Disclaimer: Own nothing

Rough Draft of Ending of The Fight For Her Heart

Previously… (For those of you who forgot or those who are too lazy to go back)

"Dexter!" Blossom called Dexter over.

"What is it, Blossom, have you made your decision?" Dexter asked.

"Yes." Blossom answered.


"Look, Dexter, um…" Blossom took a deep breath. "I really like you, but nothing more as a friend, I'm sorry Dexter, I choose Brick."

Dexter's eyes widened as he looked down at her. Blossom closed her eyes and looked down. Dexter, in a fit of sadness, grabbed her by her shoulders.

"How could you choose Brick over me!? What does he have that I don't!? Is it the superpowers, because if it is, I can bathe in chemical X! Please! I'll do anything!" He screamed desperately.

"No! Dexter, that's not it! It's just… Brick is… to me—"

Dexter cut her off, not wanting to hear anymore. "No, Blossom, it's ok. I—I'm happy as long as you are." Dexter said, smiling a sad smile as he reluctantly let go of her shoulders.

Blossom hugged him, she had just broken the heart of a really nice guy, and seeing her was probably killing him, so she hugged him, in a friendly way tightly. Before she let go, one tear fell down from her eye.

"Goodbye…" Blossom said.

"Goodbye…" Dexter said too, those both meant many things, but the worst part, is that it really was goodbye, for good, no possible chance of a relationship.

And Blossom turned around to go find Brick, running in an opposite direction as Dexter walked around aimlessly.

But, she was too late, he had already left from his hiding place from behind a wall and out of earshot after he saw the two. His fists clenched as he let one tear fall from his eyes then violently wiped it away.

She chose him. I couldn't win, she doesn't love me. What was I thinking, anyway? How could I possibly think that she'd choose a 'bad guy' over him, a good guy, her perfect match. I'm so stupid to believe that I remotely had a chance with her. Brick closed his eyes and walked away.


Blossom was searching frantically to find Brick, but she couldn't find him anywhere, so she searched for his brothers, but even they had no idea.

"Sorry, Leader Girl, but I haven't seen Brick since… well, this morning…" Butch said, rubbing the back of his neck as he searched around him as if he would suddenly appear there. "hope you find him though." Butch continued. Boomer nodded.

Stupid Brick, where could he be? He couldn't have left or something, I mean leaving only one day after confessing? Ah! There he is! Blossom went running toward the tree that Brick was sitting under.

"Hey! I've been trying to call and text you! Where were you? I have to tell you something!" Blossom exclaimed excitedly, already smiling as she imagined his happy reaction and the hug that they would share.

Brick looked away. "Me and Dexter are going out now! I hope you have a happy life Brick!" He thought bitterly as he refused to face her.

"Well, anyway, like I said, I wanted to say that—"

"Good for you… later." Brick said, getting up and leaving a very confused Blossom.

Blossom looked after him, puzzled. She ran to catch up with him. "Brick? Did you hear me? I said I wanted to tell you—"

"You know what, I don't really care anymore. Have a happy life with…" He struggled to say the name. "Dexter." He said giving her a fake smile.

Blossom laughed, but not a real laugh, kind of like a laugh that says "I can't believe you're saying that". "You're joking right? Ah-ah, you almost got me there! But, I think I should still tell you that—"

"Did you hear me? I said Have a happy life with Dorkster, meaning, leave me out of it." Brick said and started to walk away again.

Blossom stopped in her tracks, he had never spoken to her that way… "YOU LIAR!" she yelled, her eyes closed tight since she yelled so loud.

Brick stopped in his path.

"MEN ARE THE WORST! ALWAYS LYING TO PEOPLE LIKE ME! Why do you always do such things? You say things that make our hearts flutter, then you just break them into tiny little pieces that can never be put back together! All those things you said to me, did it mean… nothing? Nothing at all? Now, I see, all those words were lies! You don't care about me. You never fell for me. You don't want to protect me. You don't want to be with me always. Hell, you don't even want to be NEAR me!" Blossom started to cry as she could barely keep her eyes open, her teeth clenched a little to stop her heavy breathing.

Brick started walking again.

"JERK! LIAR! YOU'RE THE WORST!" Blossom's tears came full on now, as she went down to hug her knees. She covered her face as the tears kept falling. As she kept crying, flashbacks came to her mind.

"S-s-sorry… but you had to admit, it was better than kissing a rock, right?"

Stupid Brick, of course he would say something like that after kissing me.

Brick smiled broadly at her. "Blossom."

That's right, that's when he started calling me by my name…

"Fire, fire beats everything."

And of course they played rock, paper, scissors just to have one dance with me. Those idiots…

"You do know that I would've danced with both of you, eventually, you know,"

"Ya, but I'm really competitive and I didn't want to lose, after all, I am your counterpart… Blossom."

Why am I so stupid?

Brick smiled a sad smile. "Take care of her. And, you know, when I come back, if she's not yours, I won't hesitate in taking her away from you!"

He had even said that when we barely knew each other. Even if I wasn't there to hear it with my own ears. I just know it's real.



"Yo, Blossom!"


"Hey, Blossom?"

You were always there, weren't you?

"Why did you help me?"

"Well… um… you know… no reason."

"So, you helped me on a whim?"

"Well, yeah, I guess. I guess, for some reason, whenever you're in danger, I feel as though it's my job to protect you. I feel like I should be the one saving you. I feel like I should always be by your side. I feel like I should be the one to always care for you. And, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I guess you could say… I've fallen for you. And I don't ever want to lose you."

I can't let him go that easily!

Without giving it a second thought, Blossom got up from her crying position and took off in the air (well not in the air, but she was flying close to the ground and fast) to go find him and tell him that even if he said that, she still had feelings for him. She still cared about him. She still loved him. And he wasn't getting away that easily.


Brick was driving off in his car with his brothers since the school day finally ended.


"Dude, it's Blossom! She's calling out to you!" Butch said, shaking his shoulders.

Brick ignored the two and kept driving. Blossom kept flying after them. "BRICK!"

"Hey! Are you listening? That's Blossom out there!" Butch yelled.

"What about it?"

Butch almost exploded, but Boomer beat him to it. That's right, you read correctly. Boomer beat him to it. Boomer who is quiet and collected. Boomer who has rarely really talked, let alone yelled before. But here he is.

"YOU'RE AN IDIOT! I cannot believe I'm hearing this! How long have you been in love with her? Hmmm? As long as I can remember! You told me you'd always wait for her, but now, your pride is too damn big to even face her! You don't even know for sure if she really chose Dorkster!"

"I saw them—"

"Ya, but did you hear those words come from her mouth?"

Brick started to drive faster.

"Did you ever see them together after that?"

Brick drove so fast it was like against the law no matter where you are to go that fast.

"DO YOU SEE HER RUNNING AFTER YOU!? You waited for her all this time, so wait a little longer." Boomer said when Brick came to a full halt. Why? Because Blossom stood in front of the car, daring them to run her over.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED!?" Brick yelled as he tore/opened the car door.

"If that's what it takes, then yes." Blossom said, eyes focused.

"You… are crazy. You know that?"

"People do crazy things when they're in love."

"Ya, apparently, if they're in love with Dorkster."

Blossom looked at him, puzzled.

"All right, lay it on me, I'm prepared for it. C'mon, tell me who you're in love with."


"What? Liar, you're just saying that to make me feel better, huh? C'mon, tell me."






"Oh, yeah? Then what were you doing in the hallway? Hmmm?"

"Brick, you don't understand, we were—"

"Celebrating that you both had me out of your lives?"


"I know what I saw!"


Brick was sent back by the volume and how intense her voice was getting, even with that slight crack.

"Brick, I broke his heart. I broke the heart of one of the nicest guys out there. I knew he cared about me so much, just as much as you, but… I shattered his heart into tiny little pieces to the point that it will probably take an amazing girl to pick them up and put them back together, I broke his heart to be with you." Blossom sniffed.

Brick stared at her and started to say something, but Blossom cut him off.

"And you just broke my heart, but, I'm willing to let you pick up the pieces and put them back together, because, when a girl's heart gets broken, it's horrible, Brick. It's agonizing and painful and you just can't get through it alone, it's so painful that it's like having a hole in it, and that person who broke it just keeps carving into it to make it worse. But, you can fill that hole that no one else can. Please, Brick, believe me when I say that I chose you. And… believe me when I say I love you."

Brick looked down at the girl in front of him and he saw a completely fragile girl, he knew what would make that half smile into a frown and tears. But, he also knew what would make them into smiles and laughter. Happiness, a new beginning, and probably things that people like him don't deserve.

"I don't deserve you." Brick said under his breath.

Blossom heard him though. "Yes you do! You have every right to—"

She was cut off when he threw his arms around her. "But, I still want you, and I get what I want."

Blossom blinked and hugged back.

Unknown POV

"They're happy together." I smiled sadly as I looked away and went back toward my car.

"Um… hi… I'm Sam, I'm new here and I'm going to start coming here tomorrow, would you mind showing me around?" a feminine voice asked from behind me.

I turned around and I never thought that I'd find a red-headed girl as beautiful as Blossom, but here she was, standing in front of me. She had green eyes and long red hair that cascaded down her back. I looked over at the green summer dress she was wearing. It was a little bit against the dress code, but hey, who was complaining? "Sam… Ok, sure, where did you move from?"

"I moved here from Beverly Hills with my friends Clover and Alex, but, they said they don't need a tour, but I just want to look at the amazing science building that I heard about." Sam said.

I smiled, she was just like Blossom, I can live with that, and she looked like she had so much more to her that I can learn about. "Sure. So, do you like comic books?"

"Of course!" Sam exclaimed excitedly.

Normal POV

Dexter looked over at Brick and Blossom again.

"Hold on, I have some people I want to meet you." Dexter said, pulling Sam over to Brick and Blossom.

"Dexter!" Blossom exclaimed, happy to see him.

"What up, Dorkster!" Brick exclaimed, grinning at Dexter.

Dexter smiled, glad that things with Brick were back to the way they were four years ago. "Sam, this is Brick, my best friend… and Blossom, his girlfriend."

Blossom smiled. "Nice to meet you." Blossom held a hand out.

"Dorkster you dog. Crushing on Blossom then moving on to a new—mmph!" Brick was cut off by a hand covering his mouth.

"Shhh! Don't ruin my chance to be with another girl." Dexter hissed to Brick.

Brick nodded. He turned to Sam. "Hey, wanna know some interesting stories about Dexter when he was—"

Dexter laughed awkwardly, cutting Brick off quickly. "Hahaha… I'll see you later, Blossom, I'm gonna show Sam the science building."

"Brick and I will catch up with you later then!" Blossom said, smiling.

Brick looked at Dexter when he turned to face him. Brick held out his hand for Dexter. Dexter grinned. He clasped it, loosened, and punched fists together. "I would've been really mad if you had forgotten." Brick told Dexter.

"Me? Of course not, Hoodlum." Dexter said, using the nickname in a friendly way.

Brick grinned. "Good, Dorkster." Brick said, using the nickname similarly. Blossom smiled. Now, she knew for sure that the dream wasn't just a dream.

They waved goodbye to each other. Brick turned to Blossom and hugged her. Blossom eeped again. Brick chuckled at her reaction. "Please tell me this isn't a dream."

"It's not." Blossom told him, smiling. They were still in each other's embrace, they were leaning closer for a kiss… that is until they heard something from behind a bush.

"I can't see!"

"Ow! Butch stop pushing!"

"Bubbles stop giggling! I can't hear!"

"No! Don't! Stop! Butch!"


And out toppled Boomer, Buttercup, Butch, and Bubbles. Brick glared at his brothers and Blossom glared at her sisters.

"What? Did you honestly think that we would give you privacy just because you walked away? Uh-uh. I don't think so." Bubbles told them with a little attitude.

"Hehe, hi, Brick." Butch said from the top.

"Butch get offa me!" Buttercup yelled from under. "And this is all your fault! It was just getting juicy!"

"I know, Butch, god!" Bubbles added, giggling from underneath Buttercup.

"You're not one to talk Bubbles, I couldn't hear a word because of your 'HEHEHEHE!' Geez, there's only some times when it's cute, and does anyone else want to get off of me!? You're all heavy!" Boomer yelled.

"Boomie! You're talking loudly!" Bubbles exclaimed, smiling.

"Are you kidding? This guy's a chatterbox when you girls aren't around!" Butch exclaimed. "It's like 'talk, talk, talk, talk, talk'! It never ends! You know, now that I think about it, Boomer never did talk to girls after we were eight… But I guess he's decided to open up a little."

Boomer looked away. "No, I haven't."

Blossom and Brick laughed, then continued where they left off.

-wolf whistle-

They didn't stop, but Brick did shoo them off with his hand.

The four snickered and walked away.

When they had left, Butch and Buttercup decided to walk, well float above ground. They weren't allowed to fly, unless it was an emergency, ever since they crashed many buildings the last time they raced.

"Wait here, I'm gonna get some ice cream for both of us, what flavor do you want?" Butch asked.

"Mint." Buttercup answered, smiling a little.

"Kay, be right back." Butch said, smiling a little too. Butch walked over to the ice cream lady, smiling slightly. Maybe… since Brick and Blossom are together… me and Butterbutt will… Butch shook his head. I'll think about that later.

Will what?

Oh, just the person I needed to talk to! Butch said to his conscience.

Wow, the first time that I'm actually wanted. Anyway, I think what you're thinking is right, after all you are me, in a way.

Cocky. Just like Brick.

Yeah, well at least he got the girl. Chew on that.

Shut up, I can get Butterbutt if I wanted.

Butch took the ice cream cones to Buttercup, who was talking to… MITCH MITCHELLSON!? Butch started to walk faster toward her. "Hey, Butterbutt, I've got the—"

"Sure, Mitch, I'll be your girlfriend!" Buttercup exclaimed happily. There was something in her eyes that Butch had never seen before. Pure enjoyment.

You were saying?

Shut up, this is only the beginning.

Wait for sequel! Anticipate for Green with Envy, but for now Blossom and Brick are finished! And, as you can tell, this is going to be a ppgxrrb series with rivalry. I don't know, depends on which couple appears cutest to me. Maybe I'll have Buttercup choose neither… lol, no, that would be mean and unfair. Man! I'm running out of good endings D: