Oliver looked into Lily's blue crystal eyes

Chapter 3

Last chance

Oliver looked into Lily's blue crystal eyes.

"wow," He mumbled he struggled to express the rest of his words, "They make all the gems in the world seem like insignificant rocky pebbles you put all diamonds to shame." He brushed her face into his hands. Lily bit her lip. What is Oliver talking about? She thought to herself.

"Oliver, if I didn't know any better I would think you were serenading me with your sweet words." She giggled at the mere thought. As if, I think Oliver has some better taste then me. She shook her head and smiled broadly. He's words seemed so sincere and very wistful. Lily held onto Oliver's hand and closed her eyes. He smelled like axe the body spare. Lily loved that scent. "Lily, I must confess something." Oliver took his hand off of Lily's cheek and cleared his throat. "Lily Truscott I am in.."

Just then Oliver was cut off by a handsome boy with tan skin and dark brown majestic hair. It was Joe. Oliver slummed over to his stirring wheel and hit his head against it. "Perfect timing." Oliver sighed sarcastically. He then murmured under his breath so that he could only hear himself. "As usual should of seen that coming the Jonas boy know how to make an entrance." Oliver bit his lips, "Man do you mind? I am trying to profess."

Joe smiled gloomily to Lily and motioned his head back to Oliver. "I am sorry man but I really need to talk to Lily. I don't think I could go another minute without expression my feelings to her." Joe pleaded with his sparkling honey eyes. Oliver rolled his own pair of eyes as Lily sighed at Joe.

Oliver's prologue

Never once had Lily looked at me with those eyes. How I longed for her to stare at me with those memorized eyes. Those eyes of love stricken desire and longing of the person they fell on. She would never look at with those eyes. I folded my arms my eyes burned my heart ached. Well I didn't have to humiliate myself and make her feel uneasy. She just shattered my heart without even rejecting me with words. I know there was only one thing to do. I had to let her go and be happy even if it wasn't in my arms she would be. I would wait forever for her just hope she realizes how much I love her. I huffed out a breath as Lily shook her head and looked at me. She could tell I was upset,

"Actually, Joe" Lily bit her lip and saw how unhappy I was that he had interrupted me, "You had your chance to talk to me and you just left me hanging and waiting. Oliver was talking to me and it sounded like he had something important to tell me." I smiled at her reaction to Joe. But deep down I knew she wanted to talk to him very badly. I couldn't blame her. He was everything I am not and everything she longed for. He was funny, well so was I but not purposely. He was smart and talented and charming..

Wow I am really out of the standards. I took a deep breath in. This is by far one of the hardest things I had to do. I grabbed Lily's hand and kissed her cheek. "It's okay Lily." I forced myself to say, "You go talk to Joe, he seems to have gone out of his way to come here." Lily looked into my hazy fogged eyes. She looked a bit confused but she did as I said. I knew that was what she wanted and I wasn't going to get in her way of happiness.

She got out of the car and began to walk away with Joe. I frowned as she walked further away from me and out of my sight. But before I could reach for my radio Joe's head popped over,

"Thanks man." He replied greatful. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah sure, sure. I did it for her not for you." I said sternly.

"all the same." He replied in a harmonized tone. "A million thanks, more then I can give."

He really seemed to like Lily. He better treat her right I grunted my teeth. If Lily gets with him then I am not through. I need to have a talk with him alone. But for now I'll just let them have their moment, even though each minute they spent alone together and talking was ripping my insides more. Making my heart feel like it was about to calliopes. I am always the friend never the guy to pay in mind.

Lily's view

"What is it that you need to tell me Joe?" I was a upset wit him, he was like a damn rocking chair going back and forth when will he stop toying with me and just let me go or keep me! He had my heart and was playing hacky sack with it! "I am not a damn yo you that you can play with and toy Joe!" My eyes shot open. I clamped my mouth shut; Oh my I can't believe I actually blurted out those words. My eyes looked frantically all around and I was about to apologize when Joe placed his hands on my mouth. "No," he replied firmly and softly, "Don't apologize I deserve everything you said. It's true. But Lily you do mean a lot to me just knows that. I have been racking my brain out trying to think of cons to not date you. But the truth is I thought of no cons. I came up with more cons for you not to date me. Like I am won't have so much time to spend with you when I am I concert and such. Or that girls are always around me,.." I then cut off Joe and kissed him, "Joe stop making choices for me! I knew all this going in! Miley and I aren't the same. I know you are basing me on how and why her and Nick didn't work. Miley is clingy and needs attention 24 hours. But Joe! I am not like that if you loved me or remotely had any feelings for me you would have known that I like my space. I am very understanding and I understand if girls are around you. I am not the jealous type. I mean sure I'll want to slap a couple of them because they are prettier then me but I know you'll come back to me after those girls leave out of the concert." Joe eyes twinkled at me and plashed me a sweet smile. He leaned his forehead onto mine and was tugging my hair lightly. "Oh how dumb could I be? To over look and not take into account of how extraordinary you are. I just made up the age crap to shield you. But you are right you should make up your own mind."

I smiled and my heart raced and my blood seemed to rush to my cheeks. I was really happy but something was on my mind that I couldn't get past. The things Oliver began to tell me. What did they mean? Could it be that Oliver likes me? Haha as if.

I then turned to Joe leaning my head on his shoulder his hand in mine. I took a deep breath. I have to settle this and not make the same mistake.

"What does this all mean then Joe?" I asked him making him tell me what his attentions where so I didn't assume anything again.

Joe kissed my cheek and let go of my hand. I looked down at the floor my eyes began to water. I knew it was too good to be true. How stupid was I?

Joe got my chin and pushed my head up matching his eye level.

"Hold that thought." He replied to me, "I want to do this right." I nodded my head okay and watched him walk away into the bus. I rubbed my arms anxious in waiting I didn't know what to expect.

He came out with an acoustic guitar around himself. He began to walk over to me strumming away at his guitar. When he was right next to me he looked deep in my eyes and began to sang,

"Everytime I think I'm closer to the heart
Of what it means to know just who I am
I think I've finally found a better place to start
But no one ever seems to understand

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far?

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
Oh yeah

You're the remedy I'm searchin' hard to find
To fix the puzzle that I see inside
Painting all my dreams the color of your smile
When I find you it will be alright

I need to try to get to where you are
Could it be you're not that far?

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you
I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you

Been feeling lost
Cant find the words to say
Spendin' all my time stuck in yesterday
Where you are is where I wanna be
Oh next to you, and you next to me
I need to find you

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (yeah)
Your the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you(I gotta find you)

You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you (I need to find you)
I gotta find you (I gotta find you)
Your the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you
I gotta find you
I gotta find you... "

Joe's view

As I gazed into Lily's eyes I knew right then that she would take me serious. I know I didn't gain her full trust and I couldn't really blame her. She looked pleased. I could tell she liked the song because of the way her eyes sparkled and the way she turned away from me. Clearly she was embarrassed because she felt like she was in the spot light. Something she not used to. But whenever she was with me she was the spot light and always would be so she'll have to get used to attention. My world revolved around her now.

"Lily you are the girl I have been searching for. I am sorry it took me a while to accept that. I guess what I am trying to say is." I bent over got on both my knees. He face began to blush pink, that made me grin. She looked so cute when she blushed like that and her dimples going in only made it so much cuter.

"Lily, will you be my wifey? My milkshake lover and pinky holder?"

Lily began to giggle all those things I listed were our inside things. Wifey because we said that we were ghetto fabs and the term girlfriend was played out. We liked the term wifey boo.

And the milkshake lover thing was the time we went to Johnny rockets and she insisted on paying for something so I said I'd share a molt with her. we had two straws in one cup drinking at the same time. Like those typical movie scenes. But of course both us were far from typical so Lily got the spoon from the cup and flung some one me. I did the same to her. kissed her cheek where the molt had gone and she kissed my nose where I had some. The on we called each other Milkshake lovers.

The pinky holder part was from the time we went to the movies and I didn't want to hold her hand because my hands got sweaty and frankly I found that embarrassing and gross. So she came up with a solution and she hooked her pink onto mine. Therefore we became pinky holders. I grinned as these fond memories resurfaced to mind.

"I'll be yours and only yours. If you be mine and only mine." She replied smoothly into my ears. My skin got Goosebumps as her breath went on my neck. I smiled suavely and nodded my head yes.

"It's officially then you have my guitar and voice and I have your skateboard and mind. I am rendering my all to you."

Those are things we were good at and talents that we had that meant more then our thumping heart. My singing ability and guitar were my everything and my hearts passion. Lily's talent was skateboarding and she has a unique and beautiful set of mind. I loved that most about her, her thoughts and out look at life.

She smiled and walked with me hand in hand back to Oliver's car,

"Lily you are my g/f you accept this right?" I looked at her eyes to see her reaction.

"Of course I do." I heard her sigh. I kissed her on the lips. She had to tip toe it was the cutest thing. I let go of her hand as I saw Nick and Miley come towards up. Both looked unhappy but more at peace. Miley had been clearly crying and Nick was just his normal reserved self not flicker any emotion. But I could tell her just let go of something that he didn't want to. In time he will heal I had to be there for him.

"I got to go now Lily, I'll give you a call. I promise." I replied to her.

Lily nodded okay and kissed my cheek sat back in the car with Oliver waiting for Miley to get in.

Oliver's view:

"Hang on a second Lily, I have to go to the bathroom." I lied.

Lily was smiling from ear to ear. I know now I made the right choice of letting her go. He was everything I couldn't give her.

"Wait, Oliver." She murmured out as I was about half way out of the car.

I looked at her as I stood up, "yeah?" I asked.

"It's has been bugging me. What was it you wanted to say?" Lily asked a bit nervous. I shook my head feeling stupid to even have come close to gushing out my feelings,

"Its nothing Lily really. I was just going to tell you to do what made you happy you deserve it and be careful who you entrust your heart to. That's all." I mumbled back. I then walked away from the car. When I was eye shot away from Lily and Miley I ran to the Jonas brother's tour bus. I saw Nick walking in. The Engine of the bus roared up. I ran over and grabbed his shoulder.

Nick flashed his head at me a bit startled I had waken him from his thoughts,

"Don't call you security. You probably don't know who I am but," He cut me off and shook his head,

"I know who you are Oliver, I have talked to you before. What up?" He smiled at me.

Hum, that wasn't what I expected. Nick seems to be the more not self-absorbed. "Can I have a quick word with Joe? It'll only take a minute."
Nick looked confused but nodded his head, "yeah sure. Joe!" Nick yelled out getting onto the bus, "Oliver wants to talk to you."

Joe got out of the bus. "Thanks again man." He said with the same expression Lily carried.

"Listen about that." I huffed out, "A warning. I love that girl to death. You better treat her right and not break her heart. If you do there will be consequences to pay. She is a rare Gem and angel treat and take care of her as well. I am in love with that girl to. And I'll be damned that my sacrifice was a waste and she ends up hurt." I took a deep breath my eyes began to water, "She has 4 different laughs. One when she thinks people are being stupid and weird. The other is when she thinks something is really funny. The other one is when she didn't hear a word you said but she pretends she did to be polite. And the fourth," I felt my throat grow dry. "The fourth is more of a smile really but she makes a cute face gesture and kind of laugh so I considerate a laugh, It's when someone makes her feel loved and special." I turned my head at Joe making sure he understood what I was saying. "I want to see her laugh like that. I can tell her fake laughs and smiles. You keep her happy." I sighed out loud.

Joe gripped my shoulder and looked at me, "I will take good care of her. And thanks you for everything you gave up and said."
I nodded okay, "I did it for her, not you. She likes you not me."
"Must have been hard to do I commend you for that." He replied.

I nodded my head and began to walk away. Joe said goodbye and thanked me again but just kept walking without a second glance.

Author's notes:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Sorry took me a while to update. Hope it was worth the wait.

And I want to know what you guys think. I am either going to end it like this or write a chapter four of what happens to Miley and Nick.

Love you guys. Please review! They make my day.