Her Birthday
Hello everybody who's about to read this! I'm gonna be starting a new, but short three chapter story, that was supposed to be a Silvaze one-shot. Anyway I decided to so this behalf of my birthday May 6 this Tuesday. But enough about that, the story, like I said, will be three chapters for Silvaze, Shadouge, and EspioXAmy and I think title explains what the story will be about. I hope you enjoy.
In the future of 2029 on a wintery December day (A/N: I don't know when Blaze was debut so I'm just saying her birthday's in December) a silver hedgehog was walking to a gift shop. This silver hedgehog was wearing a blue sweater that has candy canes on it, blue Roc-A-Wear jeans, a black coat, a black scarf neatly wrapped around neck, on his head was a knitted woolly white hat, and in his trademark boots and gloves.
'I wonder what Blaze wants for her birthday this year.' Ran through Silver's mind as he went in the gift shop.
"What may I do for you Silver?" A black tiger asked.
"Nothing much Xavier. Look for a perfect present for Blaze this year for her birthday." Silver said.
"Well I hope you do what you did last year." Xavier said with grin.
Last year for Blaze's birthday Silver tried to give her a surprise birthday party in her mansion. Yes Blaze is rich and owes a lot of expensive stuff since after all she is a princess and guardian of the Sol Emeralds. Anyway Silver tried giving her surprise birthday party with all their friends and family, a famous band, and everything of that sorts. It all ended a mess in Silver's point-of-view with part of the mansion where the party was held burned, all friends including Silver ended up in the hospital for a week and half, and even her aunt even ran over her brand new cellphone with her Convertable.
"No. I learnt my lesson about surprise parties. I want to give Blaze a present that shows I really care about her yet at the same time shows her I'll always be there for her." Silver explained.
"You planning to tell her your feelings." Xavier said as Silver turned a bit red.
"Yeah." Silver said a bit uncomfortable and afraid of what Xavier has up his sleeve this time.
"Ah I have the perfect gift for your feline friend." Xavier said grabbing what looks like a very expensive necklace. It was really gold heart-shaped locket with a small diamond in the center of heart and on the back it was engraved with the words 'I love you-Silver'.
"When did you engraved this?" Silver demanded.
"A while back I thought when you were 13 you'd tell her your feelings not when she was 15, but I know its how you feel for her. I knew you'd want to want to put a picture of you two in there so I did a little extra for you as well." Xavier said as Silver opened the locket and seen a picture of him and Blaze back when they were 10 having a good time and it looked like Blaze was giving Silver a friendly hug.
"Wow Xavier I don't know what to say. I'm shocked. Really I am." Silver said.
"Don't need to thank me. Just give me 2,000 rings." Xavier said with a grin.
"I don't have that much money!" Silver cried.
"I'm only joking Silver. Relax a little. 20 rings is all I need and I wrap it up for free." Xavier said as Silver gave him the amount of rings needed.
"Thank you Xavier. I owe you a lot." Silver said as Xavier wrapped the box with the locket in purple wrapping and a silver ribbon.
"No need to thank me Silver. Just tell Blaze your feelings." Xavier said as Silver took the box and left.
In Blaze's mansion, okay really not Blaze's more like her parents mansion, but still Blaze lives in it, Blaze was looking out the window bored-like. She was in a lavender dress with pink stockings, lavender leg warmers, pink flats, pink elbow-length gloves that sparkled, and a fake rose in her hair instead of her red band. She also wore some pink lip gloss, pink eye shadow, a gold bracelet on her right wrist, and gold ring on her right ring finger. All in all Blaze thought she looked gorgeous, well her parents, maids, caretakers, bulter, and hair dresser did anyway, Blaze personally thought she look hideous.
"Mother," Blaze started in a whiny voice, "I look horrible in this outfit. I want to pick out what I want to wear for my 15th birthday."
"Blaze you look lovely in that and you know it. I can't wait till tonight when Prince William comes and you two have your dance and start dating." Her mother, Angelina the Cat, said with a dreamy look. (Think the same way Amy does when she thinks of marriages with Sonic)
Yes her mother always wanted Blaze to date a prince name William instead of Silver, much to Blaze's anger seeing as she held the same feelings Silver held for her.
"I don't like Prince William mother." Blaze stated with a sneer.
"Honey he's a nice boy, you'll like him." Angelina said.
"Whatever you say mother." Blaze muttered as Angelina left the room as her bulter, a tan bear came in.
"Miss Blaze you have a visitor who'd like to see you." He said.
"Bring him in," Blaze said as he left, "Wait who's the visitor!?"
"Just a friend," He said as he came back in Silver, "I'll leave you two alone."
"Oh my God Silver I haven't seen you all day." Blaze said hugging Silver tightly.
"Hey Blaze. You look lovely." Silver said as Blaze blushed.
"Thanks, but I personally hate it. I hate wearing dresses point blank. I'd be more comfortable in blue jeans and a white Tee." Blaze said.
"Well I think you look great. I wanted to give you this for your happy 15th. It looks like your parents are throwing a party this year." Silver said.
"Yeah. They want me to be with some prince." Blaze said bitterly taking the gift.
"Oh." Silver said, but deep down inside he knew he was sad.
"Silver it looks lovely!" Blaze cooed admiring the locket.
"Look inside." Silver said as Blaze opened it and seen the photo.
"I remember that day like it was yesterday." Blaze said.
"Don't we all? There's something on the back too." Silver said as Blaze turned to the back and gasped.
"Silver, y-you love me?" Blaze asked in shock.
"Ever since I laid eyes on you." Silver admited putting the necklace around Blaze's neck.
"Oh Silver I love you too." Blaze said giving Silver a passionate kiss on the lips.
"I love you Blaze." Silver whispered.
"I love you too Silver." Blaze whispered.
"It'd be an honor if you be my daughter's date for this party." Angelina said coming in.
"You would?" Blaze asked happily.
"I knew you two were best friends, but I never knew you two were in love and I know it'll crush Blaze if I broke you two up so I accept your relationship. I personally say she's better with Prince William, but if Blaze is happy with you then I'm happy." Angelina said seeing the young couple in another kiss.
Wow that was a long chapter. Next is Shadouge. Please review.