A/N: Inspired while watching Death Note at 2:30 in the morning. I figure that since Watari raised L, he considered L pretty much his kid.

I own nothing except my fat old dog.


Aizawa entered the underground garage for the third day in a row, with just a little hesitation. For the past two days, the security system had not let him through the metal detector until he'd taken off his pants. It was truly annoying. Strangely, he seemed to be the only one having that problem.

He'd spent the morning arguing with his wife – again. Now he got to go to work with that freak Ryuzaki and the extra-annoying Misa. At least the Chief was back. Hopefully things would return to normal soon.

Aizawa parked and headed towards the screening room that held the metal detector. He quickly shed his shoes, belt, wallet and change.

The red X appeared.

Aizawa sighed. Three days, and Watari hadn't fixed the system? Off came the pants.

Still the red X appeared.


When Chief Yagami entered the screening area after spending some time with his wife and daughter, he found a butt-naked Aizawa sobbing on the floor. Aizawa just stared at the chief, silent tears streaming down his face.

Chief Yagami, after a silent moment, shed his wallet, change and belt. He stepped through the metal detector...

The green O appeared and the older detective hurried into the building.

Aizawa jumped up and rushed the door. The red X appeared, and the door refused to unlock. Aizawa, bare naked already, threw his hands up in defeat. "What the hell do I have to do?" Frustrated, he raked a hand through his hair.

The green light came on and the door unlocked.

Eagerly, he rushed through the door. The other detectives (and Light) stared wordlessly at the naked man, before carefully averting their eyes.

Aizawa, realizing his costume (or lack thereof), blushed and struggled for something to say that would make his colleagues understand. They all lived here for now. They didn't have to pass the security screenings everyday.

Ryuzaki, who hadn't turned his attention from the giant screen in front of him, was the first to break the increasingly awkward silence. "Mr. Aizawa. It might be best if you take a few days off, get some rest. You've been under a great deal of stress lately, and it would be unfortunate if you were to have a mental breakdown."

That was the day Aizawa began taking Prozac.

In The Control Room

Watari pushed the Reject button again and watched the nude detective crumple to the ground. He took a sip of tea.

He watched the chief walk up, assess his detective, and proceed to the metal detector. Watari pushed the Pass button and the chief entered the building. Aizawa rushed the door.

Watari pushed the Reject button. As his victim ran his hands through his hair, Watari pushed the Pass button. As the detective rushed through, leaving his clothes and personal belongings forgotten on the floor, Watari leaned back in his seat.

"Teach you to call my kid a freak," he said, taking another sip of tea.
