The Scarlet Maiden

Chapter Eleven

All That Glitters

Kim checked herself before hopping onto the large inflatable raft. Ron hopped next to her and Yori sat next to him. The three looked at the Global Justice agent who was piloting the hovercraft.

"Are you sure you don't need me to call the Director for back up, Ms. Possible?"

"We're sure. This is kind of a private matter, so I hope that you will keep it that?"

The agent nodded. "Yes ma'am. We will be at the drop off point in two minutes."

Kim and Ron squeezed each others hands. The final location on the map led to a remote island. Kim snapped her wrist and turned on her Kimmunicator.

"Wade, how's the research going?"

The boy genius frowned. "There's nothing. Not only is the island not on any map in existence, but also the island is in some kind of dead zone. The satellite images I took showed only a blurry image. You three will going in completely blind and I won't be able to contact you."

"We'll be fine Wade. We always are."

Ron smiled at his girlfriend's newfound optimism. She seemed so upset about her house. He knows his house was probably just as trashed, but she still had her peppy smile.

Kim signed off after Wade wished everyone good luck. She then snuggled up against Ron's chest.

The agent turned his head to face the group.

"We've arrived at the drop zone. Are you guys ready?"

Everyone nodded and braced themselves.


He pulled a lever and the two bay doors opened and the raft, with Kim, Ron, and Yori, dropped.

He watched as the raft floated for a few seconds before lightly landing on the ocean surface. He circled one last time to make sure they were all right. After seeing them wave to him, he took off for home. He would have to come up with some kind of excuse as to why he didn't comeback to headquarters on time. For now, he could just cruise and enjoy the glassy surface of the ocean rushing over him.

"Good luck Team Possible."

Yori started the motor after waving the G.J. hover car off. The motor put-putted and then roared to life. Yori threw the switch and they were off. Because of the dead zone, they had to land several miles away from the island.

The sun was setting, but the orangey glow illuminated the tiny speck of an island. Kim and Ron held each other as they whizzed through the water. The raft jumped every so often and the island speck became bigger and bigger.

Kim pulled out the clue they had gotten from the Aphrodite statue. They still couldn't crack it. They tried unscrambling the words, tried different types of codes, but the words refused to reveal themselves to the teens.

"This is so ferociously frustrating," Kim whined.

"No big KP," Ron said wrapping her in a hug. "We'll figure it out when we get there."

"Stoppable-san is correct. If we are patient, then I believe that the clue will open itself to us."

Yori flashed a reassuring smile. The island was coming up. Maybe the reason it wasn't on any map was because of its size. If anyone had to guess, it was probably two maybe three miles wide.

The middle of it was shaped like a mountain, but they could just make out a small hole. It was a volcano. As soon as they landed the teens moved their oversized raft off the beach. They were pretty sure the treasure was here and didn't know how much there would be or even what it was.

By now the sun had set and the moon was providing the light. Luckily it was a full moon and the moonlight bathed the beach and surrounding jungle with its light. The stars gave the moon some help and it gave the area a mystical glow. After they covered the raft with palm leaves for camouflage, they headed into the jungle, not knowing to expect.

"Wow," Ron said looking around. "I bet this is where Gilligan and the Skipper live."

Kim and Yori rolled their eyes.

"Riiiiight. You yell 'Skipper!' and I'll come running behind you like Ginger," Kim said.

Ron had a gleam in his eye. "I wouldn't mind seeing that."

Kim ignored him as they continued through the dense jungle. They came to a clearing where they were instantly met with a row of sharp spears. Behind the spears were ghoulish looking faces.

Kim assumed these were natives who lived on the island. She smiled weakly looking at the pointy spear just inches from her face.

"We are not here to hurt you," she said slowly. "My name is Kim Possible, I only wish to pass through with my friends."

The natives seemed to understand some of her words because they were quickly talking with each other in whispers, glancing every so often at the teens. Then the natives tied the teens up by their wrists and led them through more jungle.

Ron looked ready to pounce, but Kim and Yori motioned him to go along. They didn't want to hurt these people, they weren't bad or anything; they hoped.

They walked for a few minutes until they reached another clearing. A village with about twenty little huts stood in front of them. Everyone in the village stopped doing what they were doing as soon as the natives returned with their unusual prize. The teens could hear murmurs from the women and children pointed and made faces.

After running the "Gauntlet" Kim, Ron, and Yori were forced to their knees as a large overweight man with feathers and beads intertwined in his crown. This was obviously their leader.

The giant native glared at the teens for a few seconds not quite sure what to make of them.

"Oombala zucasa danata gaonuitr kiaeriutly."

The teens exchanged glances with each other.

"I'm sorry we don't speak that," Yori tried explaining.

"Oombala zucasa danata gaonuitr kiaeriutly!!" The man roared.

Kim and Ron jumped a little and Yori calmly tried explaining again.

"I'm sorry, sir, we do not speak that language."

"Do not worry, I speak your language and I may be of some assistance."

The voice belonged to a much older gentleman. His white hair and very wrinkly skin made him look like the oldest man in the village.

"I am called Ulana. I am the village elder and my family has long awaited your return, Elizabeth and Andrew."

As the teens exchanged glances, the elder approached the village chief. He spoke to him in their odd language pointing to the trio. The chief nodded and faced his villagers.

"Ongata souta gouty monorui!"

The villagers suddenly fell to their knees in front of Kim and Ron and began bowing while they chanted. This threw the teens off guard. They were untied and led to a special hut that was slightly bigger and more decorated than the others.

As the teens entered Kim could smell the potent smell of incense. Ron liked the smell and so did Kim, but Yori held her nose.

The chief, along with Ulana the elder, sat down on reed mats. Kim, Ron, and Yori followed. They each took a cup of red liquid from the chief and mimicked him as he held it up over his head.

"Yalana erati fratew ombala."

He drank the red liquid. The teens tentatively followed. It wasn't bad. As Kim finished her glass, she spoke to the elder.

"Sir, how do you know about Andrew and Elizabeth?"

"Because you are them."

"No we aren't. We're their ancestors," Kim corrected.

The elder bowed. "I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to…"

"No big," Kim smiled. "But we would like to know how you know Andrew and Elizabeth."

"My family has been the chronicle takers of our village. Every member records the history of the days and the history of the people. Many moons ago, a wooden whale landed on our island. Elizabeth Possible and Andrew Stoppable emerged from the belly of this beast. More came after them. They were called a crew and the whale was named the Scarlet Maiden."

Kim listened intently to the story of her ancestor. Ron was also entranced and Yori sat quietly listening in her dignified way.

"They showed us many wonders like firing sticks that went boom and shiny cups and disks. They also taught my ancestor how to speak their language. The village called them living gods and pledged allegiance to them. The people wanted them to stay forever, but they said they had to leave. However, they left us with a great request. We let them hide their treasure on the island. They gave my people the responsibility of protecting this treasure. Since then we have waited for their return or for anyone who resembles them. That is what they said and now you two are here. You can claim your ancestor's treasure."

Kim and Ron smiled. They were glad that they didn't have to fight anyone. This time it would be smooth sailing, like the statue clue; or so they thought.

The chief shook his head after noticing Kim and Ron's reaction. Ulana argued with him, but the chief remained steadfast in his conversation with the elder. Ulana huffed.

"It seems the chief is less believing than I. He still wishes for you to give him the password."

"Password?" Kim looked at Ron and Yori who had the same confused look as her.

"Yes. Do you have it?"

Kim was about to answer no when Ron stopped her. "Hold it KP."

Kim looked at him wondering what was wrong.

"We have the password."

Yori and Kim both shot him a skeptical look.

"We do?" Kim whispered.

"Yeah, haven't you been listening to the way they talk? Say what's on that paper we got."

Kim pulled out the paper and recited the words as best as she could. The chief paused for a moment before nodding.

"You are correct," Ulana said.

Ron breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know if he was right or not, just a hunch. Kim hugged him.

"My smart man."

Ron blushed slightly as Yori patted his back.

"Very astute Stoppable-san."

The teens were impressed by Andrew and Elizabeth's shrewdness. They hid the clue, but the password wasn't in code or anything, just the weird language that the villagers spoke. It was quite genius.

The chief cleared his throat to get the teen's attention. He took off a ring he had on his finger and gave it to Ron. The ring was solid gold with a few small gems around it.

"Impolo errata weraty uilana."

Ulana translated, "Every chief has handed this ring down from chief to chief. It was given to us by Andrew and Elizabeth. He wishes to return it to you, it will help you on your journey."

Ron slipped it on his finger and inspected it.

"It looks good on you. Like a pimped out high school ring," Kim said admiring Ron's new bling.

Ulana stood up. "I will lead you to the treasure now." Ulana chuckled at the teen's reaction. "I may be old, but I still have as much of the Great Spirit in me as any other man in the village."

Convinced, the group headed out as the rest of the villagers waved goodbye and cheered. Kim wiped the sweat from her brow and Ron was panting. The heat was almost unbearable, but they continued right behind Ulana. Amazingly Yori didn't seem to be breaking a sweat.

"Hey, Yori, aren't you the least bit tired or hot?" Kim asked.

Yori shook her head. "The students at Yamanouchi have trained in all environments including this one. I am fine."

The group walked for several minutes, getting closer and closer to the center of the island, where the volcano lay. Ulana stopped in front of a large cave entrance.

"This is the entrance to the treasure. I leave you with now and wish you luck."

Kim, Ron, and Yori waved him goodbye as he entered the jungle. After he was gone Kim turned and faced the large opening.

"Well, let us go in."

Yori didn't move. "I wish to stay out here. I believe that this is your honor and yours alone. I have no right to intrude, so I will wait out here for you. Be careful."

She bowed to them as they entered the cave. It looked dark, but several holes in the ceiling let moonlight pour into it. Kim and Ron saw a door that lead to another cavern. It was carved out of solid rock and had pictures of fish and birds on it.

Kim slowly pulled open the door, it wasn't locked and luckily it wasn't booby-trapped either. They walked in and found themselves in front of another large cavern. This one was much higher than the last and more holes let the moonlight completely engulf the area.

The duo saw two large statues guarding the next entrance. They were carved out of the wall and looked like sentries. One held a stone sword and the other brandished a mace. The teens started towards the two stone sentries when a green ball of fiery plasma flew over their heads.

Both of them turned and saw Drakken and Shego with a dozen henchmen. Shego grinned and her hand was still glowing.

"You didn't think we forgot about you, did you?"

Kim smirked. "We knew you probably come, but we thought you might be delayed."

"Oh, you mean those villagers? We took care of them. They weren't much of a challenge."

Kim tightened her fists. Ron held her shoulder and she loosened them.

"Where's our family and friends?" Ron asked sounding demanding.

"They're safe on the boat for now," Drakken answered. "It was hard getting here. The boat lost control and I found the perimeter of the dead zone. We had to take a raft to get here. Enough talk; proceed. We'll watch you carefully from a safe distance and don't forget, we not have your family and friends hostage, but we also have those two wooden pieces that I'm sure are needed to obtain the treasure."

Both teens knew they had no choice and continued walking towards the statues. They towered over them and must have taken a long time to carve, but as soon as they attempted to walk past them to the door the sword and the mace crashed down in front of them.

Kim back flipped out of the way and Ron kind of stumbled backwards to avoid the stone weapons.

"Who goes there?!" The statues bellowed in unison. Everyone looked up at the stone faces in surprise.

"We are Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. We are here for the treasure of Andrew Stoppable and Elizabeth Possible. We wish to pass peacefully." Kim and Ron stood closer together, not knowing what to expect.

"We are the stone guardians who protect this treasure. If you wish to pass, you must answer our questions. Only after which will you be deemed worthy, but if you get any questions wrong, you will be destroyed. Do you wish to continue?"

Ron looked at Kim who gave him the same confident look.

"We do."

"Very well then, let us proceed. Question one: Where were Andrew and Elizabeth born?"

"In Doolin, Ireland," Kim answered without hesitation.

The statues were silent for a moment before speaking. "Correct, question two: What year did Andrew and Elizabeth become pirates?"



The teens understood what the questions were about and knew why they would be the only ones able to get the treasure. They were also concerned about Yori. Drakken and Shego didn't mention her so she must have slipped off somewhere, but where? They needed to focus on the questions and get each one right before worrying about something else.

After nineteen questions the statues bellowed, "You have only one question left. If you are correct the way will be open to you."

Kim and Ron fingers intertwined. "We are ready."

Drakken excitedly rubbed his hands together. "Soon the treasure will be in our grasp."

Shego quietly watched the teens. The statues spoke.

"Final question: what is the color of Elizabeth's favorite hat?"

Kim and Ron gave each other a stunned look. They had no idea. What kind of a question is that?

Drakken and Shego were also puzzled.

"Uh…it's…ummmm," Ron thought, but couldn't think of it.

Kim suddenly remembered the map. It had a portrait of Andrew and Elizabeth. Maybe this would provide them with the answer, but their hopes were dashed when they saw no hat on Elizabeth. Then they remembered the other portrait of the Scarlet Maiden crew.

They had Shego toss it to them. They inspected it, but once again Elizabeth had no hat on. The two teens sat down to think.

"Alright. We have a problem. We have no idea what favorite color hat Elizabeth liked. We have no evidence to eliminate some colors either. This is so bad," Kim said shaking her head.

Ron touched her shoulder. "Maybe we do have some evidence."

Kim's eyes lit up. "Ron, please tell me you are having a smart moment."

Ron grinned. "We know why Andrew named the ship the Scarlet Maiden."

"Because he called her his red-haired maiden."

"Right," Ron nodded. "And we also know what color outfits she has on in the portraits."

Kim glanced at the two paintings and realized what he was getting at when he saw her in red both times.

"You think it's red."

Ron nodded. "Yep, it's the only logical choice."

Kim kissed his nose. "Way to go, Ron."

The two stood back up and loudly proclaimed, "The answer is red."

Everyone smiled because they thought that was the end, but much to their surprise the statues yelled, "Wrong!"

Ron was in shock and Kim tilted her head in confusion.

"The correct answer was…she didn't have a favorite hat."

Kim slapped her hand on her forehead and glared at Ron who just put his hands up like he was innocent.

"Way to go, Ron. Now they wanna destroy us. I guess we have to do this the hard way."

The statues broke off from the wall they were attached to and began swinging their weapons at the teens. Kim elegantly flipped out of the way while Ron ran in the opposite direction of the giant stone guards.

The stone sentinels weren't just attacking Kim and Ron. They went after anything in the cave. Drakken and Shego dived to dodge a stone mace. The henchmen ran in opposite directions, scared out of their minds.

Drakken tried to rally them, but instead their fleeing feet trampled him.

"Shego! Ow! Help! Ow! Ow!"

"Kinda busy here," she called. Shego somersaulted under on of the stone giant's legs. She swiped at its leg with her claws, but instead the stone sentinel kicked her away. She rolled with the fall, but wasn't badly hurt.

Ron and Kim were still running from the other stone sentinel. Its massive sword crashed down into the ground, shaking the cave around them. Kim ran up the wall and jumped onto one of the sentinel's arms.

"Ron, go for its legs."

Ron ran for the legs and tried concentrating.

Please work. I need to help KP, Ron thought. He channeled as much of his energy as he could. The area around him began to glow blue. His hands extended and with a primal scream he unleashed a huge blast of blue energy.

Kim jumped out the way. It was weird, but she could feel his energy. It was as if they were connected and she knew exactly when he was going to unleash the blast.

The stone sentinel could dodge it and was vaporized. Only a few bits of stone and rocks were left. The second stone sentinel stopped attacking and collapsed into several pieces.

"I guess they were linked some how and when one was destroyed so was the other," Ron guessed. After talking he collapsed.

Kim rushed over to him. Her eyes watered as she tried to wake Ron up. Her green eyes lit up when she saw Ron's chocolate brown eyes opened and look at her.

"I'm…I'm alright KP. That just took a lot more energy than I used to. I guess I stil need to practice controlling this."

Ron's grin was met by a slap to his face. He looked at Kim, shocked.

"Ronald Carl Stoppable, if you ever pull a stunt like that again you'll feel a whole new kind of pain."

Ron embraced Kim realizing that he had made her worry. He had never really used that much power before and he didn't know what would happen. He wiped the tear from Kim's eyes.

"I'm sorry, KP. I should have been more careful. I need to remember that I'm not alone in this."

"No, you are not," Kim asserted.

The teens stood up and surveyed the scene. The cave door was now clear and much to their delight, Drakken, Shego, and all the henchmen were unconscious. Piles of rock covered them; they didn't escape the sentinel's self-destruction.

Kim felt around Drakken's lab coat until she found the two wooden pieces.

"Let's move."

The door opened easily and once again there were no booby traps. The pair walked down a set of spiral steps. It was getting darker and darker until neither teen could see anything in front of them. Kim turned on her flashlight and pointed it in front of her.

They stopped at another door. This one had markings on it. Kim felt it and noticed two depressions that were shaped like an S and an M. Both of them thought the same thing and took out the wooden pieces.

They put them into the depressions. It fit perfectly, but the door didn't open. Then they noticed on either side of the door was a small hole. Above each hole was a carving of a hand, one with a ring and another with a bracelet.

Kim and Ron nodded to each other and placed their hands into their respective hole. They heard sounds coming from the other side and the door slide open. The two entered a large room.

It was dark, but Kim could see unlit torches and started to light them with her laser lipstick. Once every torch was lit, they got a good look at the room.

Right in the center were three large chests bearing Andrew and Elizabeth's symbol. The two walked over to the chests and slowly opened one. Kim cheered and leapt into Ron's arms. They had found the treasure of Andrew and Elizabeth.

Inside was a pile of gold and silver coins. The next chest had crowns, scepters, and other pieces of jewelry. The third and final chest had at least a dozen paintings. Inside that chest was a rolled up piece of paper.

Kim took it and was about to read it when they heard a groaning sound coming from the doorway. They turned and saw Drakken and Shego.

Drakken's eyes popped when he saw the chests. He laughed triumphantly like he had just taken over the world.

"Look Shego, treasure. We're rich!"

Shego didn't say anything. Drakken didn't notice and just kept staring at the glimmering gold and jewelry.

"You can't have the treasure, Drakken. We need it to help our families," Kim pleaded.

Drakken laughed. "We have your families so they don't need any help. We're taking the treasure right Shego?"


Kim and Ron looked at each other then at Shego. Drakken did a double take before replying.


"You heard me," she hissed. "We-are-not-taking-that-treasure."

"But…but why, Shego? We came all this way and now you want to back out?"

"When we landed on the island we ran into those villagers. We took them out, but most looked at me like they recognized me. I didn't know what to think until we ran into that old man."

Kim and Ron knew she was talking about Ulana.

"Before I knocked him out, he called me Leego. I asked him what he knew and he told me the truth."

"What truth?" asked Drakken.

"Leego never betrayed Andrew and Elizabeth. She was sabotaging Robert's plans, or at least she tried to. Leego gave Robert different directions on where to go, but somehow he still found them. Luckily Leego still gave him inaccurate data on the Scarlet Maiden's men and firepower. She stayed as Robert's Vice Admiral for a short time to make sure he didn't know where the treasure was. After it was clear that he was clueless, she left and came here. She went into the jungle to protect the treasure and was never seen again."

"Maybe that villager was lying," Drakken suggested.

"No, I somehow knew he was telling the truth. I may be a bad person, but I still believe in fulfilling a mission and honor. My ancestor wanted to keep the treasure from getting into the wrong hands; like ours. She wanted Andrew and Elizabeth's descendents to have it. That is why I am going to respect my ancestor's wish and we are not taking that treasure."

"But Shego," Drakken whined.

Shego flashed him a death glare.

"Alright," Drakken surrendered.

The two villains started to leave. As soon as they passed the doorway, Shego flared up her hands and fired a series of plasma shots at the ceiling. Huge chucks of rock came down covering the entrance. Kim and Ron ran to the barricade of stone and began screaming at the villains.

"What are you doing, Shego?" Kim said pounding at the rock.

"We aren't taking the treasure, but that doesn't mean we aren't going to let this opportunity pass us by. Now you have the treasure and you can stay with it… forever."

"Shego, you green-skinned monster!"

Kim knew Shego was smirking right behind the wall of rocks.

"Ta ta Princess, and Buffoon."

"What about our parents and Bonnie and Junior?" asked Ron.

"Oh, we'll drop them off somewhere. How does the Bermuda Triangle sound?"

They heard laughing and footsteps fade away until there was complete silence. Kim and Ron began searching for a way to get out. Kim looked in her bag, but nothing she had could break through solid rock. The cavern they were in was sealed. That doorway was their only escape. They were trapped.

Kim slid to the ground feeling defeated. Ron slid next to her and put an arm over her shoulders. Kim leaned against her blonde boyfriend. She unrolled the paper that was inside the treasure chest. She felt it might take their minds of their problem for a while.

Kim and Ron looked at the paper. It was a note, but the strange thing was that it was addressed to them. The two teens silently read the message together.

Dear Kim and Ron,

Yes, we know who you are. Please don't freak out, but we've known about you for a long time.

Since you know about us, you know what we do…or did, actually. On one of those raids we discovered a crystal ball, which gave us the ability to glimpse into the future. We knew about our death, we just didn't know how. The ball only showed us so much.

We had agreed that we would hide our part of our booty. The ball showed us that our families would fall on hard times again and it showed us who was worthy of finding that treasure. And it was you two.

That is why some of the locations and clues seemed to only work for you. Because that is precisely why we had our friends do that. That is why the model of the Palace of Versailles could only fit your rat. Excuse us, naked mole rat, Rufus.

That is why the clues were scattered so broadly around the world in dangerous or crowded places. We knew about the exploits you did. That is why the bracelet and ring fit your hands so perfectly. We had them especially fitted.

Leego helped us and we understand that she too has an ancestor named Shego. We hope that someday you can show her good.

Kim rolled her eyes. Like Shego would ever turn good. She kept reading.

We wished we could have met you. You two have done some amazing things for the world. We couldn't have asked for better descendents. Maybe we will meet in the next life.

Don't lose sight of each other. Your love is something that can survive the ages. Don't forget that.

We know that you will use this treasure wisely. We wish you both the best of luck and may the wind never leave your sails.

Your ancestors, Captain Elizabeth Possible and Andrew Stoppable of the Scarlet Maiden.

Tears rolled down the teen's cheeks. Kim hugged Ron tightly. They were touched by the letter and at the same time shocked at what they had just read. It all made sense now. The model, the locations, everything. It was like something out of a s Sci-fi movie.

"Now we have all this bondiggity money and nowhere to spend it," Ron grinned.

Kim laughed at Ron's humor in a dark situation. This caused him to start laughing too and soon the cavern was filled with the teen's laughter.

"I love you, Ron Stoppable." Kim caressed his cheek. His dark brown eyes gazing into hers.

"You know I love you, Kim Possible." Ron ran his fingers through her hair. She sighed and leaned into him. At least they would die happy.

Click Click Click

"Ron, stop clicking your tongue," Kim purred. "Your ruining the moment."

"Hmmm," he responded.

Click Click Click

"Seriously Ron, stop."

"Uh Kp? I'm not clicking."

"Then who is?"

Click Click Click

Kim turned and faced the blocked doorway. She pressed her ear to the rock and could hear muffled noises. "Hello?"

"Kimmie-cub, Ronald?" James's voice asked.

"Dad?" Kim hoped.

"We found them. Kimmie-cub, Ronald, don't worry we're going to help you. We need you to back away from the doorway."

Kim took Ron's hand and they both ran to the other side of the cave.

There was a blast and pieces of rocks pushed away from the door. James, Anne, and the rest of the gang climbed out of the hole.

Ron and Kim ran to hug their families. James and Anne cried and Carol and Hana held Ron tighter. Rufus embraced Ron's head and quickly into Ron's pocket. Behind them was Yori. Kim and Ron stared at her in disbelief.


"I heard footsteps coming to the cave entrance, so I hid. When I saw it was Drakken and Shego I thought this was my chance to rescue everyone. I apologize for not helping you."

"Don't be. You helped us more than you can imagine," Kim smiled as she embraced the ninja girl. Yori returned the embrace.

"Hey, we helped, "Jim and Tim boasted.

"Yeah, we took components from the ship and created this handheld molecular scrambler." Jim showed Kim the small device. This blasted those rocks away, thank you."

Kim knelt down to hug her brothers. "You guys rock."

Anne's hands shot to her mouth when she saw the treasure chests. James was nearly knocked back by Carol and Anne rushing to inspect the treasure.

"It's here. We can pay off all our debts and get that operation for Carl," Carol cheered, but then stopped. "I believe that someone else wants to say something."

Bonnie and Junior timidly walked into view. Kim and Ron approached them, looking for answers.

"You guys were following us, why?" Kim narrowed her eyes at Bonnie who looked away.

Quietly they told the same thing they told Kim and Ron's parents.

Kim shook her head. "You could have just asked us."

Bonnie and Junior shrugged their shoulders like a couple of five-year olds. "Sorry."

"But what about Drakken and Shego?" Ron questioned. "Once they find out you guys are gone won't they come back here?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Right, let's each take a chest and head out. Which raft is bigger?" James asked.

Yori thought for a moment. "Ours."

James and Ron took one chest, Junior and Bonnie were forced to carry the heaviest chest, and Hana carried the last chest herself. They hurried in the direction of the beach.

"Drakken and Shego won't be happy when they see what we did," Jim and Tim said with a gleam in their eye.

"I can't believe you, Shego. We had that treasure, it was ours." Drakken complained the entire trip to the beach where their raft was waiting, but instead they saw all the henchmen lying on the beach, soaking wet. The raft was also missing.

"What are you guys doing here?" Drakken yelled. "Why aren't you on the ship?"

Each henchman nervously glanced at on another before one timidly spoke.

"Uh… we were attacked by this ninja girl. She set the prisoners free."

"Then it was chaos," another added. "Crazy babies and twins. We're lucky to be alive."

"Where-is-the-ship?" Shego demanded.

"By now it's probably…um…" he pointed down indicating it had been sunk.

The village warriors, now awake, were slowly creeping towards these intruders who attacked them, but they could hear screams and explosions and see flashes of green. They decided it wasn't wise. There was obviously a mad spirit over there. And they could feel its anger.

It had been almost a week since Kim and Ron had their adventure. All their family's debts were paid in full and Ron's dad would soon be coming out of the hospital after making a full recovery. James got his old job back after the company that bought the space center went bankrupt, poetic justice. And Anne was given full hours and pay, with a bonuses, after the hospital found the cause of the malpractice, and it didn't involve her at all.

Kim sat down on the couch in the Possible house. Ron joined her, sitting right next to her. Kim turned on the TV.

"Mom, Dad, Tweebs, come on, you're going to miss it."

James, Anne, Jim, and Tim hurried to find a seat in front of the television. The front door opened and Carol and Hana with Rufus came in and sat down.

"Ron, your father is watching this at the hospital," Carol informed her son.

Everyone quieted down as the program started. Some music played and everyone's favorite reporter came up.

"Hello, this is Summer Gayle with Channel 5 News. Andrew Stoppable and Elizabeth Possible. Two pirates, who were unknown to the historical community, have been revealed after two lucky people discovered their treasure, plus a portrait of their ship and crew buried in the sands of Cuba."

Bonnie and Junior entered into the shot.

"Bonnie Rockwaller, a girl from right her in Middleton and her boyfriend, and former villain, the billionaire Senior Senior Junior. Welcome and thank you for speaking with us."

Bonnie flashed the camera a smile and waved. Junior did his own grin, making sure that his sparkling teeth shined.

"It's great to be here Summer," Bonnie chirped.

"This is quite a find you two discovered, how did you come to find it?"

Bonnie turned her head and looked straight at the camera like a pageant model.

"Well Summer, Junior and I were vacationing in Cuba. Seeing the sights and enjoying the food. One day we decided to walk the beached with metal detectors for fun. We searched the beach for hours and only found some bottle caps and an old fishing hook, but we discovered a section of beach that was secluded. We investigated, not expecting to find anything, and we uncover treasure. We just couldn't believe it!"

"Like Bonnie would do anything for hours except suck up," Ron teased. Kim giggled a little, but stopped when her parents gave her the parental look of don't tease your friends.

"That treasure was very valuable." The camera paned over to Summer. Everyone could see the side of Bonnie's face trying to get back in the shot, but Junior's hand brought her back out of the shot. "The treasure consisted of three chests, each with the pirate's jolly-roger symbol. One chest was filled to the brim with gold and silver coins. Another was filled with crowns and jewelry that was headed for the kings and queens of France, Spain, and England, but never made it. The final chest contained a dozen beautifully preserved paintings from artists we know today. Some of these paintings were believed to have been lost, until now. Altogether this treasure is estimated to be worth over ten million dollars."

The camera paned back to Bonnie and Junior. Bonnie looked happy to see the camera looking at her again. Junior puffed out his chest to show his bulging muscles.

"The treasure has been divided by many of the museums and the twin sister of the Scarlet Maiden, the Steadfast, is now become another hot item. I understand that the museums have offered you a reward, but you instead decided to donate it to friends. Who might they be?" Summer sounded like she already knew.

"We have given it to Kim Possible and Ron Stobbable…I uh mean Stoppable," said Junior correcting himself.

The camera went back to Summer's face.

"Yes, you heard right folks. The same Kim and Ron from the famous Team Possible. That's because the pirates, Andrew and Elizabeth, are Kim and Ron's ancestors. I am touched by your generosity, but why did you donate all the money to them and doesn't your ancestor have a claim in any of this?"

Bonnie's face lit up again. "Well Summer, Ron and K are very good friends. My Junior is a billionaire and doesn't need any more money. His ancestor would understand. So we decided to give it to the rightful owners: the Possible and Stoppable family."

Ron grabbed Kim's hand. She squeezed it and rested her head on his shoulder. Jim and Tim cheered after hearing their family name and Hana started doing laps around the ceiling.

"You two have been thrust into the spotlight because of this, I hear. Care to elaborate?"

"Yes, My Bon Bon and I are making our dreams come true. I have been offered a record deal with a highly respected record company."

"And I have been given the opportunity to model for Cocoa Banana's new fall lineup."

"Let me be the first to wish you both the best of luck," said Summer, shaking their hands.

"Thank you," they both replied.

"This is Summer Gayle with Channel 5 News. Coming up next we have the weather report."

James turned the television off. Every left the room after seeing Kim and Ron's snuggling. James sort of glared at Ron, but Anne grabbed his ear and dragged him away.

Ron sighed into Kim's red mane. Kim's fingers intertwined with his and they sat in silence for a few moments before speaking.

"Did we cover everyone?" Kim asked.

Ron nodded. "Yep. I can't wait to see Yamanouchi's new dojo. Global Justice can get some working vending machines for a change. The Winchester Mansion and the New York's Museum of Natural History received their donations. Drakken and Shego should be home by now after we paid someone to drop off that raft with supplies."

"Do you think five days was too long?"

"I would've settled for a month."

Kim nudged him. "Har, Har. Oh, did that last gift arrive yet?"

Ron looked at his wrist watch. "It should be arriving any minute now."

Patty peddled her way through Doolin. After her pub burned down, she found work at her sister's flower shop. It was a refreshing change of pace, but she liked being a bartender better.

She stooped in front of the flower shop and entered. The bell chimed as she walked in. Her sister saw her and called her over.

"Patty, ye got some mail. Just arrived a second ago."

"Thanks Katie."

Katie walked away to give her some privacy. Patty inspected the envelope. It was from Middleton, Colorado.

She eagerly opened it, knowing who sent it. She scanned the words carefully, as if hoping they wouldn't fall off the page.

Dear Patty,

We found the treasure! The news will probably broadcast the story soon enough over there.

We can't thank you enough for what you've done. We hope this is helpful.

This gift should be enough to make a larger, better O'Connell's. We'll stop by for a pint when we are in the neighborhood.

Sincerely grateful, Kim and Ron.

P.S. Rufus says hi.

Patty let the tears flow as she saw the check with so many zeros on it. She rushed to tell Katie.

Camille Leon slowly edged her way to the treasure chest full of gold coins. She easily impersonated a guard and got in no problem. And the security system was a pinch to walk by, especially when you're someone else.

She went to grab the coins and stuff them in her bag, but the lights burst on and the room was filled with guards.


She couldn't believe it. How did they find out? Her question was answered when she saw Ron and Kim with their arms crossed and a smug look on their faces.

"How? You never saw me. I was invisible, there is like no way you knew I was tailing you and trying to steal the treasure."

She turned to run, but forgot about the wall behind her. She ran straight into it face first.

As the guards handcuffed her, Camille kept begging," How? How?!"

Kim smirked. "We got a tip from an anonymous source."

As Camille was taken away, Kim took out the note from Andrew and Elizabeth. There was a P.S. written on the bottom. The teens smiled as they re-read it.

P.S. A strange shape-changing blonde woman will attempt to steal the coin chest from the museum it will be at. God's speed.

The End.

Thank you all for reading this story. I enjoyed the ride. My next story will be coming up in a few weeks so look forward to it. Please review! KingOAnime.