Sorry, I took sooo long to update this. ( My sincerest apologies to my readers. Sorry, this chapter's shorter than the others, but next chapter is the Prom.


"Toph!" Sokka called, running down the hall towards Toph, waving his arms like crazy. She froze and crossed her arms.

"Give me one reason to listen to you." She said, obviously still angry about Sokka and Nana. Toph turned so her back was to him.

"Please." He took her by the shoulders and spun her around. Sokka sighed before continuing. "Toph. Listen to me. I don't like her. What can I do to make you believe me?"

Toph made a disapproving tch. "Sokka, I do believe you." She uncrossed her arms and smiled warmly at him. He face lit up and he pulled her into a bear hug.


Toph's warm glow faded instantaneously. "As if. Get off me." She shoved him off her. Aang and Katara gave each other a worried look then both fled down the hallway, neither wanting to get caught up in the fight.

"Toph, I just don't get why you're mad at me!" Sokka exclaimed, with his arms up in the air.

"You. Are. So. Stupid!" Toph's anger grew with each word. She walked up to Sokka and stopped, looking up at him, hurt shown in her milky jade eyes. Sokka ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"Toph. I have done a lot of stupid things in my life, but pushing you away was the worst." He gazed into her sightless eyes, and summoned up all his courage. "I guess what I'm trying to say, is Toph, will you go to Prom with me?"

Toph couldn't speak. She couldn't move either. What was supposed to be her reply came out as garbled speech.

"Uh, if you don't wanna go with me, you can just say so." Sokka grimaced at Toph's reaction. He had thought she'd be happy and say yes. With a sigh he turned around and started to walk back to his room.

"Sokka wait!" Toph called out. Her voice bounced around the otherwise empty hallway.

"Yes?" Sokka turned around with a wide grin.

Toph ran a nervous hand through her hair. "Uh, I'll go with you to this uh, Prom thingy."

"Great! Do you wanna eat somewhere before?" Sokka's face lit up.

"Um, eat somewhere? Nah, I'm fine." Toph shrugged. "Let's just go out and buy junk food for later." With a devious grin, Toph took Sokka's hand and pulled him towards the nearest snack bar.

During the next few days, things were pretty hectic around the school. People were bustling around, decorating the halls and the gym for the prom. Even the Gaang had caught some of the excitement. Katara had taken Toph out shopping for a dress and Sokka and Aang had gone out to pick out their outfits.

"Toph, can you believe Prom's tomorrow?" Katara asked, laying in bed after their shopping trip earlier that day.

"Uh kinda. You've been counting it down all week, Sweetness."

"Oh. Sorry. Wait, you never told me who you're taking to Prom." Katara turned a suspicious eye to Toph, who was sitting in a chair by the doorway.

"No one special." Toph shrugged. Katara propped herself up on her elbows and sighed.

"Toph, please tell me. You never tell me anything. When's the last time we had a girl's only chat?"

"I don't-"

"Exactly." Katara cut Toph off. Toph was blushing now, thinking about how Sokka was going to bring her to Prom. "Since you're not gonna tell me, I think I'll go ask Aang." Katara said with a mischievous grin.

"Sure. Whatever." Toph dismissed her with a wave of her hand. Katara stepped outside and came back in a few moments later with Aang.

"Who's bringing Toph to the Prom?" Katara turned to Aang, with an innocent smile.

"Um." Aang looked at Toph, who was glaring in his general direction, and making slashing signs across her throat. "Sokkabye." Aang ran out of the room as if he was being chased by a lion bird, which he might as well have. Toph leaped out of her bed and marched outside.

Katara stayed in the room, listening through the door at the muffled shouts, and the crunch of earth bending. She stayed like that, with her ear to the door, until Toph roughly opened it on Katara's head. "Ow, Toph, that hurt." Katara groaned, clutching her head.

"Well it wouldn't have happened if you didn't have your head up against the door." Toph shrugged, while smirking. Katara shot Toph a glare. "Don't worry, I didn't hurt your boyfriend." Katara blushed. "Too much." Toph jumped into her bed. "I'm going to bed."

Katara glanced quickly at the now snoring Toph, and walked to her own bed. "I guess I should sleep too." She mused. Moments after her head hit the pillow, Katara drifted off to sleep.

Toph quietly sat up. "Finally. Time for that junk food party!"