Heartbreak Alternative Ending

Heartbreak Alternative Ending

A/N: I'm writing a sequel to Heartbreak and I was reading the last chapter and I kind of wanted to write an alternative ending. I hope you like it, and I hope you'll enjoy the sequel I'm writing!

There's a poll on my profile about the sequel to Heartbreak, so please go vote!

Disclaimer: I do not own Eragon.


Murtagh looked out the tiny window in his cell. He laughed at the irony of the window's direction. It faced the way to Uru'Baen. They were going there today to over throw and kill the tyrant Gallbatorix. Murtagh doubted the plan and knew they wouldn't prevail. They would all be enslaved just like he had and Murtagh would be forced to watch his life fall apart three more times through Nasuada, Eragon and Dreona. He couldn't bear to watch his loved ones suffer. It could have been the one thing to make his life even worse than it already was.

Murtagh turned around when he heard the door to his cell creak open. Dreona ran up to him and he wrapped her in a warm embrace. "What if we don't make it?" Dreona spoke into his shoulder. Murtagh was thinking the same thing, but he didn't want to worry her. Dreona was strong, but everyone was vulnerable. Everyone was weak sometime.

"I won't let Gallbatorix do anything to hurt you, or Eragon or Nasuada." Murtagh whispered into her soft hair. "If he wants to get to you, he has to go through me first. And I promise you, it will take all of Gallbatorix's forces and more to get through me." Dreona looked up at him and smiled. No matter how horrible she felt, Murtagh could make her feel better.

"I'll be right next to you, the whole way." Dreona said back. She didn't want to seem totally helpless. She would stay by Murtagh forever, protecting him. "United we stand, divided we fall. You for me and me for you, and where we stop, nobody knows." Murtagh nodded his agreement.

After a while, Eragon and Nasuada arrived. Eragon was tense and wound up, and Nasuada was calm and collected. She was the leader of the Varden; she learned to be that way for her people.

They walked through the halls to the dragon hold. Eragon, Nasuada and Murtagh got on Saphira and Dreona snapped open her wings. Once out of the hold and in the sky, Murtagh jumped onto to Thorn. The ride to Uru'Baen would take two days' time.

As Murtagh worried about the battle with Gallbatorix, words rang out in his head. United we stand, divided we fall. You for me and me for you, and where we stop, nobody knows.


Murtagh let down the magic and watched as his friends fell to the stone cold floor. Gallbatorix laughed maniacally as the clunk resounded through the throne room. "Wonderful job, Murtagh!" Gallbatorix clapped. "Finally, you have swallowed your useless emotions and brought them to me." Gallbatorix picked up Nasuada by the neck and she gasped for air. He kept her the chokehold he had on her strong. He attacked her mind so quickly that she had no chance to protect it. Rage erupted in his eyes as he discovered the conspiracy against him. He threw Nasuada to the ground and Eragon raced to her side. "You!" he barked at the rider. "Stay where you are." Eragon stiffened and obeyed the king.

Gallbatorix turned to Murtagh. "Come here." He ordered. Murtagh didn't move. "Come here!" Murtagh didn't move. "Get your betraying ass over here." Gallbatorix ordered again. Murtagh didn't move. Gallbatorix yanked Murtagh forward with magic and kicked his right hand man square in the gut. Murtagh coughed as blood flew from his mouth. Gallbatorix threw him to the ground and Murtagh's head slammed against the floor. He stared at Gallbatorix through squinted eyes. Dreona had to cover her mouth to keep from crying out.

"You can go… rot in a hole… for all I… care…" Murtagh struggled to say. Gallbatorix leaned down and whispered.

"I know what would hurt you more than this." Gallbatorix got up and walked over to Eragon. Eragon drew Zar'roc, making the king laugh. He assaulted Eragon's mind, and for what seemed like forever, Eragon kept the tyrant out. Then, Gallbatorix kicked him in the face, making him break his concentration. Gallbatorix tortured Eragon for minutes on end. Eragon fell to the ground, clutching his head. He screamed out in pain, and Murtagh choked back a shout.

Gallbatorix walked to Dreona as he pulled out of Eragon's mind. Eragon fell limp next to the Varden leader. Dreona scowled at Gallbatorix, holding her ground against the evil king. "You're a tough one." Gallbatorix smiled. "It will be more fun to break you." Rage flared in Murtagh and he jumped up. Immediately, he grabbed his head, which was spinning and pounding. Blood trickled from the side into his hair and down his neck. But he wouldn't let himself pass out. He needed to help Dreona.

"You can try." Dreona spat back.

"Gladly." Gallbatorix laughed. He assaulted Dreona's mind, knowing there would be a wall up. He knew it wouldn't take long to break down, so he attacked her full force. To his surprise, there was no wall. Dreona let him in without protecting herself first. As Gallbatorix was about to torture her mind, a great dragon roared ferociously. Invisible claws began ripping at Gallbatorix's mind, and he pulled back in pain. He slapped Dreona across the cheek forcefully, and Murtagh growled.

He stumbled over to stand beside Dreona. "Murtagh, no-," Dreona began, but Murtagh stopped her.

"United we stand, divided we fall. You for me and me for you, and where we stop, nobody knows." Murtagh recited. "Someone told me that, and I think those are pretty smart words."

Gallbatorix clapped slowly, grinning maniacally. "Cute speech." He said. "But not enough to save you." Gallbatorix smirked and threw his sword at Dreona. Murtagh ripped his blade out and deflected the sword.

"Was that really smart, my master?" Murtagh mockingly asked.

"It's not like I need that metal stick, dearest apprentice." Gallbatorix equally sarcastically replied.

All the while, something inside Dreona had been stirring up. It was a rage, an anger, a terrible force and it was about to explode. She felt herself slipping away. Her eyes turned a soulless amethyst color, her wings grew in length, and her nails sharpened into claws. Fangs grew from her mouth and her tail grew menacing spikes. A thundering roar ripped from her chest.

Dreona jumped into the air, flying around like a dragon. Murtagh and Gallbatorix looked up as she dived for the evil king. Gallbatorix jumped out of the way. Dreona kept swooping for him quickly, but Gallbatorix moved.

"A wonderful sight, she is." Gallbatorix joked as he danced away from the girl-turned-monster. Murtagh snarled and jumped at Gallbatorix. He wrestled the man to the ground.

"You might be strong, but everyone gets old." Murtagh joked back. "Your bones aren't as great as they used to be." He held the king down and while he was at it, he slashed the king's limbs. Deep cuts appeared on his arms and blood flowed out of them. Gallbatorix roared in pain. "How does it feel?" Murtagh whispered in his ear. Murtagh looked to Dreona. "Come get him now!" Dreona dived without hesitating. She aimed for the king's throat, prepared to cut it out. She would kill the king and end it all.

She flew into the king, ripping at his neck and chest. When she was sure the king was dead, the pupils returned to her eyes and her dragon like properties disappeared, returning her to her normal self. Drained of energy and distraught, she fell into Murtagh's arms. "We did it." Murtagh whispered. They fell to the ground, both unconscious; Murtagh from his wounds and Dreona from the immense pressure she endured while in her dragon-like state.

Everything in the throne room was silent.


Saphira and Thorn crashed through the ceiling of the throne room. After feeling their riders slipping into unconsciousness and watching Shruikan die, they knew it was over. Rocks showered down on the unconscious friends, striking their faces and bodies.

That wasn't so smart. Thorn said to Saphira.

How else do you suggest we get in? She replied.

You have a point. He laughed back. They landed, being careful of their rider's positions. Saphira picked up Nasuada and Eragon by their collars as Thorn did the same for Murtagh and Dreona.

We must be quick so we can send someone to control Uru'Baen until Nasuada is better. If not, the world would fall into chaos. Saphira told Thorn as they sped through the night.

It will be chaotic while we make the transition from ruler to ruler, anyway. Thorn replied. But it would reduce the craziness, I'm sure.

The dragons flew as fast as their wings would allow and by dawn, they had passed the Surda border. By midday, they had made it to the castle. Saphira went to Orrin to tell him what had happened. Thorn waited outside the castle by the healers' wing.

Nasuada had two broken ribs from when Gallbatorix threw her to the floor. The bruise on her side was healed, but her ribs would take time to mend. In a few days, the healers would let her go to Uru'Baen, but she would have to take it easy.

Eragon had large bruises on his arms and legs from the falling rocks. His right arm was broken, but nothing else. He would be allowed to leave that night. Dreona also had bruises on her arms and legs. She wouldn't be able to do much moving around because the transformation from human to dragon form and back put her under insurmountable pressure. Her muscles were damaged from it, but in about a week or so she would be almost healed.

Murtagh had a large bump on his head, accompanied by a medium sized cut. He would probably have a concussion, but from what the healers could see, he would be fine.

All four of them had woken up around dusk. Eragon was the first to wake. The healers informed him about his wounds and his friends' wounds. He looked out the window and saw Thorn. The great red dragon nodded. Eragon sighed with relief. The king was dead.

Next Murtagh awoke. "Brother." He said to Eragon.

"He's dead." Eragon replied. "Brother." Murtagh sighed, but he already knew the king was dead. He watched as Dreona clawed at his throat, his chest, his stomach. Murtagh held Gallbatorix down as Dreona killed him. Murtagh had slashed his limbs, making deep cuts.

"Is everyone okay?" Murtagh asked, spying the bandages around Eragon's arm. Eragon told his brother about his wounds and everyone else's wounds. Murtagh nodded as he listened.

"And you've probably got a concussion." Eragon finished. Murtagh nodded, knowing it was true. He felt a little dizzy when he woke up. He looked out the window and saw Thorn waiting for them. He smiled at his dragon.

We're free Thorn, we're finally free. He sighed.

It feels so refreshing. Thorn commented. I feel, for once, that no one, except you, is in my mind. I feel that I am my own person, and no one can take that away from me. Thorn looked to the sky. We will be able to fly as free men, Murtagh. No one can ever hurt us again.

I feel so light, like I could fly away right now. Murtagh replied. It feels so great. As Murtagh finished his last sentence, Nasuada aroused from her slumber.

"He's dead." She said after she sat up. "I can feel it." She breathed deeply, but regretted it as pain erupted in her side. Eragon told her what he had told Murtagh. She nodded, anxious to get to Uru'Baen.

Nasuada and Eragon talked about what they would do with the government, but Murtagh did not listen. He walked over, unstably, to Dreona's bed. He sat beside her and stroked her cheek. She had killed Gallbatorix. She saved Alagaesia. Murtagh was in love with the girl who saved Alagaesia.

Dreona cracked open her eyes. Murtagh wrapped her in a warm embrace and she melted in his hug. "You killed him." He whispered as they sat there.

"I wouldn't have if you didn't hold him down." She replied. "That was dangerous."

Murtagh laughed as he answered, "Well, killing him wasn't exactly safe." She nodded.

"Are you alright?" Dreona asked. Murtagh told her what the healers said. She hugged Murtagh tightly.

"I'm fine." He reassured her. Eragon and Nasuada watched silently. Nasuada tried not to squeal with girly pleasure, and Eragon smiled, happy that his brother found someone. Because of what Murtagh had done, willingly or not, it would be hard for the world to accept him again.


Murtagh and Dreona stood in a field in Reavstone, by the sea. Nasuada had gone to Uru'Baen, and Arya and Eragon were spreading news of the king's death.

"I like it here." Dreona said. "It's a perfect place to build a house." Murtagh pulled her next to him.

"I love it here, too." He replied. "We should get married here." Dreona turned to look at him.

"You really mean that?" She gasped. Murtagh nodded. She squealed, and jumped into his arms. They fell to the ground, laughing. "Then, can we build a house here?"

"Of course." Murtagh laughed. They sat among the grass, a breeze blowing lightly over them. "Thorn would love it here. It's nice and open." He said.

Dreona opened her mouth to say something, then stopped, then started again. "It's a great place for a family." She whispered.

"That sounds nice." Murtagh replied, slowly falling asleep. Dreona hugged him tighter.

Dreona yawned, and fell asleep next to Murtagh. He pulled her closer, and fell asleep with her in his arms.

Heartbreak, no more.


A/N: I hope you liked the ending. It took a while to think of that, but I hope it was good. I hope you liked the alternative ending! And please go vote in the poll on my profile.

Reavstone is a real place in Alagaesia. I looked it up on the map in the front of Eldest.

Well, I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy the sequel too!