: Legends:

: Legends:

"Bella, Neil, Get inside!" Father said as he called me and my brother's name.

"Let's go Bella." My brother said as he held my hand and we both walked towards our home.

"You know that you're not allowed outside the line at nighttime!" Father said as we entered the house.

"We're sorry Father. We kind of got carried away." Neil explained.

Father sighed. "If anything would've happened to you two, I'll seriously hunt them down.."

"Hunt who down Father?" I asked. Neil looked at me and smiled as he sat me on his lap.

"The cold ones, dearest Bella." Neil answered for dad.

"And who are they?" I asked.

"They are also known as Vampires, Bloodsucking fiends." Father's expression went hard.

"They are Non-human beings unlike us. They never grow old and the legends say that they have extra supernatural powers. It is said that these powers they receive in their damned life were from their human lives."

"So.. Vampires were once humans?" Neil asked.

"Yes. They bite on the neck to get the human's blood. And if they don't kill the Human, the human will become Vampire's themselves. Newborns, as they call it.

"Vampires don't go out of their hiding places when the sun is out. But at night, they come out. That's why I don't like my two precious children to go out at dark.

"Why Father? We're being watched over by the werewolves of the wind, earth, fire, and water. They would never allow anything or anyone to get hurt in the Okari tribe."

"I know Bella. But.. It's better to be alert all the time. And I don't want anything bad happening to the two of you. You two are important to the tribe."

"Why? We're no different with the rest." Neil said.

"You two are pureblooded twins." Father said, smiling at us.

"What does pureblood mean?" I asked.

"Purebloods are the highest in command. You two, are like the princess and the prince of our tribes. Better yet the leaders."

"Father, what are werewolves anyway?"

"Werewolves were once a spirit inside each person in our tribe. Somehow, our genes and the werewolves' must've mixed thus, allowing us to transform into our werewolf spirit. Although we normal werewolves might accidentally transform when we lose our tempers, but you two, can transform at your own will.

"A werewolves wound can heal quickly. When transformed, we can hear each one's mind. No secrets can be hidden when a pack Is in werewolf form." Father Explained.

"So when we're all in werewolf form, we can hear the minds of those others who is also in werewolf form. But when In human, Our mind is our own solitary place." Neil said.

"Yes. And this is the weirdest part. We find our mates through imprinting."

"Imprinting?" Neil and I asked together.

"Yes. It's like love at first sight except more powerful. Once we imprint, we can never look at other people the same way we look at our special one."


"But, once again, for you two, it's different. You won't be able to smell like werewolves at all! You would be seen as a normal human. Even to Vampires. And they wouldn't smell the werewolf scent that we have besides you two."

I yawned. Neil placed me down and tucked me into bed.

"Goodnight Bella." He said before kissing me on the forehead.

"Goodnight Brother" Then he turned off the lights.

+Neil's P.O.V+

I closed the light to my Bella's room and went back into the dining room where Father was still sitting.

"I can't believe you would imprint so soon, son." He said as I sat down.

"Everyone knows. Don't they?" I asked.

"Everyone but her."

I stayed quiet.

"Neil, you and Bella are turning 11 soon."

"I know Father. Why the sudden bring up?"

"… Nothing…"

I looked at Father in a questioning look. After awhile, I gave up and stood up.

"I'll be going to bed now. Goodnight." I said as I walked into the room and lied down on the bed besides Bella's.

"If only you knew…Would you accept me? Would you accept me to be more than just who you call me…" I whispered before closing my eyes.

ok…. First Chapter up! Hope you like it! Pls. Review!!