Ten things you didn't know about Severus Snape

1. Severus' favorite color isn't black, its butter-cup yellow. He only wears black because it's far too hard to get potions stains out of butter-cup yellow.

2. Severus thinks Draco is a bitchy little momma's boy and has secret dreams about kicking him across Hogwarts like a football.

3. Severus' best friend in Hogwarts was mousy little Alice Hardcastle.

4. Severus begged Alice not to go into Auror Training. He said it was because he was afraid she would die.

5. He didn't say that it was really because he was afraid he would be the one to kill her.

6. Severus isn't mean to Neville because he's an evil bastard. He is mean to Neville because he wants him to fail potions. If he fails, he can't be an Auror.

7. On the night that Neville's parents were tortured, Snape was there. He kept trying to convince the other Death Eaters that they should kill the Longbottoms, not torture them.

8. Years later his persistence in not torturing the Longbottoms would make Bellatrix doubt his loyalty.

9. Alice Longbottom was found holding her son in her right arm and part of a broken gold chain in her left hand.

10. Snape always carried three things on himself. A picture of Lily, his Slythern prefects badge, and a broken gold chain with a small looking glass pendant.

A/N: Much thanks to the wodnerful ulyferal. Thanks to her, my fics now have a lemonly fresh beta smell!

A/N: Other stories by me can be found at my LJ under myene 01, at any of the Sycophant Hex archives, the fanfiction .net archives, and at the hpfandom .net archives. At and at My LJ will have all my fics, the other archives are spotty.