Here's a crack ship, for two kick ass people. RJ and Lily. May your love extend into the show so that I may laugh.

I don't own Power Rangers.

Oh! And I've never written a Power Ranger's fic before, so hopefully it isn't as bad as I seem to think it is. It's a little bit humour, but mostly Romance.

"Lily..." He moaned into her ear as his fingernails raked down her bare chest and stomach, slowly trailing down to her thighs. She gasped as she felt his fingers explore the areas no one but herself had ever touched.

"Lily... I need you... right now." Slowly he lifted off her thin body and positioned himself between her thighs...



The Yellow Ranger jerked up as the alarm clock yanked her from her heavy, panting, sweat filled dreams. Her chest heaved and she cursed the moister between her thighs as she tried to think of a way to extract herself from her bed, without exposing the wet spot or loosing her position for first dibs on the shower.

"Hey Lily... did you go to bed wearing perfume? It smells really nice." Casey asked, sniffing the air trying to inhale the remainder of the sweet scent lingering in the air. Lily slowly shook her head. RJ, awake and alert for once this morning, had taken a sniff of the air, trying to find the pleasing scent Casey was searching for. A deep inhale snapped his eyes shut, and surely enough, a deliriously delicious scent drifted from Lily. Theo, somewhat awake sniffed to see what everyone was sniffing the air about.

"Mm... yeah I smell it now... wow... it smells fantastic." Lily breathed in deeply, trying to find the scent the others.

"I don't smell anything." The Cheetah said in between sniffs.

Later that day, Lily was in the back of the kitchen kneading dough with Fran when RJ passed by to grab a pizza out of the oven, passing close enough to the two girls to put his hand on Lily's back to keep from bumping into her, smelling her on the way by. Lily stayed quiet, unable to concentrate while he was around. Blushing when he paused for a second or two to deeply inhale her new scent. Fran watched the scene with interest as Lily turned bright red when RJ trailed his fingers across the small of her back as he left, the pie suspended in the air on one hand.

"Ooh... work-place romance between the handsome boss and the beautiful employee." Fran teased. The yellow clad girl reddened even more.

"No! No. Not-not that at all. It's that... they keep saying I'm wearing this perfume... but I can't smell anything." She mumbled. Fran frowned and leaned over to sniff the air above her shoulder.

"You smell like pizza sauce to me. Maybe that's a turn-on to them." Fran shrugged. Lily laughed at the irony.

"It probably is a turn on to RJ, that man eats non-stop. But I don't think Casey and Theo feel that way about tomatoes."

"Oh believe me, he doesn't." Fran said after RJ made his way through another weird pizza-grab/Lily-sniff session.

"Fran!" Lily cried, laughing.

"What? I'm desperate." Lily laughed harder, thinking about how her red-baring friend had kept her up a few weeks ago, to talk about how sparkly Fran's glasses made her eyes look.

"Just be your self Fran, he'll like you better as you." Lily said cryptically.

"Hey, Lily, we need that dough needed and Pronto." Casey said as he looked in the back, smiling softly at Fran. Fran sighed, and the two got back on track to kneading the white blobs.

While cleaning the front with Fran, Lily had made a discovery that sent her fuming.

"That bastard... he lied. The front doors of the Pizza ovens are not broken!"

Casey watched in amusement as both Theo and RJ clamored for a spot near the frazzled female, who had been enduring their "attention" all day. Her hair was a mess from their constant sniffing, and her face looked to be dyed red from all the blushing the two caused her as suddenly one of them would "sniff-attack" her whenever they felt they needed to smell her scent again. Like in front of customers. Casey didn't understand what was happening. Sure, she smelled great, but not enough so that they had to act like one of those people out of a fabreeze commercial. He really didn't understand. Especially when Theo and RJ started growling at each other. Casey, deciding that it was way too much weirdness, had opted to go down stairs to the now closed pizza parlor to meditate. Leaving Lily to the mercy of her out of character Master and Best Friend.

"RJ, I think I need to see an old master of mine back at the academy." Lily said as he shifted; cause her thigh to rub against his.

"Why, something wrong?" he asked, his voice sounding like there was nothing wrong with him that he could see. Lily paused, her mouth open in disbelief at his nonchalance.

"You sniffed me today. Several times. You both did. And you just growled at each other. Don't you think something's wrong?" RJ looked introspective for a moment.

"Yes, you need a separate room from Theo and Casey." Lily cheered. "But since we only have limited space, you're going to have to bunk with me." Lily "meeped" and turned a vibrant red.

"No, how about this, and me and Lily can bunk together, and you can stay with Casey. Since we're best friend after all." Theo interjected. Lily shook her head.

"How about you all stay where you are, and I get the room by myself?" She said innocently. RJ paused for a moment.

"Nope, I don't like that idea." RJ bent over to nuzzle Lily, and she stood up to avoid his "affectionate" gesture.

"Wow! Look at the time! Well I'm going to head to bed. Night guys! Try to keep it down!" She cried overly cheerfully, and left to get into her "bed".

In the middle of the night, as the rest of the Jungle Fury members slept, Lily tossed about. Though she didn't sweat, the heat was unbearable. Kicking off her sheets, she got up and stalked silently over to the thermostat. This would be the seventh time she would get up to adjust the AC down to a lower number. In their beds the men of the loft shivered and drew their blankets closer around themselves as Lily was relieved from the heat for the time being.

Twenty minutes later, she growled and kicked her sheet off again and laid there for a moment or two till once again the heat got to her and she repeated the process.

RJ was not having a pleasant dream, for while it started as him and Lily on the beach, splashing around in the water and Lily become more and more promiscuous in her magically shrinking bikini, it turned to himself and Lily in a frozen tundra, trying to flee Dai Shi, who was attacking with a tuna... no wait... maybe it was an albacore...

With a start RJ woke, shivering, his breath practically visible despite the usually warm summer weather outside.

"Who the fuck turned down the AC so far?" He grumbled getting out of his warm bedding to turn the thermostat back up to a human temperature. He stayed by the 'stat till his toes stopped feeling so icy, and went back to his bed, a happy little wolf.

Only to never have made it.

Mid way to his bed, a solid mass tackled him. Landing hard on his back onto his yoga mat, RJ looked up into a pair of burning yellow eyes.

"Why did you turn the thermostat back up?" Lily growled. And for as much as he was ready to loose the content his bladder, he also felt a tremor of excitement at being dominated by the girl he had just had a not so innocent dream about, even if it ended up becoming a dream about Dai Shi and North Atlantic Fish of uncertain species.

"Uhm, Lily, you might not want to sit there..." He said distractedly as he felt her sit on his lower stomach. Right over his bladder, which reminded him that relief was needed lest he risk a painful and embarrassing infection to mumble to the doctor about. Quickly she lost her glowing eyes and got up.

"I am sooo sorry RJ, I... I don't know what came over me." RJ brushed pass her, nothing said about anything, heading to the bathroom. As he passed Lily caught a whiff of something intoxicating.

I wasn't an RJ/Lily shipper till I read a beautifully written fic, that probably wasn't intended to come across as and RJ/Lily ship, I'm sure.

And of course a little Fran/Casey for the cuteness of Fran and Casey.

Anyways, as I'm sure you're all going "RJ's a master, he should know about women and being in heat." RJ is also twenty-one. And probably just became a master. So it's not entirely unlikely that he wouldn't know anything. Plus Wolves are monogamous creatures, he wouldn't have taken a mate before, so why would he know about this?