"Good morning, Daddy," 18-year-old Destiny Bolton greeted her father and kissed him on the cheek. Troy Bolton smiled and placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of her.

"Thanks, Daddy."

"Anytime, Des," Troy replied. A few minutes later, 24-year-old Faith Bolton trudged down the stairs, obviously in a grumpy mood. Destiny and Troy looked at each other before looking at Faith.

"What did Clay do this time?" Troy asked his elder daughter with an amused smile on his face.

"He bailed on me! And it's not the first time, Daddy! This is the second time this week!" Faith exclaimed as she waved her hands dramatically in the air. Destiny stifled her laughter while Troy smiled sympathetically at Faith.

"I mean, I understand why he couldn't make it on Monday but-"

"And why couldn't he make it on Monday?" Troy asked her.

"He was with Becky. She was buying Savannah's birthday present and he was her ride," Faith explained while Destiny snorted. Faith looked at her sister.


"You really believe that?" Destiny asked, bewildered that her sister would fall for such a lame excuse.

"Of course I don't! That is why I don't understand him! Why would he lie to me?" she asked her question quietly but it was loud enough for her father and sister to hear. Tears were in her eyes and Troy hugged her.

"Honey, I don't know what's going on, but I'm going to find out. I'm going to Chaylor's house later so I'll find out what's going on, okay?" he consoled his daughter as he hugged her tighter and kissed her cheek. He felt her forehead and it was burning.

"Faithers, your forehead feels hot! I want you to go back upstairs and rest, young lady!" Troy ordered her. Faith groaned.

"I feel like I'm sixteen again."

High School Musical – P.S. I Love You

"CLAY DANFORTH!" Destiny screamed as she entered the Danforth household with her father trailing behind her. Seeing the look on Destiny's face, obviously a sign that she was angry with him, Clay Danforth let out a girlish scream before running to hide behind his mother's back. Troy and his best friend since pre- school, Chad Danforth, laughed at how scared Clay looked of Destiny.

"Wow, Clay. You're very intelligent, hiding behind your mother who is like way shorter than you. No offense, Taylor," Troy added the last part hastily. Taylor Danforth smiled at him and hit her son on his head.

"OW! Mom, what was that for?"

"I told you to tell them your plan!"

"I was going to tonight. I would never dream of doing it without asking them!"

"Asking us what? What plan? What's going on?" Troy asked as he turned to his best friends and his daughter's boyfriend. Chad and Taylor smiled encouragingly at their son and nodded. Clay took a deep breath before explaining to Troy and Destiny why he had been such a jerk towards Faith lately…

High School Musical – P.S. I Love You

"Faith? Are you feeling better?" Destiny asked her sister as she knocked on Faith's bedroom door. She opened the door when she got impatient and saw Faith crying. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair was a mess, and she was holding a picture of Gabriella. Destiny smiled sadly at her sister.

"You miss her, huh?"

"A lot. I feel so stupid. I mean, I'm twenty- four years old."

"Dad says it's okay to cry over Mom no matter how old you are. The whole time you were in college, I missed you and Mom like crazy. Dad caught me crying one day and he reminded me of one of Mom's favourite sayings. Remember what mom always told us when we lost someone close to us?" Destiny asked her sister. Faith smiled.

"Life goes on. We have to move on. One step at a time. It's doesn't matter if you cry over the ones you love and miss. What matters is that you treasure the memories you have with them and you know that they'll always be with you."

"Exactly," Destiny said with a satisfied smile on her face. Faith smiled and hugged her sister.

"I thought I'm supposed to be the older and wiser one?" she asked jokingly. Destiny laughed and kissed her sister's cheek before walking towards the door.

"You're still older, sis. Way older," she said before dashing out of the room in fits of laughter. Faith smiled and ran after her sister, screaming after her.

"Oh, that's right, missy. You better run!"

Unknown to them, their father had been listening to the whole conversation all along. He smiled at the girls and went to the balcony in his bedroom and looked up at the sky. He began talking, something he did every night since Gabriella's first letter arrived.

"We've raised two amazing, girls, Gabriella." Troy said and he smiled as the leaves rustled. He grinned wider as he began telling Gabriella about the conversation he and Destiny had with Clay a few hours before.

A few hours before…

Troy's P.O.V.

"Asking us what? What plan? What's going on?" I asked as I turned to my best friends and my daughter's boyfriend. Chad and Taylor smiled encouragingly at their son and nodded. What the hell was going on? Clay took a deep breath before answering me.

"I want your blessings," Clay said. I looked at him as though he were crazy. What did he need my blessings for? It's not like he's going to ask Faith to marry him.

"For what?" Destiny asked him. Again, he took a deep breath before answering me.

"I want your blessing so that I can ask Faith to marry me." Okay, maybe he did want to marry Faith.

"I need water," I stated and I went into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. I saw Chad and Taylor look at their son and Destiny before following me to the kitchen.


"What, Taylor?" I snapped at her. I didn't mean to and I felt bad almost instantly. Almost.

"Dude, seriously. I get that you're shocked but don't snap at my wife like that," Chad said calmly, yet in a warning tone. I sighed and faced Taylor.

"I'm sorry, Tay. It's just… This is just happening to fast. It seemed like it was just yesterday when Gabriella and I sent her to pre- school. She's my baby girl, Taylor. Okay, maybe she's not a baby anymore, but she's my girl. I can't let her go. It's not easy," I explained to them. Taylor hugged me.

"Apology accepted. By the way, this is for you," she said, handing me a letter with that was familiar and beautiful. I gasped and looked at Taylor. It was Gabriella's familiar and beautiful handwriting. Taylor smiled softly at me while Chad looked confused.

"Another one?" I asked.

"According to Gabriella, it's a very short one," Taylor told me. Chad's eyes widened when he realized what was going on. I was still shocked and frozen but it seemed that Chad had gotten over it faster than me and he started laughing. I always knew there was something wrong with him.

"What are you laughing about?" Taylor asked, obviously as annoyed at him as much as I was.

"She always was the wisest one amongst us even though she's the youngest. I bet it's one of her sayings inside that letter," he betted. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I bet you ten bucks it isn't and she knows about this bet," I challenged him.

"I bet you ten bucks it is and she doesn't know about this bet. I mean, c'mon, Troy, she's not psychic!" Chad exclaimed.

"I bet you ten bucks that the letter has one of her sayings and she knows about this bet," Taylor decided to join in. We shook hands and I opened the letter, feeling a certain happiness in my heart that Gabriella had managed to make yet another appearance in my life when I least expected it. She's the best.

Dear Troy,

Life goes on. We have to move on. One step at a time. It's doesn't matter if you cry over the ones you love and miss. What matters is that you treasure the memories you have with them and you know that they'll always be with you. Faith and Destiny will always be your baby girls, Troy. No matter what.


Gabriella Bolton

P.S. I Love You

P.P.S. You and Chad owe Taylor 20 bucks.

I laughed as I handed Taylor a ten- dollar bill from my pocket and so did Chad. Realizing that I still had not given Clay my blessings, I went into the living room.

"Have you bought the ring?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"I can't seem to find 'the' ring for her. That's why I cancelled our date twice this week. I've been with Becky. I mean, I've seen really nice rings but I've not seen a ring that, that, well-"

"That gives you a vision of Faith saying yes?" I completed the sentence for him. What was hard about saying that? He nodded. I smiled at him and took a ring out of my wallet. I know it's a really stupid place to hide it, but hey, nobody ever suspected that I hid the thing I treasured most in my wallet. I gave Gabriella's ring to him, knowing full well that she would have given it to him if she were with us. Gabriella's mother had given her that ring so it meant a lot.

"Oh. My. God. This is it. This is 'the' ring," Clay said as he looked at the ring.

"Well, you have my blessing," I told him.

End of flashback

No one's P.O.V.

"You're right, Gabby. The girls are growing up but they remind me so much of you. I gave Clay your ring today. I know it's what you wanted. I love you too, by the way," Troy said as he smiled at the sky before going to sleep. He needed rest. His daughter was getting engaged the next day…

6 months later…

It happened. It finally happened. After many months of waiting, Faith Bolton was officially Faith Danforth. Troy had never felt so emotional before. He felt happy for his daughter, that she had finally got her happiness, but sad as well because that meant that he was going to have to let her go. He had a feeling he'd be feeling the same thing at Destiny's wedding.

Faith smiled at her new husband as she fiddled with the letter her mother had given her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized her mother had always been there for her and always will be.

Dear Faith,

CONGRATULATIONS! You are officially Mrs. Clay Danforth! I am so proud of you and you look absolutely beautiful in my wedding dress. I have a feeling that that dress will be the one for Destiny too.

Faith, you are taking the next step in life. Before you know it, you're going to have a baby, watch your baby grow up, send her off to college and watch her get married just like how your father and I have been doing. You're going to be a great mother.

But above all, don't forget that you have a duty to fulfill as a wife too. Honey, no matter what you hear, men need their support too. And a married man's support is his wife. Without her, he'd be completely lost in life, without a clue as to what he's supposed to do.

However, you are not to let this get to your head, young lady. We need our support too. For me, my support was your father and he always will be. When I left, you and Destiny were his support because you two reminded him of me. Your father was always there for me till my last breath and for that I will be eternally grateful. I hope you get to experience this special love too.

I wish you all the best honey. In everything that you do. In raising your child, letting them grow up and watching them make mistakes but always being there for them when they need you. You'll be amazing and I'll always be proud of you.


Gabriella Bolton (and proud of it!)

P.S. I Love You

Troy smiled as he read the letter that his daughter had handed to him. Gabriella always knew when the right time was to pop back into their lives and he was always thankful that he had gotten a wise and caring wife that would always be in his heart.

It was the party after the wedding and Troy finally let his high school alter ego get the better of him. He went on the stage and started singing a song to his little girl.

Look at the two of you dancing that way
Lost in the moment and each others face
So much in love your alone in this place
Like there's nobody else in the world
I was enough for her not long ago
I was her number one
She told me so
And she still means the world to me
Just so you know
So be careful when you hold my girl
Time changes everything
Life must go on
And I'm not gonna stand in your way

But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But it still hard to give her away
I loved her first

How could that beautiful women with you
Be the same freckle face kid that I knew
The one that I read all those fairy tales to
And tucked into bed all those nights
And I knew the first time I saw you with her
It was only a matter of time

But I loved her first and I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she'd find you someday
But its still hard to give her away
I loved her first

From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
Someday you might know what I'm going through
When a miracle smiles up at you
I loved her first

When the song ended, Faith and Destiny looked at each other before holding hands and walked up onto the stage together. Together, they both hugged their father. The man who had been their rock ever since their mother knocked some sense into him with her first letter. The man whom had taught them to cycle, play basketball and raised them. The man they were proud to call their father.

"We'll always be your little girls, daddy," Destiny said as she and Faith let go. Troy smiled at them softly before hugging them again, causing the people in the room to erupt in cheers. What everyone in that party saw that day was the love and strong bond between the three Boltons. And they would never forget it.

A/N: I loved writing this chapter. Please Review!