Back again guys and yes I have seen episode 10 and my head is literally exploding with ideas but I think I'll contain myself for the moment and give you just some of what's swimming around in this filthy mind of mine lol. Also Happy birthday Lauren hon. Hope you have a great day and I hope you'll enjoy this little piece as well.
He groggily woke to a new and sunny day, the faint sound of bird's chirping outside and as much as he welcomed the peace and tranquillity of this time of day he couldn't do that now because he was too buzzed from the previous night's occurrences. His mind remembering every detail, every moan, every plead she conveyed to get her to the end of that seemingly endless tunnel. One which he had no qualms about helping with cause truth be told it was something he had been longing to experience, especially with her and now that he had he was going to do everything in his power to keep it that way.
Speaking of which where was she? He wondered as his right hand wandered over the area he expected to find her, relaxed and sated after their rather busy night of passion.
The very thought of their time together was enough to summon a smile which was an equal mix of satisfaction and accomplishment, but his pride chose the latter and with that he jumped out of bed, grabbing a towel to wrap around himself for the journey ahead.
He tried the kitchen at first and expectedly bumped into one of Aaron's toys, muttering a silent curse on the way but it soon gave way to the smile he had plastered all over his face this morning and it grew even wider when he heard the distinct thrashing of water behind the closed door of their bathroom.
He hadn't really gotten used to using that word. Not because he didn't want to but more so cause he didn't expect for things between them to excel at such a rate. It seems like almost yesterday that he saw her walking out into the clearing on the beach. Her expression so lost, but beautiful to him at the same time.
His first thought was to knock on the door in an effort to give her, her privacy but apparently she felt no need to as he found the door half open, then revealing the blurred silhouette of someone under the shower, and without a second thought considered he guessed right away who it was and then made the final steps forward to confirm his assumptions once and for all.
"Morning" he proclaimed as he poked his head through the gap he had created with the shower door.
"Morning yourself." A flushed Kate replied as her body succumbed to the fresh, heated water that effortlessly cascaded down the length of her slim body. The capability of what that body could accomplish, surprising him to say the least but he wasn't one to cower from it. No, he would embrace it to the fullest and constantly envelop and warm it with his own.
"You're up early." She added as she proceeded to continue on with her shower, giving her captivated audience an arousing view of what was deliberately put on display to get him wanting again.
"Jack?" she momentarily questioned when she received no response. Instead she heard a slight shuffling and seconds later she was welcomed with a pair of arms wrapping themselves around her slender waist. His fingers already setting the sultry rhythm, and in no time he was already inching towards the area that required his utmost attention.
"Mmmmm" she silently moaned at the combined feel of the hot water hitting the surface of her skin and his fingers working effortlessly over her. Each spot he touched elicited a jolt and moan of please out of her, and it proved to benefit her in the end because it only spurred him on even more.
"Feels good?" He strained to ask as his fingers inched closer and closer towards the growing warmth of her excited center. The evidence of that excitement and desire seeping uncontrollably out of her and it simply touched him in return. To know that she was always this wet and ready for him, no matter what time of day it was.
"Jack" was the only sensible thing she could find the will to convey as she felt two of his fingers entering her, and when she failed to show any resistance against it he added a third and then a fourth, making the experience painful but a pleasurable one at the same time.
"Fuck, Kate." He grunted as his ministrations caused her form to buck further into him and his arousal, which was on the brink of release itself but his concentration on the current task at hand issued him the pre longed time he so desperately needed in an effort to fully ride this experience out.
"Faster……ahh, faster please Jac…..." She started to chant, first in the form of a silent mutter and then gradually gathering strength sound wise to be heard and satisfied in return once and for all.
The only thing being exchanged between the lovers now were mutual gasps of please and the occasional exclamation to convey a moment when the pleasure became too much to bear, but as always Jack was always there to keep her grounded and in control of what he was striving to bring out of her.
"God, Kate. You close babe?" he growled into her neck and the vibrations reverberated throughout her entire body in response. Its effect strengthening and forcing the imminent rush she felt rising within the pit of her belly.
"Kate?" he questioned more so in concern, especially when he heard her continuously eliciting an extremely high pitched squealing sound. His ministrations immediately stilling in an effort to not cause any more pain he assumed at first, but he was rather surprised when she opened her eyes and then looked back at him with a strained expression of need and want. The implications within her gaze so strong that it nearly knocked him off his feet, and all he wanted to offer her at that moment was a comforting smile and the sweetest of kisses to show her how much it warmed him to be wanted and needed in that way.
"What do you want Kate?" was the first thing he asked once he reluctantly pulled away from her plumped lips, and he momentarily chuckled when she simply refused to let go of the engagement he had initiated in the first place.
"Jack" she warned in a low voice when he thought it would be amusing to prolong the anticipation just a tad longer, but once again she managed to surprise him by grasping hold of his probing length, his one source of weakness in this playful tug of war and he was forced to do nothing but give into her completely. His form leaning more into her while his hands wrapped around her smaller and more slender frame.
"Ka……Kate you have to." He spoke incoherently as he felt her hand working just the top part of him, her fingers flirting ever so slightly with the pre cum leaking from the head of his engorged cock.
"Now tell me what you want Jack?" she proposed in a somewhat victorious manner over having gained control of the situation.
"I think you already know." was the last thing she heard him say before she was briefly lifted up into the air and then gently placed along the bathroom tiled wall a few feet behind from where they stood. Once she was secured against the cool surface with the delicious weight of his body pressing into hers, he then gazed down at the physically element of his desire for her and grabbed hold of it to position himself for the glorious ride ahead.
"Hmmmm……in me please." She more or less pleaded off him as her gaze also travelled down to catch sight of his fully erect length making the least bit of contact with it's destination, but his hand was restraining it from moving any further.
"Jacccccck" she whined, giving him the perfectly rehearsed puppy dog look, but he was far from being in a light mood. No, the lust and concentration he had in his eyes was enough to show her a completely different side of him. One she had only seen once before and it not only touched her emotionally but it aroused her physical want for him even more.
"Tell me how you want it Kate?" he asked while slightly bending down to her level to catch every reaction to his question cause the last thing he wanted her to feel was forced in this kind of situation. If anything he wanted her to embrace the moment just like he was doing so right now.
"Tell me." He emphasised while placing his hands on either side of her face. His lips acquiring a few short but deep kisses along the way and by the end of it she was too caught up in the moment to verbally express what she wanted so she just nodded in frantic agreement with anything he had planned at this point, and he felt that he would explode if he held on for any longed, so with that he took hold of his hardened length once again and entered her constricting depths inch by inch. Every muscle in his body twitching and flexing as the head of his cock touched upon the rim of her entrance. The rest soon following with a dragged out moan elicited from both parties, and once he was firmly buried right up to the base, he focused his gaze upon her face once again and then started to move, longing to hear his name on her lips in the way he had heard it so many times already but he couldn't help but hear it again.
Just one more time, he mentally vowed to himself but there was only so much his logical side had control over.
"Oooooo, I….." Kate gasped out as trembling hands gripped his shoulders in a death grip and it gained considerable pressure when his thrusts gained pace. Each one bucking her more and more into him, and when it got too much she grabbed the sides of his face and plastered him with a kiss strong enough to make him loose all feeling whatsoever but thankfully he still had an ounce of strength within him to maintain their connection and rhythm for the time being.
"You close." He asked her despite feeling a distinct tightening around his thrusting cock and before she could get the words out she was screaming instead. Her voice wavering much like they way her orgasm was riding itself out. The pain continuing to hit with each wave but Jack was right there to soothe it with his voice and embrace and she took complete trust and comfort in it.
Once she recovered somewhat she slowly opened her eyes and released an immediate smile. One he mirrored as his lips sealed with hers again, his thrusts soon resuming with it's methodical rhythm, and all Kate did in response was lay back and become a willing participant to what it would surely bring out of her once again.
The only thing that could be heard apart from the muffled moans behind the shower door was the expected sound of the radio blaring through the expanse of their bedroom.
Good morning Los Angeles and it looks like it's going to be a great morning.
It was indeed.