Mermaid Melody

Disclaimer: I do not own Mermaid Melody

It's been a while. Am I just hallucinating whenever I take a glimpse of that same person? It's also like this before. When I'm about to go back to the Pacific, no…at that time, I'm already back in the pacific, then I'm all down. The other mermaids worry for me. Then all of a sudden, he appeared like magic…in the costume of a prince…Kaito actually came. (Lucia's thoughts)

Sacrifice of a Mermaid Princess

Part 5

Mikaru's narration

For me, it is worth it, to fight even if I knew even before I fight I already lost. How could I still ask him to stay if I know it hurts him? Since when did I become this selfish…maybe the answer is since I met him. I saved him and lived with him. I learned that he's so kind. He's been there for me. When Lucia showed up and told him all about his past, he really didn't feel like he wanted to know more about her, at least that's what I think. But then whenever she needs him, he never fails to be there. How can he possibly appear to both of us? Doesn't he know he just gives us more troubles? Lucia is kind enough to let him go to me. But he's not kind enough to leave her without worrying for her sake. He loves her, I can tell…despite the lightning that symbolizes the hurt I felt.

Kaito finally returned … but then … he seemed so down…is it really like this? Is he supposed to feel sad when I'm the one he sees?

"Kaito!" I finally saw him. He's still a few steps away from his apartment.


"What's wrong? You look tired? Did something happen?" He's all gentle man, like always. He removed his coat and let me wear it.

"No, nothing really. I just need some sleep. You better go home already Mikaru. You're brother's waiting."

"Is that all you have to say to me after I waited outside your house for almost three hours?" I said with hands on my waist. How could he be so selfish? Maybe she went to her again, something I shouldn't be surprised to realize.


"What?" He turned to me for a while.

"Did you see her?"

He isn't answering. So the answer is no other than yes.

"I'll send you home." He started walking ahead of me.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Let's just keep going."

What could be nothing? Of course he won't look so down over nothing! Can't he at least tell me what's going on with his life? Am I so much of a burden that he can't even rely on me as a friend? Oh what about it Mikaru! Maybe Kaito realized that Lucia is more suited for the guy she's with when you last met. Is that the reason why he's so down? But that wouldn't be Kaito. Giving up like that, it's not him!

We kept walking until we reached what he called my home. "Kaito…" I murmured.

He looked at me with no emotion and waved. "Bye." He whispered.

"Won't you like to have some tea for a while?"

"No thanks. I just want to rest."

"You sure you're okay?"


"Mikaru!" Then finally when I'm about to open the door he called my name. But when I looked at him, he can't even look at me straight in the eyes. It seemed hard for him, but in the very least…he did stare at me straight in my eyes.



"So this is really about her." I admit I'm jealous. Why does everything he wants to talk about revolves on her? Isn't it enough that she already has someone to be with? Why does she still need to steal Kaito away from me? Steal…maybe I don't have the right to say that. But then, I am the one who saved him last time, am I not? And she released him already…released, though I felt like he never wanted to be released by her…

"I've decided, I'll take her back."

"What? You accompanied me all way here just so you could tell me you'll leave me for her!"

"No it's not that. But I guess, if it's for her, you know I'll face all I have to face. I never wished to hurt you. But you're hurting yourself by still thinking that I can ever forget about her even for a second or less."

"Then why did you still go back?" I like to tell him something I can't say. I like to let him feel like there's really no point in going back to her. She wouldn't let her go to me if she still loves him. Stupid friendship! For the world's sake, what is wrong with her?

"Hiroto…what about him? Isn't he her boyfriend already?" I tried to tease. I don't have any intention of feeling miserable. I already felt it, when I saw him ran to save her…a couple of times already. But no matter how much I see him go, I can always tell myself to kneel and beg him if needed, because the Kaito I saved, is the Kaito I want to be with, even before, even now, even in the future….

"She'll never have a new guy without telling me." What hurts more…is that he felt very assured that she'll never betray him. What is with Lucia? What does she have that I don't? If it isn't the question that most jealous girls ask, should I really be jealous? At most I have the guts to ask if I should be. But then again, why shouldn't I if she already has him?

I felt like I can't add more to what I already said. "I'll let tonight pass, then maybe…just maybe, tomorrow if we talk again, I can let you hear something nice already…you aren't mad at me, right Kaito?"

It's not like I hated him already. I like him, that's a fact. But there are times when I also have to be open minded about things. Didn't I cause him enough head aches already? If I can do something…like letting him ago and letting him hear that I'll be fine with it…then maybe I can really be fine with it.


"Don't worry. We'll talk right? You are not mad, are you?"

"I'm not. You know I'm not. A little confused after what you just said, but never mad." He murmured as he scratched his head. Boys often do this when they can't think of what to say already. I let him experienced enough. At the very most, maybe it's really farewell.

"Then good. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I entered the house then locked it from the inside.

"Bye." He just said and left.

Kaito's treatment to me…it just seemed so nice.

I just realized I'm still wearing his coat. He must have not minded it already. He's that nice. Nice enough that it made it hard for me to let him go. Only if he hadn't been so nice, so handsome, so prince-like at all…what more can I say to hurt myself?

I watched him walked away from the window in my room.

I kept staring at him, his shadows, his back…then I heard my phone rang. "Thank you." It's from Kaito. Stupid Kaito, how could he still thank me after I hurt him? I knew, I just knew, I did hurt a lot of people already. Stupid Mikaru!

I then heard a knock. It's my brother. He's standing right in front of my room. All of a sudden, I felt like I can't restrain myself anymore. I went to him and cried…cried because he understands, cried because I'm trying my best to do the right thing, cried because the right thing is something hard for me to do, cried because I hurt him, cried because Lucia is stupid for letting me feel like I'm really an important friend to her that she even gave him up for me, cried because no matter what, I love him…

I love Kaito…

Author's note: So I admit, this is the shortest I wrote for Sacrifice of a Mermaid Princess. I hope you enjoyed it though. Mikaru … at first I really thought of her as the antagonist. But then, no one will prefer to remain the antagonist all through out. I just wished I could do something with her character. Please submit reviews. R and R! Thank you very much.