout the story!
Nya- meow
Bishounen-beautiful boy/male
Nya--aaaa! Sorry for a long wait, but I had so many things going on and I just got a kitten recently! His name is Teddy! He had black and white fur, green eyes, and he's just such a cutie(he looks like a one of my teddy-bears plushes!! I'm training him as I write this story, Teddy is my inspiration! Mwahs! Please read and review if you can!
By: Meshi Chu
Naruto couldn't believe it!
It is frickin' raining cats and dogs outside and he had just got out of work! No one cares enough to fucking tell him that it had been raining the shit-load outside! The blonde was beyond furious, beyond pissed, and beyond wet. He was soaked to the bone.
Naruto decided to just walk, obviously giving up hope to get dry and prevent from getting sick. His apartment resided in an old building in the slums of Konoha city.
The blonde man of twenty years worked at a local restaurant as a waiter, nothing else. He hated his job, but it was all that was available to him. He couldn't afford to go to college. Heck, he can't afford a decent apartment.
Naruto leisurely strode down the sidewalk and turned into one of the alleyways. It was a shortcut he knew and used it quite often when he was late for work. He's been up and down and around these alleys so much that he even knew the bum's name that lived in the box. The poor thing was put out on the street after he lost his job. The man was truly nice. Naruto always looked forward to greeting said bum because the man always had words of wisdom. If he remembered correctly, the bum was once an erotic novelist.
Naruto spotted the crude looking box; it was soaked and most likely, the person living in it as well. The blonde spotted legs obviously sticking out of the box and he grinned. Somehow, all the whether that Konoha receives, the bum never got sick through it all.
Naruto strode over to the box and kicked the box, "Hey Jiraiya, ol' man!"
Nothing stirred of the visible legs and Naruto stared at the box like it was stupid. He kicked it once more. Still nothing. The blonde frowned deeply, but it disappeared as soon as he heard a small sound, "Ew."
Naruto's frown returned, "Ew? "
He didn't like how that sounded. Ew. It didn't even resemble the tone of voice Jiraiya held. Naruto looked into the box and saw darkness. He faintly saw the outline of the man wearing ragged clothing, but there was something else. Something else making the noise.
Naruto jumped back slightly but stood peering into the box. There was something moving around inside of the box and it wasn't Jiraiya. A sleek and short figure made its way towards the entrance/exit of the box. Naruto stood frigid, waiting, standing there as it approached him. He heard keening noises from the figure as it kept stalking forwards and getting louder.
When it finally appeared in front of him, Naruto was surprised at how fast his heart was beating to be scared of a mere kitten. The poor thing was drenched and it was meowing painfully. Its black fur hung miserably around the small frame of the kitten and it's eyes pleaded with hunger. Naruto gave it a weak smile and looked back into the box where Jiraiya lay.
He knew what happened.
Naruto left the box and the kitten behind.
His mourning had already begun. The kitten belonged to the old man…and it made him wonder how long he has been dead because the poor thing looked starved.
He walked silently through the last expanse of alleyway. Well, silence was soon filled with desperate whines from the small kitten. Naruto looked behind his shoulder and saw the thing trailing carelessly behind him. It was a poor sight, he knew it. To leave behind the animal like that wasn't like him, but he couldn't bare to take the small creature with him, it would cost more money than he had.
"Nyan-Nya, Nya!"
The kitten had caught up to him and rubbed at his leg at an attempt for attention, but Naruto ignored it. He felt a bubbling inside of him while the desperated creature rubbed against his pant leg.
His leisure pace picked up as he ran down the alley and down the sidewalk towards the red broken down building he lived in. Too bad he didn't notice the small stalked he had trailing hot on him. The kitten was there when he began to open the entry to the building.
The blonde growled silently at the kitten and picked it up by the scruff of his neck.
"Nya-Nya, Nyaa!"
The kitten mewled contently as Naruto stroked it's fur with the white towel in attempt to dry him. The blonde had found that out the hard way.
He stopped rubbing the towel carelessly and took a look at the tiny kitten. He was completely dry and Naruto let a warm smile grace his features. The small he-kitten was very amusing to watch. He jumped down from Naruto's lap and onto the blue couch to curl up in a ball.
Naruto saw the kitten fall into a deep slumber and decided it was time for his own night of rest. It was late, around midnight, and he needed sleep for tomorrow's shift. It took him a full three hours for Naruto to actually feed the kitten, wash it up, and dry him. The bundle of fur put up a fight.
As he recalled, the kitten's name was Sasuke, ninja warrior (1).
What a freaking name.
Sasuke is the version of the devil in cat form. Shit, Naruto couldn't believe the kitten can resist so much. The blonde believed full-heartedly in the rumored, "Cat's hate water," theory.
Maybe he himself should take a bath now.
He did, and a full twenty minutes of refreshing warm water made him feel terribly sleepy. Thus, he jumped right into bed, naked. He hated the boundaries of clothes while sleeping, it felt unnatural…
The blonde snuggled into his blue quilt and orange colored pillows. He sighed in happily, another night of sleep always got to him as the only true break he's gotten.
Naruto tossed and turned but couldn't shake the feeling of content he had that prevented his actual sleep. Sure, it was relaxing lying on his bed peacefully, but he wanted some real sleep.
Then, sweet thoughts of the Sasuke filled his head and he felt his eyes droop.
He can just envision the small creature still on his blue couch, sleeping, his body curled up, and fur bristling slightly against the warm heated air that struck it.
Naruto;s eyelids closed shut and a soft kitten filled his head with sweet nothings.
A soft timbre voice echoed throughout the room belonging to Naruto. The voice was male, around the age of a teenager, and caused violent shivered reactions from the blonde.
Tanned eyelids fluttered open and sleepily gazed into onyx irises. He gasped, but it was quickly cut off as pink lips closed over his own. Naruto was fully awake, now.
His eyes kept open even though the other pair was currently not in his sight, he raked his vision over a naked moonlit body.
The window left nothing to imagination as the moon provided enough light for Naruto to ogle the body of this boy kissing him. He saw beautiful pale skin illuminated by the moonlight, black-almost blue hair frame a soft teenaged face, and a body with slight curved hips. This boy kissing him had a nice figure, well toned body, slim but firm arms and legs, and a small almost unnoticeable curve on the hips.
Naruto felt his groin stir, it's been so long since he's seen such a beautiful specimen. It's been so long since he has any human contact. It's been so long since he had sex last.
Naruto felt the kiss last for an eternity (more like ten seconds) until the bishounen on top of him broke the simple touch of lips. The blonde was left panting and staring up into the endless black eyes again.
The bishi spoke, "Nyaruto?"
Naruto melted; he drooped back onto the bed and watched as the boy looked at him with question clearly written on his face. He loved the way his name was said, even though wrongly said, it still sound so…seducing…
This boy, he was so familiar and Naruto had no idea his dreams would ever involve a minor. Hell, he'd never suspect himself of becoming a pedophile. This boy looked no more than over fifteen or sixteen.
Naruto gulped, "Um-Um, yes?"
The boy titled his head to the side and buried his head into Naruto's neck. Naruto had and inner-fight with himself, it was so hard keeping self-control with such a delicious looking boy in front of him.
"Mmmmm…" Then, there was a slight sound emitting from the boy, he was…purring?
That can only consider being such a turn-on for Naruto.
'The hell with it, it's only a dream!' Naruto gripped the boy by the shoulders and lifted him up to gaze back into black irises. He was lost within them. The boy tilted his head again cutely and Naruto gave a low coo, 'Kawaii…'
The boy grinned softly and Naruto gripped his thin hips and roughly jerked his body so that they grinded down onto the blanked right where the blonde's hardened member lay.
Naruto groaned and his eyes rolled into the back of his head, it's been too long.
The boy above him also gave out his own little moan, thus making Naruto growl deeply and kneed the flesh beneath his fingers. They began a steady pace of grinding against one another, the quilt clearly getting dirtied between both males and their "juices."
Something clicked inside the blonde's head from the familiar way Sasuke was saying his name…Nyraruto? Nya..ruto? Nya-ruto…Nya…the way a cat (or kitten) meows in word fowm?! Naruto blinked through his lust and stared deeply at the boy, his hair was the color of that kitten's fur! The boy he was currently grinding up against is Sasuke the kitten!
Okay, he did fall asleep dreaming about the small creature, but that didn't mean it had to turn into an erotic dream where said kitten turns into a sexed up teenage boy!
This just has to be a dream…
Naruto decided to test his little theory and called out, "Sasuke?!"
The kit-boy-it, panted in pleasure as he looked up through dark bangs. He titled his head to the side (as a kitten does) and grinned maliciously. The boy is Sasuke.
Naruto felt so dirty. He was there, lying on his bed, dry-humping with this boy-kitten. Naruto couldn't even grasp the concept of him imagining such a thing, a kitten turning into a boy. Ugh, was his dreams fucked up.
The blonde moaned in confusion…and for the fact that Sasuke has been grinding his ass down hard onto his covered erection over, and over, and over, again. Through the cloud of daze set off in his mind, somewhere deep down in the watered juices of his brain, he had to stop this.
Naruto mustered up some very little self-control left and gripped at the curved hips. Sasuke looked up at him with a pondering gaze, "Nya-n, Nyaru?"
There was no doubt in Naruto's mind that he wanted to fuck Sasuke's brains out but this dream was just too weird for him!
"Stop," he firmly stoked Sasuke side and the kitten-boy gasped and weakly protested.
Naruto's hands slid up and onto the broad shoulder, he pushed.
The world blurred in his vision and Sasuke was on his back. He blinked and stared at he ceiling. He lifted his hands as if trying to catch it.
Naruto sat, watched with fascination as Sasuke tried to catch moonlight dancing on the ceiling, and flopped down onto his pillow with a groan.
Okey-dokey, the next chapter is last, there shall be lemon there (unless I get lazy) and (1): Sasuke's name means ninja warrior...ironic...ugh…X3, Teddy sleeping in my lap as I speak..erm, type?XD He's going to be two months on the fourteenth! He already knows how to use the litter box, keep off the couches/furniture, and not scratch with intention of hurting. He only scratches when he plays, that's why, we can't cut his nails yet, too young! Ja!