Disclaimer: I only own the books not the actual rights.

I got floods of reviews for more chapters of Left in the Care of Magical Creatures so... I thought I'd go one better. Sequel!


This was just great.

As if Harry didn't have enough on his plate with Davies on his ass all the time, now the Auror department had gotten an alert on a dangerous Manticore running riot outside a small village in Berkshire.

Luckily, they had the famous Harry Potter on the Auror team. Never mind the fact that he had experience with Psychopathic Dark Wizards not man eating beasts. They were convinced they should send him in. Shacklebolt had insisted it would be great training for Harry and as he was Head Auror, it wasn't like Harry could disagree.

Sure if it was just the Manticore Harry would be able to deal. But unfortunately it was the matter of Draco Malfoy that was the real problem, smarmy git. They had dated in secret for a bit throughout Sixth and Seventh year, until it came to- Well that story wasn't the point.

Davies, the stupid prat, had insisted that someone from the DMCS come as well. Harry wondered if he should be calling the Minister for Magic a stupid prat, but quite frankly he was. The man didn't have enough brains in his head to beat a chicken at chess and constantly insisted on sending out a dozen more men than necessary on missions. Oh it didn't matter that Kingsley was Head Auror and should be deciding how many people were needed, Davies was the Minister and therefore should have control over everything. Could you hear the sarcasm in that sentence?

Anyway, Harry knew who the DMCS would send; their top Dangerous Magical Creature Catcher of course and Harry knew exactly who that was. It was rather ironic considering what the man had been like in school. Davies had refused to tell Harry who it would be; said something about him not needing to know everything that Davies decided. Bloody old fart, what the hell did he know anyway?! Davies was easily pushing fifty and still refused help from anyone. Granted he used to be on the Auror team but that was at least twenty years ago and he didn't fight in any wars whatsoever. Sending Aurors as well as the DMCS was just ridiculous. Harry had more important cases than catching a stray Manticore.

Harry huffed down the corridor as he headed to his office. He would have to leave in ten minutes so he would get there on time. The Manticore wasn't currently near anybody, but it could quickly become attracted to the smell of human blood. Granted, they usually preferred wizard blood to Muggle, but they would happily accept it if there was no other alternative. He passed several people on the way; all looking rather intimidated by the scowl on his face, and quickly retreated into their offices rather than talk to him. They all knew about his 'wonderful' relationship with the Minister. This could be translated to 'Harry hates the idiot and the Minister thinks Potter is a meddlesome fool'. They all knew better now than to talk to Harry when he had been in an argument with the Minister over something.

Harry opened his door and flung himself down on his chair. Right, if he was going to have to go on this mission, he would just have to ignore Malfoy as much as possible.

It wouldn't be too hard as Harry really did not have anything to say to him anymore. He sighed and rested his head in his hand. Would it be hard seeing him again after 4 years, especially considering the way they had separated?

A small alarm on his waist alerting him to the fact he had five minutes to get down to the apparition point. He grabbed his wand from his desk and readjusted his Auror robes; another regulation of Davies'. The uncomfortable things gripped his shoulders and moulded to most of 

Harry's body. Granted it did make movement a little easier, but he didn't half feel stupid in the things. They attracted an awful lot of attention from the women at the Ministry as well.

He left his office and made his way to the Auror Apparition Point. All Aurors were required to come together before apparating, that way they knew who was there and if they were all ready. He took a left and swerved around an elderly witch with a stack of paperwork. He carried on towards his destination, ignoring the girlish giggles coming from the witch. It seemed even OAPs were affected by the Chosen One's reputation. He reached the room just as Shacklebolt called out his name. He raised his hand in recognition and stood towards the back of the room. Kingsley finished reading off the names and handed the clipboard to a wizard next to him.

"Right Aurors", he boomed, "I want you all back in one piece. I'll see you back in an hour." He smiled at Harry who was rolling his eyes at the amount of Aurors crowded into the one room. Okay that was a bit of an exaggeration as there were only ten of them. But plus the DMCC that would make eleven people for one measly Manticore.

They all clustered in one circle and raised their wands.

Harry glanced around the circle, trying to find the shock of blonde hair he remembered so well. He didn't have long to look however, as the beep sounded and Harry apparated with the others to Berkshire.


Harry landed gracefully on fairly soft grass. His knees bent slightly at the impact and an old injury in his left leg twanged. He kept the wince of his face however, and surveyed the surroundings. They were currently on the edge of a dense forest. Just the kind Harry liked to go looking for a Manticore in.


He motioned with his left hand for the other Aurors to follow his lead and crept slowly into the forest. He treaded softly on the leaves, taking care not to break any twigs that might give away his position. He scanned the trees ahead. God there were bloody tons of them. They would obviously have to spread out or they'd never find the Manticore. He vaguely gestured for the others to take different directions and listened as each of them chose a point on a compass and followed it. There was a slight chance that the Manticore had already gone to the Muggle village so some of the Aurors headed in that direction as well.

He weaved his way in between trees, taking care to keep his wand out at the ready. After all, Manticores are considered Class A dangerous beasts. They mostly look like lions, are equipped with the teeth and claws, but have the face of a man.

Oh Harry nearly forgot the best bit...they have a scorpion's stinger attached to their rear end. So that made their list of weapons: teeth, claws and stinger.

Harry was definitely not looking forward to this. He didn't know why Davies didn't just send a team from the Dangerous Magical Creatures Squad. Since when did he send Aurors instead? The DMCS had way more experience than a bunch of Aurors could have. The Aurors were basically just treating the Manticore as an extremely dangerous Dark Wizard and were trying to surround it before disabling it. Was putting DMCCs with Aurors a new crazy idea of Davies's?

If it was... just kill him now.

A rustle to his right made him swivel quickly in that direction. On his guard immediately, he raised his wand higher and prepared himself to shoot a spell off at whatever came out of the bushes. The Manticore wouldn't know what hit him. Actually...now that Harry thought about it...what spell did you even use on a Manticore?

He wasn't prepared to come face to face with the DMCC Davies had sent.


Guess who he is? Lol pretty obvious actually, but w.e. I couldn't really think of another chapter I could do for LITCOMC so I've brought this out instead. Tell me what you think lovelies :) Review!