A.N. Well, here it is…the final chapter. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for sticking around until the end!
"Remember the day we took surf lessons in Hawaii?" Faith asked me late one night. We were tangled in my sheets after hours of mind-blowing sex. Patrol had been especially busy that night. We were wrapped around each other with me in her arms and her running her fingers through my hair and down my back.
I nodded and breathed in how perfect this moment was. "You were so much better at it than I was."
She laughed. "Which is surprising. I hated the water when I was a kid. I barely learned to swim."
I pulled myself up so I could look her in the eye. I loved watching her eyes when she talked about our adventures after Sunnydale. She always looked so happy and genuine.
"That was a good day," I whispered.
She smiled and nodded. "It was." We'd gone surfing one morning when we were in Hawaii and Faith had been a total natural. And she really seemed to like it. Her face just lit up the first time she stood up on the board and my heart nearly melted at the sight. We'd spent the rest of the day lounging in the sand and snorkeling. It had been a quiet day, but sometimes those were the best with her.
"And I don't care what you say, it was you that started that fruit fight," she told me with a grin as she leaned in long enough to kiss my neck.
I shook my head with a shiver. The tiniest things with her made my body hum. "You started it. You were eating strawberries and you threw one at me."
"No, I threw a stem at you and you threw a piece of pineapple at me for it," she reminded me as her hand slid down my side. "So technically it was you that threw the first actual piece of fruit."
"Fine, get technical," I told her with a smile. We ended up a sticky mess that night and neither of us really minded. It just meant a long, hot shower was in store. It had definitely been a good night.
"I'm sorry," she suddenly whispered and dropped her eyes.
"Faith, the fruit fight was no big deal," I told her, confused by her sudden change.
She shook her head and kept her eyes from mine for a few moments and when she did meet them, they were brimming with tears.
"Faith, what's wrong?" I asked, alarm rising inside me.
She swallowed hard and allowed me to pull her close. "Sometimes I think back on how happy we were and I remember the way you made me feel. And then I think about how I would have felt if you had left. I can't even imagine it."
I shook my head and dropped a kiss to her lips. "Faith, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that we're here now."
"It does matter," she told me quietly. "I hurt you. I wish I could take it back."
I sighed and ran a hand over the warm skin of her belly and traced the scar I'd put there all those years ago and I kissed her again. "I wish I could take back lots of things too, but every one of those things got us to this exact moment and maybe if they hadn't happened, we wouldn't be here right now."
She seemed to consider my words carefully and she finally met my eyes and smiled. "Guess you're right."
I nodded and gave her a tiny grin. "Of course I'm right."
She laughed and pulled me into a slow, languid kiss. My body reacted instantly and I rolled so I could pull her on top of me. Her lips moved to my neck and I knew that it was all over. We'll just say it was a while before we got any sleep. Just another amazing night with Faith to add to my list.
"Well that was a bust," Willow mumbled as she flopped down on my couch. The locator spell plan had fallen completely flat. There had been only three slayers in Cleveland other than their girls and none had been the Rogue Bitch.
"Maybe she left town?" I wondered aloud. It could happen. We've been lucky before.
Faith shook her head as she grabbed a few beers from the fridge. "No way. She had a major jones for the lead slayer job. She wanted the three of us dead for it. No way she'd leave."
"Maybe it's a temporary leave," Kennedy supplied.
"Maybe she's dead," Faith offered with a smile. "Vamps have gotten lucky before.
"We didn't want her dead," I told her. "We can't fix her if she's dead."
Faith gave me a funny look. "Right. How could I forget."
I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Let's just say I'm good with rogue slayers."
Faith rolled her eyes and laughed. Suddenly she sat up straight. "Will, cast the spell again. Right now, hurry up."
Willow raised her eyebrows and got up quickly and got the spell ingredients together. "Okay, I just need a second, what's up?"
"She was here," Faith told us. "Sneaky rogue bitch."
Realization suddenly dawned on me and I shook my head. "She knew what was going on and hid here."
"Damn," Faith exclaimed.
"I'm gonna laugh so hard at her when Willow takes her powers," I mumbled. "And I'm going to point right at her too."
Faith shook her head with a small smile. "That'll show her, B."
Willow focused on her map and nodded, looking incredulous. "Slayer presence moving away from campus at a quick pace. If we hurry we can tail her."
My cell phone suddenly rang and I grabbed it when I saw it was Dawn. "Dawn, I can't talk, we have the Rogue Bitch tracked by locator spell."
"Good, then you'll know exactly where to find me and little Sis," a female voice told me.
"You're not Dawn," I replied before I could stop myself.
"How is it that you're in charge of the slayers?" she asked me, her arrogance and bitchiness biting into every word.
"I'm so pointing," I mumbled. I followed the rest of the gang to the elevator and we hurried off once the doors opened and jumped in the Council van.
"I have your sister," she told me.
"I figured that much," I replied. Dawn getting kidnapped…yep, it was Tuesday.
Willow navigated as Faith drove and we were soon hot on her trail. "Just don't kill her until we get there. I'd like to at least fight you to the death first."
"Sounds good," she replied. "See ya soon, big Sis."
I hung up and sat thoughtfully for a moment. "Big Sis."
"What?" Faith asked.
"She called me Big Sis," I told her. Realization suddenly washed over me and I knew exactly who we were dealing with.
"That little punk Ashley is up to this," I told them.
"Isn't she like fifteen?" Willow asked from the front seat.
I sighed heavily. "Yes."
Ashley had been a good slayer. We found her not too long after Faith left. She had a crush on me for months and I figured it would go away and when it didn't she told me she couldn't take it and wanted to leave. We let her leave and hadn't heard a word from her since. Well until she kidnapped Faith. It was all starting to make sense.
"Okay, we run in, I fight her, knock her out and we take her powers," I told them. "Everyone agree?"
Everyone nodded and the van skidded to a halt. "We're here," Willow told me.
I met everyone's eyes and gave them a nod. "Let's go."
Two hours later, we were spread out around my place packing boxes for the move. Dawn and Xander were working on the living room, Will and Kennedy had the kitchen, and Faith and I were in the bedroom. Packing…keep the minds out of the gutter, people.
Oh, and that little 'fight to the death' thing? Yeah, that was so lame it's barely worth mentioning. She had some vamps that we dusted then we fought, we won, Will took her powers and we came home with Dawn. It was actually sort of sad. And the sweetest part of the whole thing? Faith totally risked losing her powers to get Rogue Bitch to lose hers. Let me fill you in.
I was fighting, and I totally had the upper hand, but I couldn't get her in a spot where Willow could do the spell. It was all risky and stuff so Faith came barreling in and tackled our good pal Rogue Bitch and was yelling 'do it, Willow!' So Willow did the spell. And it worked. Nice thing is, since Willow didn't give Faith and I our powers, she can't take them away. So Faith still has her powers and I have some crazy making up for that to do. Can't wait! Oh, and I totally laughed at her, the Rogue, not Faith…well not at her. She was sort of just this pathetic teenager once we took her powers away. So I just waited and laughed at her from afar, where she couldn't hear me or see me. Faith could though and she thought I was slightly insane.
Anyways, long story short, we won. We beat the bad guy and came back to my place for a drink and some packing. I'm moving as soon as I can get my stuff packed, though I'm already sleeping there so it's not like it's that big of a change.
I moved to stand in the doorway of my apartment and I watched my best friends and my family work around me and I'd never felt so complete in my life. It was like I was finally cookies.
Faith slid up behind me and wrapped her arms around me, and dropped her chin to my shoulder. "You okay?"
I nodded and turned in her arms and kissed her gently. "I'm so glad you came back."
"I was never really gone, B," she told me quietly.
"No, I guess you never were," I agreed with a smile.
We were meant to be. Fated. Destined. Whatever you called it, the Chosen Two were meant to live the life we were living together. And we knew no matter what, we'd always be together.
The End.
A.N. I know, I know, I probably could have written the scene with the rogue, but I really didn't want to. Instead I spent my time writing the scene with Buffy and Faith in bed when they're reminiscing about Hawaii. That was written after everything else in this chapter but wanted to give one more sweet scene to you guys instead of a fight scene because I do the sappy stuff better. : )
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the story. Thank you for reading it and all your reviews. They're very much appreciated. I hope you can find the time to send me a quick review telling me what you thought of the chapter or of the overall story. Thanks!!