Author's Note:

Hey guys! Thanks for all of reviews! I love reading them and hearing that you're enjoying the story! I'm sooo sorry that it's been so long since I last updated, I was having problems with loading the chapters though but I finally solved my problem! YAY! So for the last chapter I received the reviews then any other chapter I've ever written for either of my fanfics so when I say "thanks for the reviews, I really mean THANKS FOR THE REVIEWS!! Anyways I hope you like the chapter, though it's somewhat of a filler, I think you'll still enjoy it! :)

Chapter four - Biology


As I dismissed myself from the group of clingy girls in the cafeteria, I couldn't get Bella out of my mind. Sure, when I was younger, I guess you could say I had a 'crush' on her. Emmett and Jasper were the only people I had ever told that to though, knowing that Alice would have spilled the beans to Bella less then ten seconds after I told her.

Bella used to be my best friend. She was the only person who ever got me - the only person who seemed to understand who I truly was. After she left, it was as if she had taken the definition of who 'Edward Cullen' was, with her. As if I couldn't remember who I really was without my best friend there to remind me.

As I grew up I could see myself change into a completely different person. Everything became about looks and popularity. With this change, my family stopped associating with me at school and in result, I no longer knew who my true friends were. Sure, I had a lot of people who wanted to be my friend, but I couldn't let them in - couldn't trust them.

When I saw Bella today, the strangest thing I had ever felt came over me. It was as if I was eight years old again, playing with Bella in my room. It was like putting my life in rewind and forgetting all of the horrible things that had happened in my life. It was very odd and confusing, I dismissed the feelings from my body immediately, not knowing what they meant.

"Edward! Hey sexy!" I heard the voice of Lauren Mallory coming from behind me. I reluctantly turned around, pushing my thoughts of Bella to the back of my mind.

"Hey babe." I said in my signature, seductive tone. Lauren may be annoying, but man did she have a nice body. "Eddie I - " I quickly stopped her from going on by pushing my lips onto hers. I couldn't stand it when she tried to talk to me. He voice was one of the most pestiferous sounds I had ever heard. As she tried to deepen the kiss even more, I pulled away and told her that I had to get to class.

My next period was Biology, which I really didn't mind, it was a fairly easy class. All of my were 'fairly easy' for that matter. Today we would be blood sampling though, which was my favorite day of the year because you would always have those few weaklings who couldn't handle the sight of blood. Frankly, I found it hilarious.

As I reached the classroom and opened the door, the first person I made eyes with was Bella. She was sitting at my desk, a copy of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice in hand, and a confused look on her face. I wasn't quite sure how to act around her. Should I be my confident self or should I let my guard down? Acting like my old self just seemed like such a natural thing to do around her, but I tried to keep my cool confidence regardless.

Walking over to our desk, Bella quickly put her head back into her book, turning a beautiful shade of red in the mean time. I was still having a hard time believing that this was actually her. Although she was always pretty when we were younger, now she was just... Exquisite. Gorgeous. Stunning. Radiant, and every other word that could possibly mean extremely beautiful. She was absolutely breath taking.

"Hello again." I said, giving her my signature smile.

"Uh... Hi." She replied, furrowing her eyebrows for a moment.

She seemed as if she were trying to ignore me to the best of her ability which utterly confused me considering most girls couldn't keep their eyes off of me when I flashed them that flirty smile.

I smoothly took my seat, still trying to figure out what I did wrong that made her respond so differently then every other female on this campus.

"Alright class! Take your seats please! We need to go ahead and get started." Mr. Banner shouted, trying to yell over all of the other student's voices.

"Okay, thank you. Today, we're going to be blood sampling to find out what your blood types are."

I felt Bella stiffen beside me in her seat and was hit with a flashback of the day Bella fell off of her bike and scraped up her legs pretty badly. It took her nearly five seconds before she was unconscious in the middle of the street. Emmett, Jasper and I had to pick her up all at once in order to get her home, seeing as each of us were only seven and eight years old. Bella always had a huge phobia of blood. Great. That wouldn't result in anything good on a blood test day. Of course, one of the other things that I could never forget about Bella was her stubbornness. There was no way that she would ask to be excused from class. She would try to tough it out.

"Everyone look up here! Who would like to go first as an example?" Mr. Banner looked around the room for a volunteer until Eric Yorkie raised his hand enthusiastically.

"Ah. Thank you Mr. Yorkie." Mr. Banner went over to Eric's desk and held his finger to the needle. After he pricked his finger, I could practically hear Bella's heart speed up as her body began trembling.

"Bella? Are you alright?" I asked frantically, trying to make sure that she was okay.

"I - I -" She stuttered before fainting directly into my arms.



When I woke up, all I could see was a bunch of white. White walls, white ceiling, white lights.

"Oh! Good Afternoon sunshine!" I heard a bubbly voice call. I looked over to the doorway of what I recognized to be the school clinic and saw the nurse walking towards me with a pack of ice.

"Um, what am I doing here?" I asked confusedly.

"Well it looks like you don't react very well to blood sweetie. You fainted." She explained, in an annoyingly chipper voice.

"Oh. Well can I go now?" I asked wearily, embarrassed that I had fainted on my first day at Forks High.

"Bella. Are you sure that you're okay to leave yet? Afterall, you just woke up." I heard that sweet, velvet tone that I immediately recognized to be Edward's say. I looked over to the opposite side of the room to find him leaning against the wall, concern clear in his eyes. It utterly surprised me to see such emotion for someone else coming from such a seemingly self-centered person.

"Bella?" He asked again, bringing me from my thoughts.

"Oh! Uh yeah?"

I looked back into his eyes to see a small smirk taking place on his lips.

"Wow. I know that my presence can be intoxicating at times but..."

"Oh shut it Edward." I snapped, aggravated by his giant ego.

"Really Nurse Green. I'm feeling a lot better. Could I possibly go home early though?" I asked. Desperately needing to get away from this school for today.

"Of course dear!" She responded in her super perky voice. "I'll be right back with the check out papers!"

I looked back over at Edward, only to find a confused look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, curious about the cause of his troubled state.

He shook his head, as if he were trying to clear his thoughts and that cocky smirk of his found it's way back to his face.

"Oh... Nothing. Feel better." He said, approaching the cot I was laying on, looking just as sexy as ever. "I'll see you later." He whispered in my ear, a clear, silky tone that I would most likely end up dreaming about. His breathe smelled wonderful blowing on my ear and it took all that I had to control my raging hormones and not pull his face back to mine in a mind blowing kiss.

I watched him as he turned around and headed for the exit door, his confidence noticeable in his smooth strides.

"Here you are Ms. Swan! Feel better soon and have a lovely rest of the day!" Nurse Green said, showing off her big, toothy smile.

"Yeah... Thanks." I said signing the papers quickly before making my way out to my truck to go home.

So that was chapter four! I hope you liked it and if you did (or didn't) PLEASE tell me what you think about it in a review! :)
