"and don't come back with out her it , teme..?"

Her heart was being stabbed as she ran away.

She knew she had been acting stupid for the past few days since he arrived.

The humiliation was very hard to bear.

But now, all she wanted was to run.

Run away from everything.

Soon she reached the old bridge overseeing the lake.

What if I drown myself to death here..?

That would be really stupid ..

She grasped the railing with both hands for support. She felt wobbly.

I don't want to live anymore..!

Was her only thought just now.

All of herself wanted to disappear at this moment.

Anger .. Love… Pain .. Remorse ..

For just this night , she had to cry THEM all.

When suddenly..

Someone embraced her from behind..

"Sakura…" she shrugged inwardly.

It was Sasuke.

"I'm so sorry for all the pain and hurt I've put you through "he softly murmured to her ear as his embrace around her tightened .not wanting to let her go.

"beat me , slap me , punch me , kill me even…I don't care.I want to suffer , to feel your pain."

He let go of her.

"beat the hell out of me , Sakura.."

He closed his eyes shut , expecting himself to fly over the Konogakure forest but it never came

Instead he felt soft palms around his neck. Gently lowering his head forward then , a pair of soft lips pressed itself upon his own.

For a whole minute they stayed motionless.

Then after like it seemed eternity.

Sasuke opened his eyes only to see the once warm , emerald eyes of her's looking back at him.

The ones he had long to see ever since he came back.

A soft smile settled upon her face.

"you weren't listening attentively to me earlier…I've slapped you already for the pain you've given..i forgive you sasuke..

All I want to do now is to hug you so tight" she said.

"thanking you for everything.."

In a blink of an eye , they were locked in each others arms.

"I want you back , sakura.."

" you really want that Sakura-Haruno-fan-girl of yours?"she teased.

"not exactly , just your eyes of warmth..i want them exactly as they were.."

He said as they slightly broke their embrace.

Gebtly , he put his hands on the sides of her porcelain face and brushed her tears awat.

"no more tears..i promise to wont ever make you cry again:

He smiled for the first time at her before he returned her sudden kiss.