Hello how are you all doing

Hello how are you all doing? Marshmellow is back with another story. This is a One Piece story. One Piece is my second favorite manga. This story stops at Chapter 13. There is going to be a part two, but I'm out of ideas so when I finish with Chapter 13 please review and send me ideas. Hope you enjoy. If you guys think there's any OOC tell me. Okies. Thanks. Bye-Bye.

"WAKE UP MARIMO-HEAD!" Zolo heard in the distance as it got louder and louder. Zolo had been sleeping against the railing next to the goat head at the front of the ship. That is until he was so rudely interrupted by none other than Sanji.

"I SAID WAKE UP!" the blonde cook yelled in his ear.

"I HEARD YOU THE TRIST TIME, LOVE COOK." the green haired swordsman yelled back in Sanji's face.

"Good now come on it's time for dinner." He said as he left for the kitchen.

"Stupid Love Cook." Zolo mumbled under his breath as he made his way to the kitchen.

When Zolo made it to the kitchen almost everyone was already eating. Including the overactive, hyper, straw-hat wearing, bottomless pit that was his captain, Monkey D. Luffy.

"Have a nice nap Zolo?" Luffy asked with his mouth full of food.

Zolo yawned, stretched, and gave a quick, sharp, short nod. Then he sat down between the greedy navigator, Nami, and the bookworm, Robin.

"Move it Marimo, you're in my seat." Sanji said for behind him. Zolo was hungry and in no mood to fight with the skirt-chasing chef. So he moved to sit between the lying sharp-shooter, Ussop and the childlike reindeer doctor, Chopper. Nami had started talking, but Zolo had not been paying attention. That is until he heard her say something about a new island they would land on by morning.

"Huh? What did you say Nami?" Zolo asked looking up from his plate.

"Pay more attention," she said hitting him on the back of the head, "I said we're going to land on the island of Zeltamera."

"So, what so special about this island?" Zolo asked rubbing the back of his head.

"It's best known for it's apples, pineapple wine, a tavern called The Wolf's Den, and, Zolo you're going to like this, ale." Nami explained.

"I like this island already." Zolo said as she finished her explanation and he his dinner. "How long did you say till we get there?"

"We'll be there by morning." Nami said showing them a map.

"Maybe we'll even find so more crewmates!" Luffy yelled after being caught stealing food from Ussop.

"I hope we get more girls." Nami shouted happily.