Definition of Love

Roy yawned and lay down on the bed before glancing over at the desk where Ed sat absorbed in whatever book he'd gotten from the library. Looking at the clock, Roy said, "Don't you think it's time to get some sleep?"

"Still early," Ed said shortly.

"It's eleven o'clock..."

"Like I said..." Ed countered.

Scowling, Roy reached over and turned off the lamp, plunging the room into total darkness. There was a lovely moment of sweet silence before Ed said, "You turned the light off..."

"Very observant of you," Roy murmured as he snuggled under the covers.

Another moment of silence.

"I can't read if there's no light," Ed pressed on.

"Then go out into the living room; or, better yet, go home and study," Roy grumbled.

"But I like studying here," Ed insisted.

"Look, Ed… Unlike you, I can't function properly on three or four hours of sleep—" Roy began.

"Downside to getting old, isn't it," Ed interrupted, sounding amused.

"No, it's just the downside to having more body mass."

He let that hang in the air for a moment, then grinned tiredly when Ed snapped, "Is that a remark on my height?"

"Yes. Now, either come to bed with me, or go away."

"Grouchy bastard," Ed growled, but Roy heard him get up and after the rustling sound of Ed getting undressed, he felt Ed crawl onto the bed and slip under the covers. With another yawn, Roy closed his eyes, glad to finally be able to get some sleep.

Ed scooted close behind him, then after a moment Roy felt a soft kiss on his cheek. "Night, Roy..." Ed whispered, before lying down and putting an arm over Roy's body.

"Good night, Ed," Roy grunted, knowing Ed would be waiting for him to reply. It had become a habit whenever Ed spent the night. If he didn't respond, Ed would end up poking him or talking to him until he answered.

There was a long moment of silence, in which Roy had almost drifted off to sleep, when Ed spoke again. "Um... I... love you..." Ed said nervously in a quiet tone.

Roy opened one eye and stared into the darkness. Well... that was new...

When he didn't respond, Ed said in disappointment, "But... you don't love me, do you...?"

Roy gave a soft groan, knowing Ed wouldn't leave him alone until he answered, and said groggily, "I let you come to my house almost every day, eat my food, study here, do research here, shower here, leave your clothes here, sleep here—in my bed. You're the genius; what do you think?"

There was a small moment of silence as Ed most likely thought about what had just been said, then he snuggled up even closer and wrapped an arm around Roy's waist. Within a minute, Ed's breathing evened out and Roy smiled to himself before letting his hand rest on Ed's and falling asleep.

I just felt like writing something a little fluffy. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.