A/N: I'm a bad bad author... aren't I? I'm sooo sorry that I haven't updated this story in like forever. But you know, life calls. This chapter is like, 10 pages long on my word processor so I'm making up for it. I have some more good news at the end of this chapter. :) Don't forget to find out what it is!!!

And a BIG BIG THANK YOU to Nathalie Cullen13 for being the quickest beta reader!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters except for SHANE. And I don't own the song "Almost Lover" by A Fine Frenzy --- listen to that song while you're reading this chapter. If it ends before you're done hit the repeat button. That's what I did.

Okay, sorry for the rambling HERE'S THE CHAPTER!!!

Proms Bring Out The Memories


"Ouch, Alice! Why are you doing this? I thought we got everything done for the wedding?" I ask her as she sticks another pin into my arm. She chuckles and continues on pricking me to death. "Seriously, do you want me to bleed to death?"

"Now, that's not something to joke about, Edward." Alice's bell-like voice chimes. "I'm surprised you don't know what this is for."

"The wedding?"

"No, silly goose, it's for your prom." Prom? Oh, right… prom. I have forgotten about prom. Bella and I didn't go last year because I didn't really see what was so great about it. So why are they having me go this year?

"Wow. So, you're making me a tux for prom, and for my wedding?"

"Yes. That's what I planned on doing. Now, hold still, I have one more thing to do. Then you will be free to go and do whatever you do with Bella." I blush as Alice chuckles again.

Stupid super-hearing vampires.

Alice places her last pin on my pants and walks away from me, taking in the picture I assume. She smiles and starts pulling the articles of clothing off of me.

"Hey, hey, hey! I can undress myself, thank you very much."

"No, you will ruin it. Edward, we're going to be family soon." She raises her eyebrows and I comply. She quickly takes the clothes off of me, leaving me in my boxers and athletic t-shirt. She chuckles at my uneasiness.

"I'm glad you're having fun with my embarrassment. Can I have my clothes back now?" Alice had thrown my clothes into her closet when I took them off earlier, claiming that if I didn't cooperate I would never see them, or Bella again.

"Sure thing." She runs into her closet and then hands me my clothes. "Oh, and I'll have your tux ready by six tonight, so make sure you're showered and stuff."

"Six? Wait-- prom is tonight?"

Alice sighs, "Yes, Edward, prom is tonight. Don't you pay attention to the announcements at all?"

I shake my head and she rolls her eyes, mumbling to herself something about men and attention spans. I start pulling my jeans on as she waltzes out of the room. Two seconds later Bella enters the room with a smile on her face as I am about to put my shirt on.

"Well, hello handsome." She chuckles and kisses my cheek. I quickly throw my shirt on and kiss her fully on the lips.

"So, why didn't you tell me prom was tonight? I would have paid for the tickets and stuff."

"No biggie. Alice did everything ahead of time."

"Am I getting ready here?"

"Yes, you'll be getting ready with Jasper and Emmett." She takes my hand and takes me out of Alice's room. "Don't worry, everything's arranged. All you have to do is dress yourself."

"I can do that." I chuckle. She laughs along with me and we walk into her room.

"So, we only have two hours before Alice and Rosalie are going to bust in here and steal me from you… which I don't really appreciate." She says the last part a little louder. I hear two laughs ring throughout the house. She looks a little nervous and I can feel my eyebrows scrunch together.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing really. My sisters know the reason why I absolutely despise going to dances… and yet they still make me go."

"What is it?

"I- I actually can't dance." She says as she ducks her head, leaving a wall of hair between us. I lift up her chin so her eyes meet mine.

"It's okay… it's all in the leading."

"You're telling me that you can dance?"

"What? Is it that surprising? My mom actually taught me how to dance… back in the day." I laugh remembering the klutzy moments I had. But it was a great time I had with my mother.

"Wow. Okay… show me." I start to panic a little. I haven't exactly danced in ages.

"Um, well, I'll be a little rusty."

She laughs at me and pulls me onto my feet. She turns on some classical music and takes my left hand in her right and places her left hand on my shoulder. I place my right hand on her waist and pull her closer to me. I take a step forward and we start to do some waltz. One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three. I think to myself. We glide around her room with only a few mishaps from her, nothing that causes serious injury. Although, I think my big toe is permanently bruised.

"Why, Mr. Masen, you are quite the waltz man." Bella whispers in my ear as I guide her in a turn.

"Well, I think you should rewire your brain, you aren't as bad as you think." I say and a smile forms on her lips.

"You're just saying that." She says and then stumbles on her feet.

"For a vampire, I'd say you are getting there." I wink at her and she playfully slaps my cheek. We both spin gracefully in a circle and then we end up falling onto her couch, me on top of her. Our noses almost touched, I could feel her cool breath on my lips. I lean in to give her a kiss, but a knock interrupted us.

"I hope we're not interrupting anything." Rosalie says. We both move away from each other and sit on the edge of the couch. Rosalie and Alice both cross their arms at the same time.

"I guess that's my cue to leave." I say and kiss Bella on the cheek. She gives my hand a small squeeze and I walk out of the room.

"You could have let us kiss. And that wasn't even two hours! It was more like half." She hisses as I walk into the hall. A smirk plays on my face as I head towards Jasper's room. Emmett and Jasper are just sitting in his room playing video games. They both look up and nod when I enter. Jasper throws me a controller and I sit down beside them.

"You do know that the girls will be really angry if we're not ready on time." I say as I try to catch up to the guys in the car racing game. They both laugh and continue playing.

"It only takes us thirty seconds to get ready for something like this." I scowl at them, and their super speediness.

"It's quarter of five, Edward. How long does it really take for you to get ready?" Emmett stares at me as I try to answer.

"Probably a half an hour." I say factoring the five-minute shower.

"Then play with us for a hour." Emmett smiles and I agree.


"Bella, hold still!" The little pixie exclaims. I stop fussing with my hair and stand as stiff as a board. She stops and then smiles at me. "Perfect."

I look at myself in the mirror and my eyes almost popped out. "Wow, Alice, this is… wow thank you." I say as I take a look at the green dress that hugs my curves at all the right places and then down at the bunched train. It is perfect.

"Well, your welcome. Now, don't touch anything. Your hair is perfect, the dress is perfect, do anything to mess it up, your head's on the platter. Comprende?"

I nod and she quickly kisses my cheek and goes off to help Rosalie with her dress and hair. I stare at my reflection. Even though, being a vampire, we appeal to others inhumanely and each of us are beautiful, I still feel that I am just plain. I don't have the grace that Alice had, nor the extreme beauty that Rosalie posses. I don't have the aura of love and tenderness like Esme, I'm just a plain vampire who is fast and can hear people's thoughts.

"Bella you aren't plain." Rosalie says as she stands behind me. We both look at my reflection.

"Was I speaking out loud?" I look at her and she shakes her head.

"You were thinking out loud. Something you haven't done in decades." She smirks, and places a hand on my shoulder. "Bella, you are beautiful. Trust me, I would tell you if you weren't."

"I do, and I know. But…"

"No buts, Bella. You have to remove the plain goggles off of your eyes and see who you really are." Alice pops up beside me. She fusses with my hair for a bit and then places her hand on my other shoulder. We all stand there looking at the mirror. I notice Rosalie's and Alice's reflection, flawless. I just don't see it.

"You'll see it, perhaps your wedding day will help remove those goggles." Rosalie says from across the room.

"So are we ready?" Alice asks grabbing our clutch purses. She smoothes out her short satin blue cocktail dress and takes a quick look at her hair. I look at Rosalie who is sporting a long elegant blood red dress. I catch the matching green clutch that Alice throws at me and we all make our way to the stairs.

I smell Edward before I see him. He is waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, with a green rose corsage in hand. Our eyes both lock with each other and for what seems like an eternity we were the only ones in the room. Edward takes my hand and kisses it like the men did when I was a human.

"You look, absolutely stunning, Bella." He says as he places the corsage on my wrist. His eyes never left mine.

"And you are handsome as always, love." I say softly. I hear a few snickers from Emmett and just like that, the world comes back. Rosalie smacks him on the back of the head. He quickly turns away from us and walks with Rosalie out the door. Alice and Jasper are already out. Edward offers me his arm and we both walk out the door, to run into Carlisle and Esme and his parents standing outside with cameras in their hands. The rest of my siblings already left.

"You two come to the bottom of the stairs and stand together so we can take pictures!" Esme says a little too eagerly, I think she's taking this role as mother a little too seriously.

Edward and I comply, and after a dozen pictures he drags us to his Vanquish to escape. They wave goodbye as we drive off. It is almost like this is our wedding.

"So, are you ready for your first prom?" I ask Edward as he heads towards the school.


"That sounds convincing." He chuckles and our hands intertwine.

"It's prom, Bella. Girls get excited over this thing, not guys. I'm just doing this because you guys think it's a good human experience." He winks at me as I wince when he says the words 'human experience'.

"It is, Edward, you only get to live this moment once."

"How many times have you been to prom, Bella?" He asks looking at me every other second.

"That's beside the point." I reply.

"Really, Bella. I don't mind skipping all of this. I want to be with you forever. I don't care about any stupid human teenage stuff. I want to be married to you, I want to live with you forever."

"And you will. Can you do me a favor, Edward?"

"Anything for you, Bella."

"Enjoy this night. Have fun with your friends. Because this is really the last time you will be human with them, well besides graduation." I look at him. His whole face tenses up and then loosens after a second.

"Like I said, anything for you."


"Eddie!" Shane's voice booms from the table beside me. He gets up from the table, away from his date, and gives me a high five, which turns into a quick guy hug. You know the hug I'm talking about, the one arm pat on the back one. "Senior prom!"

"Yeah, senior prom." I repeat.

"I can't believe we're graduating in less than a month. This is, crazy." He smiles slightly, and I can tell he's getting nostalgic. "And you're getting married too."

"Yeah, it's coming up pretty quick, huh?" I chuckle a bit.

"Yup. Hey, we saved a spot for you and Bella at our table." He points to the table and sure enough there were two places open. I look over at Bella who's talking to Tyler and my other friends. She smiles and nods quickly, something that to the untrained eye you won't be able to detect.

"Thanks." We both go back to the table and sit. Bella sits beside me. There are pitchers of soda and water on our table and I pour both Bella and me glasses of water. She eyes me when I hand her the glass of water. I know she's not going to enjoy pretending to eat in front of my friends.

She leans into my ear and whispers, "I'm going to enjoy this night as much as you are, love."

That causes me to chuckle a bit. I feel bad about having her sit with the humans. That means she has to eat the food. This is definitely not going to be a fun night after prom. I look over at the table where the rest of the Cullen's are sitting. Emmett and Jasper look bored, and Alice is looking at the other girls' dresses, probably fixing them with her eyes. Lastly, Rosalie, she is just lounging in the chair, next to Emmett, as all the guys gawk over her.

"So, Edward, are you ready for graduation?" Angela asks bringing my attention back to our table.

"Graduation? Yeah, it's close." She giggles and throws a look at Bella.

"I guess, Edward has other things on his mind other than graduation. Like perhaps, the wedding?" Angela smirks. "Is that right?"

"I guess so." I reply.

The conversation starts to be about the wedding; mainly the girls at the table are talking. The girls move so they are near each other and the guys end up filling their seats. We start talking about the games that were on the other night. Luckily I watched them with Emmett and Jasper.

Then a song came on and the girls got excited. It was a fast song, by some rapper that I don't listen to, but Bella grabs my hand and takes me down the to the dance floor following the other girls. She starts to sway her hips side to side against my body, mimicking the other girls around us. I try my hardest to not let the sensation take over and I lose my control over… things. She turns around and faces me. Her lips come close to my ear.

"Enjoying this, Mr. Masen?"

"Possibly a little too much, Miss Cullen. Could you try to tone it down before I lose it and jump you right here?" She chuckles and puts a little distance between her body and mine. Her hands still rest on my shoulders, mine on her hips. We look into each other's eyes and for a moment, everyone around us disappears.

A familiar song comes through the speakers. It's Bella's.

Your fingertips across my skin
The palm trees swaying in the wind, images
You sang me Spanish lullabies
The sweetest sadness in your eyes, clever trick

"Oh God, not this song." Bella groans. We move into a slow dance, I pull her closer to me, feeling that I can control myself. "Please don't listen to the lyrics."

"Why?" She doesn't respond, just rests her head on my chest.

Well I'd never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?

"Oh. That's why." I say falling silent. She presses her lips against mine softly.

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

"This isn't about me. I wrote it for Rosalie." She tells me. "Did I ever tell you how Rosalie came to be a vampire?"

I shook my head. She bites her lip and looks over my shoulder, probably at Rosalie.

"Maybe later."

We walked along a crowded street
You took my hand and danced with me in the shade
And when you left you kissed my lips
You told me you would never ever forget these images, no

We dance, moving side to side and in a small square. The people around us blend together as we silently enjoy ourselves.

Well, I'd never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

I wonder what happened to Rosalie to cause Bella to write a song like this. I remember listening to this before, but I never thought that I was going to meet the girl who wrote it.

I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot try the streets at night
I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind

So you're gone and I'm haunted
And I bet you are just fine
Did I make it that easy to walk
Right in and out of my life?

It almost makes me want to go after the person who hurt my soon-to-be sister. Even if he were already dead, I'd just bring him back and kill him again.

Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Why can't you just let me be?

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

The next song changes into a fast one and suddenly Bella doesn't want to dance anymore. I don't think it's because of the fact that they played her song, but the fact it was the song that was personal, because it was Rosalie's song. We walk over to the Cullen's table and sit down by Rosalie and Emmett. Rosalie looks at Bella, like she is about to cry, but she can't.

"I'm sorry, Rose. I didn't realize that was such a big hit here."

"It's no biggie." She says trying to shrug it off. "Did you tell him?"

Bella looks at me and shakes her head. Rosalie nods. Silent conversation. I wonder when I change, if I can hear her thoughts. She touches my arm bringing me back to reality and out of my thoughts.

"Edward, they're serving food. You want to get some?"

"Do you?" She bites her lip and shakes her head, but then nods.

"I have to make it believable that I do eat."

I kiss her cheek and whisper, "I'll make sure your sitting closer to the trash can."

Emmett and Rosalie start to laugh as Alice and Jasper come to the table. Alice smiles at me and pats my head.

"What a nice gesture, Edward. I'm sure Bella here will appreciate it." Alice says. Bella growls and pulls me away from her family so we can get food. I have never seen her this excited to get food onto her plate.

The main dishes are pasta and chicken. I got some pasta, while Bella piles a small piece of chicken on her plate. She tries to grab a couple sides to make it look like she's going to really eat. I tell her whatever she doesn't "finish" I'll eat. She rolls her eyes at me as we sit down. She sits closer to the trash.

"Bella, was that your song that they played?" Jessica asks from beside Mike. Bella smiles and puts down the fork.

"Yeah that was my song. I wrote it for my sister."

"What a jerk. At least she has Emmett, now." Jessica says and stuffs a forkful of chicken in her mouth. Bella frowns, the conversation doesn't last as long as she thinks it will. I see her eye the piece of chicken she has cut up. She stabs it with a fork and lifts it up to her mouth to eat. There is a blur and she's chewing. No one else notices it, except me.

The rest of prom goes by agonizingly slow. During the last song, a few of the seniors start to cry as they realize that this is the last time that they'll all be together for an occasion like this. Even Shane, Tyler, and Ben look like they are about to cry. I watch all of my classmates come together and comfort each other. But not once do I cry. I don't shed a tear, or feel like crying.

Saying goodbye to them means something entirely different. I'm not just going off to make a record with Bella and tour the world. I'm going to die, become a vampire, and I'll be different. I won't be able to see them face-to-face for a long time. After a few years, they will forget about me, and then they will grow old and die. I will live on forever.

To them saying goodbye means that hopefully they'll stay in touch while they're in college, but if not then hey, there's always the high school reunion.

I can't go to those. I'll still be eighteen and look it. They all will age.

I step back from this scene and realize that this really is the last time I will ever be with my classmates. I can feel the tears start to work. I quickly blink them away as say goodbye to Shane and all of my friends at the table. Bella and I walk back to my car and that's when I break.

Bella sits in the passenger seat and rubs my back as I let out all the tears. I feel like such a whimp, but she doesn't seem to mind. I think she has been waiting for this day to happen.

"Edward, dear, I know it's going to be hard to leave them. But that is what you want right? If not, then I can always just marry you, and we don't have to change you until you finish college."

"That's what you want, isn't it?" I ask look at her with my red puffy eyes. She bites her lip and then shakes her head.

"I want what you want." She tells me, her voice is smooth as velvet.

"I want to be with you forever, Bella. I want you..." I say, catching my breath, "… for eternity."

A/N: So what do you think? So nostalgic. I wish my prom was like that. Anyway my big news for today is that the song I wrote for Bella when she sang at Edward's birthday party is finally recorded (Takes Something). I'll post the link here: http://www(DOT)esnips(DOT)com/web/BeautifulDisasterSongTakesSomething and on my profile. If it doesn't work, let me know. Let me just say that I'm not professional guitarist/singer so if it sounds... amateur it is.

A BIG thanks to my reviewers from the last chapter: Jadey . Loves . Twilight, Kiara Kou Cullen, CoraCullen22, and twilight360days!!!

And a thanks to my recent reviewer: teambellaedward!!!