A/N: I don't really know where this came from…I just got the idea and started writing. Hope you like.


We were always together. Me and him. He was the leader and I was the follower. It was natural. It was right.

Me and him. Him and I. We knew each other. He knew my strengths and weaknesses. But I only knew his strengths. I guess I never really knew him at all. I never saw his weaknesses; I didn't want to see them. I didn't like the idea of a weak Riku. He was my idol, he just couldn't be like me. Weak.

I look at him now. Long silver hair blowing, eyes squinting in the sunlight. Riku hates the light. It hurts him. It hurts both his eyes and heart. I didn't really understand him before when he told me he hated the sun. I thought it was cool, like everything Riku liked.

But I've changed.

"I never knew this." Riku says quietly, rubbing his eyes. He doesn't look at me and his voice holds no emotion. But I know. I know Riku now.

"Yeah?" I answer. I have no true answer so I give the one I gave two years ago. Back when I really didn't know Riku. Back when things were better.

"You know…I hate the sun." He says slowly, as if choosing his words carefully. Riku thinks I don't know. He believes he knows the real me. But he doesn't know me anymore.

"I know." I say simply, watching as he pulls a black blindfold over his delicate eyes. He doesn't want to see the light. Riku hated the light.

He turns back, lifting his eyes to the sun. Riku can still see it. He can't hide from the light, it would always follow him.

"Sora…" He starts, turning back to look at me. I look back. I know he can see me. For I was the light, and he was the darkness. Riku couldn't hide from the light.

It would always follow him.

"Sora…" He repeats, looking straight through me. I felt like he truly saw me now. He saw me, all of me. And it should've hurt me. My heart should have shattered when I heard what he said next. But I knew it was coming. I knew Riku.

"I hate the light." He finishes. And I know. I know. And I tell him.

"I know, Riku." I say. And my heart doesn't break. I knew it was coming, so it doesn't hurt.

Riku nods, and pulls his hood over his face. He looks at the sun again, and the turns away. I watch him walk down the strip of sand. He was alone. He was scared. He was terrified of the light. He was terrified of me. And I knew.

"The light will always follow you…" I say, watching the back of his figure. He stops for just a second. And I think he finally knows.

Like a monster that ceased to plague his dreams, I would follow him. I wouldn't let him go. Because Riku forget something. We have always been friends. I wasn't his enemy but he had no one better to hate.

I watch him. And He knows, and I know. We both know now. I know I won't give up. And he knows I'll always be behind him. Like a shadow. Like a nightmare. Like a friend.

The light would always follow Riku. I would always follow Riku. Because Riku was the leader, and I'm…well I'm always right behind him.

It is natural.

And it is right.


Thanks for reading. Review now please. :)