Title: "The Essence of Napoleon"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: G
Summary: Emilia finds a surprise awaiting her in the wake of the great Emperor Napoleon.
Warnings: Warped Humor
Disclaimer: Jack, Emilia, the Governor, the Captain, and Jack of All Trades are & TM their respective owners, not the author. Napoleon is & TM himself, if any one. Everything else is & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

She stepped carefully into the room, unsure of what she would find as she had heard the whispers that the Emperor had visited this day and had not been too long left. Her delicate eyebrows rose as she spotted the Governor waving a frothy, lacy handkerchief in front of his nose. Her questioning gaze moved from him to Jack and the Captain, who leaned against each other for support as they coughed, gasped, and wheezed for air.

The men looked up as she entered warily but not warily enough. They waved at her, each trying to hack out a warning.

"Emilia!" the Governor wheezed.

The Captain's stutter exploded into a racking cough.

"EM!" Jack shouted.

It was too late, though, for already the toxic stench was assailing the blonde's nose. Her blue eyes rolled back into her head, and she fell in the wake of the conqueror Napoleon.

The End