Black and white. What most would call pure opposites, and they truly are.

Superstition. They say that a black cat crossing your path is bad luck, but it was originally the white cat that was the cause of bad luck. Somehow in the passing of time, the tables had been turned and now the black cat walks with pride. Not because he is hated or feared, but because he knows that they are wrong.

That's almost the way Hinata Huuga was.

Though she was no cat, if she would compare herself to the rest of the people she considered good, then she would be the black cat upon the village of others. It would be rare that the cat would be pure white, but in her eyes, there was one that was the purest of them all. Naruto Uzumaki.

Also, Hinata knew she was the black cat, but she did not believe that everyone else was wrong. She believed that she had been somehow tainted. She had somehow become the unwanted monster. She hated herself for being so weak, when in reality, she was so very strong. She just hadn't found her power. She hadn't found a drive to find that power anywhere else than where she was, either.

So here she was, merely 12 years old, and lying lifelessly on her bed. She had been training for nearly three days straight, with no improvement. Her father said that she really was useless, and that he was going to disown her if she didn't make any improvement soon.

'Maybe I'll do better walking with my own kind.' She thought, too tired to even speak. She had been thinking, for she could not sleep. She thought, maybe it would be better if she left this village of white cats to walk with her fellow black cats. Maybe it was better if she would become a criminal, for she was definitely not meant to be in this position of the heiress.

So, her mind was set. As soon as she was ready, she would leave the village. She would no longer burden them with her presence.

She would run away.

A small smile found itself upon her lips as she thought of finally being away from those who hated her. Especially since...especially since Kiba died.

Hinata almost cried at the pain that hit her at the thought of Kiba. He had died on the mission to retrieve Sasuke. He had killed his opponent, but died in the process. Akamaru had survived, but felt empty from the loss of his owner, so he might as well be dead. He was on the inside.

Hinata felt sorry for Akamaru, but felt that he would be only more depressed with her leaving. Maybe she would take Akamaru with her.

No. It would only be a cruel reminder of this place. Of Kiba...

The pain hit her heart again, though this time, she did cry. Kiba would have never wanted her to leave, but she had to. She had to.

So, with her mind made up, Hinata finally got some sleep.

The next day, she would leave at midnight.


So...what do you think? U know, I did some research and it really used to be that the white cat crossing your path would be bad luck. Wonder how it changed...anyway, anyone who reviews gets a free...uh...I know! If U send in descriptions of OC's, I might put them into the story! Yay!

Anyway, R&R! Bye!