"Isn't she wonderful?" Glassy hazel eyes followed the shapely red head - a faint smile on their owner's face.
"Wonderful," Sirius replied dully, head resting in his palm as he tried in vain to stifle the overwhelming pain twisting violently in his heart.
A pale young man sighed ever so softly, wide emerald eyes following his godfather's smooth actions as he moved about his daily cooking routine. He was throat was tight and nervousness was making it hard to breath, but he knew what he had to do.
"Siri?" Harry called, just loudly enough to be heard over the various kitchen noises.
"I..." Sirius paused, struggling against the unknown weight in the pit of his apparently acrobatic stomach. He stopped, breathing deeply and running a shaking hand through his black hair. "I love you."
"You... you what?" Sirius echoed blinking wide and uncomprehending eyes rapidly.
The younger man swallowed, ducking his head down against his slender chest. Long, shadowy locks fell forward over thin shoulders, easily hiding scared eyes from view.
Hiding behind his long hair, Sirius repeated himself carefully and quietly. "I love you, James. So much it hurts."
There was a long silence as Sirius starred unseeingly down at the frying pan of eggs held in his hand. "You know I don't love you like that." Sirius finally stated solemnly. Neither of them moved for a long moment. He set the eggs down slowly, killing the fire beneath them with a sharp click.
The normally soft sound rang like a gunshot through the room, serving to wake Sirius from his stupor. Pearly tears ran their tracks down Sirius' pale cheeks as he shook his head wildly - as if trying desperately to dispel James' harsh words.
"Can't you try?" He whispered, hair sticking to moist cheeks. "Can't you learn?"
Sirius remained silently, staring at the eggs as if they held to answers to all life's greatest questions. Silver eyes darted to look at his younger companion, silent sobs racking his lithe form.
He remembered countless times that he had thought of Harry as James' little clone. Now, however, as the beautiful emerald-eyed boy wept Sirius saw the truth. James had been all things rough and harsh. All things falsely strong. On the other hand, there was Harry who was something completely independent of either of his parents. Harry was gentle, sweet, and far too kind for his own good. Harry was strong where no one else Sirius had ever met was. Where neither James nor Lily had been.
Sirius steeled himself, feeling a slight blush color his cheeks. He fought it down successfully before turning to face his brunet companion. Harry panned watery eyes up to Sirius' face, looking acutely hopeful. "Yes, I can learn."