Thanks to everyone who reviewed 'One Step Forward'- all of you told me what I needed to hear. I hadn't completed the story I began, and this is my attempt at doing so.

This is dedicated to those sweet reviewers (you know who you are), because without your encouragement, I wouldn't have written this at all.

I apologise for taking a little longer than I expected to write this. But I am a little bit of a perfectionist and I'd rather take longer to do a better job, than do a quick, worse job.

Anyway, once again, thanks for the encouragement and please enjoy this sequel to 'One Step Forward'.

By the way, I don't own Bleach- it belongs to Tite Kubo- Yay I finally remembered to do a disclaimer!

-Oh, and for people who haven't read the prequel, I'd recommend reading it, but (I am fully prepared to admit that I am biased) I think you'd probably be able to understand this piece without reading it.

Chapter One: A Lack of Progress

Hinamori Momo was calmly, quietly and carefully completing her paperwork.

Well… she was fairly quiet- except when she screwed the messed up papers into a ball, threw them at the wastepaper basket and missed.

She wasn't really that calm either, she had a black aura around her- indicating that an evil mood was upon the sweet girl.

As for the paperwork being calmly completed… well, her taicho would have settled for her merely completing the paperwork, even if it wasn't done calmly. Unfortunately, neither was happening.

He could only work with her in his vicinity for so long. It wasn't just because she wasn't calm or quiet or because she wasn't getting anything done; it was because he couldn't get anything done when she was behaving like that.

It wasn't exactly distracting, but something about being near her when she was like this was extremly disturbing.

"Hinamori- please take the rest of the afternoon off," he ordered quietly.

She blinked, and looked at him, "taicho?" she asked, apparently surprised.

"I can complete all the paperwork and I think you need some time off," he said.

She sighed, "Arigato taicho," and she stood up and left without another word.

Kurosaki Ichigo still wondered how exactly he'd been blackmailed into becoming a temporary taicho for the fifth division. They'd assured him that it wasn't permanent and that he'd be released from duty the minute a more suitable candidate was found.

He wasn't sure if it was flattering or worrying that over a year after he'd been appointed they still hadn't found anyone more suitable than him.

Kon meanwhile got the run of Karakura in Ichigo's body… and that was a scary thing… on his first day of school months after his appointment he had been chased by half the female population. It turned out Kon had worked out certain skills… and was now the most sort after bachelor in Karakura- he'd beaten Mizuro into the ground by dating thirty models at one time. Mizuro's record was still only thirteen at one time, he was working on beating Kon, but there wasn't much hope. While Keigo was sadly still not dating anyone.

Ichigo was still disturbed by the concept in general, although Kon had learned to leave Rukia, Tatsuki, Inoue and any female Shinigami alone. He'd made the mistake of hitting on Hinamori in front of Toshiro.

The shortest of the taichos had dragged the pervert firmly outside with him. No one knew what had been said or done, but Kon been turned off women in black uniforms ever since. He'd also avoided Toshiro like the plague, Ichigo still wondered what the chibi's secret was.

Rukia walked into his office, barely knocking, and not waiting for permission, with a large stack of paperwork. Ichigo eyed it nervously.

"Oi, midget, what are you doing with that?" he demanded.

At least being a taicho meant he could insult Rukia as much as he wanted… and she had to be nice back. There were some perks with this job.

He couldn't see her glare but he felt it and mentally congratulated himself.

"Ukitate-taicho told me to give this to you. Apparently it's the favour you owe him for last month," she informed him tightly.

"All of it," Ichigo gasped, staring in utter horror at the huge pile.

"Every, last, piece, of, paper," Rukia almost purred, with a slow and deliberate emphasis on the words, he could clearly hear the satisfaction in her voice.

He'd gotten into a slight bind with his paperwork last month.

Okay… it had been a major problem, and Ukitate had sorted it out for him. The deal had been that in return he'd complete a stack of paperwork for the other taicho, to repay him for sorting out the mess.

Looking at the stack now, he wondered if it had truly been worth it. He hadn't realised that Ukitate was so sharp as to take advantage of him like that. Unfortunately a promise was a promise.

"Put it down beside my desk," he sighed- why hadn't Rukia come a few moments earlier? Then he wouldn't have let Hinamori have the afternoon off… it still would have been useless considering how little work the girl had done that day. It would have been better to have someone to suffer through the work with though.

Rukia looked at Hinamori's empty desk with a raised eyebrow.

"I gave her the afternoon off- she was in a mood," he explained.

She looked at the door, then back at him and sighed.

"I can stay for an hour," she offered and sat down at Hinamori's desk, starting on the pile of paperwork beside it.

He stared at her for a few moments, before he got back to his own work.

'Arigato Rukia,'

Momo paced around the fifth division gardens, she wasn't merely angry, or in a bad mood. She was furious, in a black rage, and she was ready to kill!

Unfortunately there were no division members in need of training or punishing. Her taicho was too busy to spar with her, and no hollow was obliging enough to show up in the middle of fifth division so she could obliterate it.

She had vague idea of going over to the eleventh division and screaming that Zaraki-taicho was a coward who should come out and face her. If nothing else, it would guarantee her a fight… but it would probably also guarantee her a painful death.

Except that it wouldn't solve the problem. Nothing would, and so she continued pacing.

She smacked her hand into a tree, she couldn't go on like this- or she probably would go and challenge Zaraki-taicho eventually. She cradled her aching hand, (the large tree was a lot harder than her small hand) she obviously needed to take steps to solve the problem. She began pacing again.

'Hitsugaya-kun, why are you doing this to me?'

And just like that the rage subsided and she came perilously close to tears. She came to a halt and settled herself under the tree, grateful that no one would see her crying like this. It was all so ridiculous; her emotions had been all over the place.

Perhaps it was proof that she wasn't fully over the depression that had been her entire existence almost a year earlier. It was certainly proof that she was a dependent type of person. She'd not even got over Aizen when Hitsugaya-kun had become her main reason for existence.

Momo was so tired of these feelings. She couldn't control them or eradicate them, and they'd been the bane of her existence for the past year. It had been hard enough rediscovering her own strength and repairing the relationships she'd ruined by believing in Aizen. But to be in love with Hitsugaya-kun so desperately… that had been the worst.

It had become an even more impossible situation than her feelings for Aizen, at least she'd been able to see Aizen every day. Hitsugaya-kun was on the other side of Seireitei, and both of them were very busy with their respective divisions.

She hated that more than anything. She hated not being able to see him everyday, not hearing his voice or having his hand brush lightly over hers.

Sometimes she hated Hitsugaya-kun for inspiring these feelings as much as she loved him. Then he appeared and everything, all of her strength disappeared, leaving her a lovesick fool at his mercy.

At least he seemed not to notice her making a complete spectacle of herself, which was probably the only blessing in her current situation.

He had to be the only one who didn't know; there was no keeping anything a secret; if Rangik-san knew something, then all of Seireitei also knew it.

'What do I do?'

Hitsugaya Toshiro was currently feeling very content; his fukutaicho was nowhere near the office and neither was he. He'd managed to do his paperwork- she'd actually helped for once, in exchange for throwing a sake party in the division (she'd promised that it would be small and that she would clean up after it, so he thought it would be alright), and so they had both finished early.

He ran a hand threw his hair, smoothed his white haori, and adjusted the green sash around his chest, making sure that the gold star was centred. He then walked confidently out of his office, he was quite happy in the last month that he'd grown a few inches taller.

It was a small achievement, since all of his colleagues- even Soifon were still taller than him, but at least it was something that made him feel better.

He could finally look Hinamori directly in the eye- they were the same height for once. He'd been waiting for that since the first day he'd known her, she'd always irritated him by being taller.

He'd never tell her that though, she'd probably never understand, but he'd always felt slightly ridiculous protecting a girl who was taller than him. The man was supposed to be the taller, stronger person in the couple- he was defying history and inviting people to mock him by being shorter!

The boy was supposed to be taller, older, stronger and generally charming, he wasn't supposed to tease or annoy her… and maybe if he'd followed the rules, she wouldn't have…

Aizen was past; and Toshiro stopped any thoughts in that direction. She was over Aizen, and that was at least something he'd done for her. It didn't feel like enough at the moment though, nothing did.

Even now, almost a year on from the New Year's party, he worried every day that he was dreaming, and that he would wake up to find her still mourning Aizen. He was relieved every morning to discover he wasn't dreaming, that this was all real, and as much as he'd love to openly check up on her, he didn't. He wasn't a baka; checking up on her everyday would make her feel coddled. Hinamori hated being babied, and was especially sensitive about being fussed over since recovering from her depression over Aizen.

So he controlled himself carefully, he checked on her at least once a week, by inviting her out to dinner or tea. If he wasn't terribly inundated (and sometimes even if he was) he'd also stop by fifth division to pass on any mixed up paperwork.

He'd also go there to irritate Kurosaki by giving him advice on how to act more like a taicho. Annoying Kurosaki was just a bonus; his true motive was always to check on Hinamori.

As it was, he usually received word of her during the day as well, either by his own observation, or by the remarks of others- especially Matsumoto.

He walked over to the fifth division's gate, took a deep breath and walked in. Hinamori was his precious childhood friend, but even going to talk to her made his stomach twist. He knew he was in love with her, he had been for years, but he refused to take advantage of her or push her.

She was still recovering from the betrayal of nearly three years earlier and Aizen's execution of two years earlier. He knew better than most that feelings like those couldn't just be dismissed or changed so easily, no matter how much it hurt or how frustrating it was.

And it was frustrating, but Toshiro had not become a taicho or mastered his bankai without learning how to control himself. On the outside he was ice, on the inside he was melting, jelly, bouncing one way and then another.

'It feels like we just keep going around in circles, the same thing again and again…'

Momo wasn't just on a mission; she was on a war, a rampage- a crusade!

She knew that she wasn't the only woman in Seireitei with man problems- there wasn't a woman alive without them. Admittedly some- such as Yachiru-chan's were not romantic in nature, but others, such as almost every other female Shinigami's, were romantic troubles.

Why were men- even ones who were supernatural, so thick?

How hard could reading the signals be?

Was it just her, or were all men BAKAS??

Momo was just slightly frustrated that morning. Unfortunately the cause of her irritation was walking quite calmly into her division- probably going to see Kurosaki-taicho.

But instead of heading to the office, he changed direction, and it took her a few moments to realise that he was walking towards her. Woman's instinct took over and she quickly tugged her uniform as straighter, and pulled her fringe back off her face, hooking the longest pieces behind her ears. She was glad that he was walking so slowly, and he didn't notice her panicking.

"Yo Hinamori," he called out the minute he was in polite talking range.

"Ohaiyo Hitsugaya-kun," she replied, trying to sound calm. There were butterflies in her stomach, her heart was all but jumping out of her chest, and calm was not easy to summon.

"Are you alright?" he asked, obviously quite concerned about her, apparently she'd missed calm and normal by a long shot. He knew her too well- so why didn't he know that he was what was wrong with her?

And then do something about it?

Hitsugaya-kun was never easily riled, even if he did tend to rely on emotions and instinct, and she knew that, but HOW COULD HE BE SO CALM??

It wasn't natural; surely she wasn't the only one who felt this… this… build up between them! Why couldn't he feel it?

Why didn't he say anything about it?

What was wrong with him?

Was she completely crazy?

"I'm fine," she lied, and his eyebrows rose- she was still a lousy liar, but he let it pass for the minute.

"I've got some time off, so I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time together this afternoon," he said smoothly.


Momo's head was spinning, everything was too hot and her knees were weak. She would have fallen if he hadn't caught her, but that made her feel a strange combination of better and worse. He was warm and he had the faint dry smell of ice and cedar on his skin.

"Hinamori, I think you've got a fever," he pressed his wrist to her forehead and compared her temperature to his own.

"No, I'm perfectly fine," she whispered leaning into him, she felt completely dazed and she really did not want to move.

"Hinamori," he began in his patient tone. It was the one that made her feel guilty, one that brought her deepest secrets into the light of day and one that made her remember that he would always be there to listen to her.

"Hitsugaya-kun, please," she cut him off before he could get her to convince her to tell him everything. She rested her full weight on him, "please, can we stay like this?" she didn't want to move, ever.

He pulled her into his arms, one hand sliding under her knees, the other supporting her back. He carried her over to one of the largest trees and sat down, carefully, with her resting in his lap. She fell asleep like that, her hands clenched in his white haori, her head resting on his shoulder, his fingers running gently along her cheek.

Ichigo had lost track of the hour long ago, and he was surprised to see Rukia, still in the office, hours after she'd first arrived. She was asleep at the desk, one hand still holding the ink brush tightly.

He placed his own ink brush away, stacking the remaining unfinished paperwork neatly, placing the completed work carefully in the right trays. He then went over to Rukia, who didn't stir; he pulled her back off the desk and picked her up carefully. She was still holding the ink brush, and he didn't have the heart to pry it out of her fingers, he'd ask her to return it later.

There were ink smudges on her face, and she moved faintly in his arms, shifting until she was comfortable. He smiled; she looked so small, so helpless when she was like this- almost nothing like when she was awake.

Ichigo cradled her gently and walked out of the office, heading to the thirteenth division. He didn't pass too many people, but it was enough. He had the nasty feeling that Byakuya was going to challenge him in the morning, and possibly Renji as well.

He met Ukitate just after entering the thirteenth division. He also met Byakuya, Zaraki, Kyoraku and Komamura exiting the thirteenth division. It wasn't just bad timing, it was the worst timing possible.

"Kurosaki," Byakuya somehow made just the one word sound completely ominous.

"Rukia fell asleep helping me with paperwork," he said quickly, with large emphasis on the last word.

Byakuya glared at him suspiciously, so Ichigo held the sleeping Rukia out as a peace offering. Byakuya took her gently, and after one more lethal glare he turned on heel, back into the thirteenth division, taking her to her room.

Zaraki looked far too amused, and Komamura gave him an inquisitive look, but both moved on. Unfortunately Kyoraku and Ukitate decided to stay, and when he tried to leave, they blocked him with exasperating ease.

"So, will there be wedding bells Kurosaki?" Kyoraku asked, with a lecherous grin that reminded him of his father.

He managed to resist the urge to punch his fellow taicho in the face.

"So, how long was Kuchiki doing paperwork with you?" Ukitate asked, changing the subject.

"About five hours," Ichigo said without thinking.

"I'll be borrowing Hinamori-san for five hours when I get a build up then," Ukitate announced quite calmly.

Ichigo blinked in horror… he owed Ukitate another favour? Bloody hell the white-haired taicho was devious.

"So, Kurosaki, before Byakuya comes back, tell me- how was it?"

Ichigo turned bright red, "we didn't do anything except paperwork!" he protested.

"But you're a teenager, full of hormones, and Kuchiki's so kawaii- What's wrong with you?" Kyoraku demanded, and then suddenly looked horrified, "are you gay?"

"NO!" Ichigo shouted.

"Then why didn't you-" Kyoraku began asking.

"Rukia and I are just friends! We aren't like that!" Ichigo yelled, and he walked out of the division very stiffly.

"He is just as bad at lying at Hitsugaya is," Kyoraku observed.

"Who do you think will confess first?" Ukitate asked.

"Only time will tell," Kyoraku proclaimed with ironic wisdom.

"And make someone very rich," Ukitate added wryly.

"Are you in the betting pool too?" Kyoraku asked, sounding far too excited.

"Kyoraku don't be silly, these are people's emotions, not a horse race," Ukitate said sharply.

"Well my money was on Kurosaki, but now after talking with him… I think that the tensai is a better investment," Kyoraku commented, sounding disgusted.

Momo woke up to twisted sheets, tangled hair and loose clothes. It was far too hot, and she sat up abruptly, throwing off the sheets and blankets. She was momentarily disorientated, but finally realised that she was in her room.

She realised by the darkness outside that she must have been asleep for several hours, and she had been tucked into her own bed. She also recognised the medicine that was sitting beside her bed- Unohana's fever remedy.

Why hadn't he listened to her?

She had told him she didn't have a fever, and if anyone would know, it would be her. It was her body damnit!

Her Zanpakto had been neatly placed in its rack; the pile of books had been stacked alphabetically into her bookshelf. He'd closed her windows, and taken her extra blankets out of the chest and put them on her bed. No wonder she'd been hot.

Momo felt like screaming- what kind of right did he have to come over, make her sick, then act like a gentleman , clean up her room and take care of her like that??

This had gone far enough, it was official – this time she was GOING TO KILL HIM!!

On the other side of Seireitei Hitsugaya Toshiro stopped in the middle of paperwork. For some reason a very cold shiver had just run down his spine. Something definitely felt very wrong, but he had no idea why or what.

Matsumoto Rangiku, stopped drinking sake on the couch with Kira and Shuhei looked at her taicho. He'd just stopped dead in the middle of paperwork mid-character, ink brush dripping black ink onto the page.

"Taicho, is something wrong?" she slurred.

The look on his face reminded her of a man confronted by his wife when he has forgotten his twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. He looked completely terrified for a few seconds, and since she could count on one hand the number of people who could terrify him outright, she wondered what was so wrong.

"No, it's nothing," Toshiro said quickly.

For the briefest instant he had seen an image of a furious Hinamori in his mind, but he shook it off.

Hinamori got angry so rarely, and besides it took a lot to anger her. It was ridiculous to even consider her being angry, there was no reason for it.

He shook off the warning/nagging feeling at the back of his mind and returned to his paperwork. He crumpled up the useless page his ink brush had been dripping onto and started on a fresh one.

It was thirty seconds later when her reiatsu soared that he regretted not running when he had the chance. She was scarier than Zaraki when she was mad, and somehow he just knew that she was coming for him. Toshiro didn't have the faintest idea why though.

That's it for chapter one, I hope you enjoyed. I promise to update soon, and there will be more RukiaxIchigo in later scenes and possibly other pairings, but it will continue to be mainly MomoxToshiro.

Please R & R- I welcome all comments; complementary and critical (although I'd rather no abusive flamers), because I am genuinely interested in your opinions. I can't improve my stories without them.

Translation of Japanese Words:

Arigato- Thank you

Ba- Grandma/Old woman

Baka- Idiot

Chan- a suffix indicating a close relationship, often used by girls and when addressing someone younger.

Chibi- Short/Small

Fukutaicho- Vice-Captain/Vice Unit Commander

Hai- Yes/Correct

Haori- Hip/thigh-length kimono coat which Kyoraku Shunsui wears over the Shinigami uniform. Also the white coat that the taicho wear over their uniform.

Kido- Ghost Magic

Kun- a suffix considered quite familiar, often used for addressing classmates and friends.

Mou Hidoi- That's mean/rude

Ohaiyo- Good Morning/Good Day (more casual/familiar form of greeting than konichiwa)

Reiatsu- Soul Power

Rukongai- This is part of Soul Society outside of Seireitei, anyone not in Seireitei dwells here.

Sama- honorific- generally means master/lord, used only in cases of high respect.

San- a suffix considered polite, often used for addressing people who you don't know well.

Seireitei- The city in Soul Society where the Shinigami and nobility dwell.

Shinigami- Death God

Shunpo- Flash Steps

Soutaicho- Head Captain/Commander General

Taicho- Captain/Unit Commander

Zanpakto- Soul Slayer