So sorry again for not updating! Exam week though, and I've been very busy! Here's some more Quogan cuteness! Enjoy!


You had to bring up the J-Phone didn't you?

How was I supposed to know it would do that?

You're the smart science-y person.

Hmm, I can live with occasionally goofing off.

And maybe goofing around.

Okay, have you met Chase?

In sixth and seventh grade alone, he rode his

bike into about 7 separate things, fell down

the stairs about 4 times, and tripped more

times than I could count on my hands AND

toes! I trip ONCE, and I'm as clumsy as him?





Okay okay, don't bite my head off.

I was kidding about the J-Phone

and being clumsy.

You aren't in a good mood are you?

So the tutoring thing is a go then?


Write me back.




I'm sorry. But right before I opened your email,

my dad had been yelling at me, because he

had just gotten my report card. Not that great.

Basically he was telling me I couldn't do

anything right. So, your email rubbed me

the wrong way I guess. I'm very sorry.

Please forgive me? Seeing you not sign

"Love" actually scared me. And that itself

scared me as well.





I'm sorry too! I didn't mean to

come off sounding like that!

I'm just not in the best mood

either. Seattle is very boring,

rainy, and you're not here.

That makes it even worse.

I miss you so much. I can't wait

until school starts up again.

Here's a bunch of love!

Love love love love forever,


R&R Please!