Do not kill me... yet...

I do not own Teen Titans, so you can breathe now.


"Beast Boy, look out!" Robin yelled again, as if the green Titan didn't see the crate flying at him. He'd never understood how exactly the Boy Wonder could be so well-meaning and obvious at the same time. Not to mention so loud.

Beast Boy instead morphed to a fly, equally effectively dodging the large crate aimed at him by Adonis, more personally named 'the dumbass.' How he even had muscle armor in the first place, let alone somehow getting it back every time he got out of prison, was a mystery to the world.

"What's wrong, shrimp? Too much pressure on ya?" The red moron's banter was extremely annoying, even to Beast Boy, who personally wish he would shut the fuck up as he rushed at Adonis as a bull.

Adonis. What the hell kind of name was that for a villain?

The muscled man blocked him with one armored arm, even as he clubbed Starfire out of the air with a statue. Which there seemed to be alot of for an abandoned warehouse. He threw said statue at Robin who was speeding over to Starfire, only to have it meet Cyborg's Sonic Cannon.

Morphing to a velociraptor, Beast Boy chomped onto Adonis' arm again. Only to have his teeth get stuck as his horns had only moments before. He was rewarded by a few scratches in the others real arm, so, eh.

Anyways, shrieking like the sissy-in-armor he pretty much was, Adonis managed to throw the Titan off of himself and into a wall, only to be practically dancing out of the way of black telekinetic blades, courtesy of Raven. "Ooooh, fiesty!" He said before throwing a new statue, forcing the dark one to block it while Robin kicked Adonis in the head repeatedly, nearly breaking his foot in the process.

"Hard like metal," he grinned at the pained expression on the Boy Wonder's face.

"Maybe because you have a freakin' helmet on this time, jerk-off," He retaliated before he got slammed violently into the floor by his leg.

"Hmmm, now where did shrimpy go?" Starfire was already shooting star-bolts from her hands and eyes at Adonis while Raven did the same in her own way. He rolled out of the way meeting Cyborg who was aiming both Sonic Cannons at his chest...


The world was somehow still hazing in Garfield Logan's eyes as he fought to stay awake. He shouldn'tve even been slammed into the other room, let alone being knocked out, by the wall he'd hit. But somehow the world was going black to him, even as he felt the adrenaline rush still pounding his head. Even as he thought he saw Cyborg get knocked across the same room, a few feet from him. Even as he saw a flash of blood-red eyes snapping open in some far away section of his mind, he could only think two words.

"This... sucks." He managed before his eyes drifted shut...

As Cyborg climbed out of the wall he didn't even notice the green teen just feet away from him as he sped back at Adonis. So he couldn'tve notice when his eyes opened, boredly drifting around the room trying to figure out where he was while on the inside he was glad to even get free of those damned chains Beast Boy had locked him away in so long ago...

Then he noticed fighting going on one room away. Eh, at least it'll get my attention for a while, he thought before almost stumbling into the room full of statues...


"Oh yeah! Adonis still got the moves! Nobody can stand the might of Adonis!" If you don't know who this is by now, I pity you.

The metal-clad moron was inexplicably still dodging the combined efforts of Raven and Starfire after sending a certain cyborg named Cyborg(Duh!) to join the shrimp in another room of the warehouse. Coincidentally, moron-moron had long-since forgotten what he'd been doing there in the forst place. Something about planting some bomb some masked guy gave him...

(It is tiresome to write 'moron-speak', so insert dumb phrase dum-dum would use here.)

"Shut the hell up!" Adonis was jerked violently down to his knees by his neck by none other than-- Beast Boy. He almost shrieked like a girl again at how the green Titan seemed to send off waves of power from such a weak-looking body. Then again, who was he to talk?

Momentarily regaining whatever composure he'd ever had, he started his stupid, pointless banter again. "Hey, I was wondering where you went shrimp-bo--" He was cut off by none other than himself. With somewhat good reason, too. He noticed Beast Boy's eyes were not their usual green, but...

Instead two violent crimson orbs stared back at Adonis' confused face before grinning evilly. All Adonis could do was stare as the Titan tightened his grip on his throat and reached back an arm...


A single tremor shook the building as twisted red metal, then flesh, met concrete and wood. Still grinning, now a little bored, the changeling shook the unconcious man's armored shoulder.

"Excuse me? Young man? You just got knocked the fuck out!!"

He laughed lightly at his own joke and for the first time noticed that the rest of the Titans were by now staring at him. "What? I got something on my face or..." He, Beast Boy, or whatever was possesing him, then noticed something. More of a guess, but he happened to look up and see a large loose block of concrete falling at his head. "See ya 'round guys!" He said before once again, a tremor shook the entire warehouse. This time for a completely different reason.

"Ow...What the..." The first thing Beast Boy noticed was either the pain in his head, or the fact that he was no longer in the wall. He definitely didn't notice the looks his friends were giving him or that Adonis was now unconcious less than two feet away from him. But that changed pretty quickly.

"Uhm, why is everyone staring at me?" Then he noticed some familiar red metal near his face. "Whoah, what the hell happened to him?" Oh, yeah, by the way, by now his eyes were back to thier normal, green color so that was a little confusing. But the changeling saw clearly in the back of his mind two red eyes closing then nothing.

"Guys? Anyone? Hellooooo?"


Whew! first chapter took me that long? Crud. No romance yet, but I think that will show up later on...

So! Tell me how I did bringing in the Animal, eh? I will confuse you, but, eh, these things are supposed to be confusing...