A/N: ITS HERE!! Thanks to all the suggestions i got for this story.. I just want to let everyone know-- Lilly and Joe wont be in this for a few chapters, because the story is mainly about niley, but they will be in it, so dont get mad at me! and so will kevin, and a few new characters. Anyways.. if you didnt read "A New Life", all you need to know is that Miley, Nick, Joe, and Lilly, all went to a boarding school in California and Joe, Kevin, and Nick got signed, but Miley isnt Hannah Montana or anything and that Miley and Nick are together and so are Joe and Lilly. But you should still check it out. Also, i named this story "A Life Redone" because i was looking for words that would describe their lives and i looked up "redone" and it pretty much describes each of the characters lives.. and its kinda similar to "A New Life".. just if you were wondering :)) so after a pretty short wait, i must add, heres the first chapter!

Chapter 1

Miley walked outside at the LAX airport in Los Angeles. She smiled at the memories of her old home, and breathed in the warm air. For the first time in 6 years, she was back in the place that she had met her first love.


Headline in UsWeekly: Breaking News: New star Nick Jonas's girlfriend PREGNANT? Sources tell Us they've been hooking up and Mr. Jonas's purity ring seems to be missing. 16-year old to turn from rock star to father? See pg. 64 for details.

For the first time, seeing 'Dad' on the caller-id made Miley's stomach drop to the floor. She had seen the magazine cover the night before and had been crying all night. She hadn't even thought about what her dad was going to say about it.

"Hello?" she asked nervously.

"Miley Stewart? What was that article in UsWeekly about? You're sixteen years old. You cant involve yourself in the press like this when you're not even famous. I am so disappointed in you."

"Daddy, please. I made a mistake. I'm not pregnant, but we can talk about that later. Can I call you later? I've had a really bad day today with everyone staring and whispering and gossiping about me."

"Miley, I've realized that you going to that school was a bad idea."

"No it's not! Do you realize how much I've gotten out of it? You should hear my singing now. I could have a record contract!"

"We'll your not going to after that little scandal of yours. What record label would want a pregnant 16 year old?"

"Dad. Please. Can I call you back later?"

"No. You know what, you're coming home. For good."

"What?" she said, not sure if she heard right.

"You heard what I said. You're coming back home."

"You can't do this to me!" Miley said, starting to cry.

"I am your father and I can do what I want. You're coming home."

"But Dad! Please!"

"I'll book you a plane ticket and email you your flight information. Goodbye," he said and hung up the phone.

Miley stayed in the same position, cell phone next to her ear. Tears were pouring out of her eyes. What about Nick? She hadn't even talked to him since the magazine cover. She decided to go online to see if Nick was on AIM. While it was loading, she double clicked the internet icon. Front page of Yahoo! showed a picture of Miley and Nick, Nick ringless and press wondering if Miley was pregnant. More hot tears poured down her face, creating dark, wet makeup lines down her cheeks and bloodshot eyes from the crying. She exited out of it and noticed Nick was online.

Mileyluver1003 (Nick): hey, M. What's up?

Nickluver1003 (Miley): hey. Um nothing. Can we talk soon?

Mileyluver1003: of course. Anything wrong?

Nickluver1003: Have you seen the UsWeekly cover?

Mileyluver1003: No. About me?

Nickluver1003: Us.

Mileyluver1003: Aww, im sorry, baby. Its all bullshit. Don't listen to it.

Nickluver1003: half of its true. Just go onto Yahoo.

Mileyluver1003 (minutes later): want to meet for dinner?

Nickluver1003: Pick me up at 7.

End Flashback

Miley was back to film a movie. She auditioned back in Tennessee and made it, so she had to live in L.A. for a while, but her agent suggested that she moved there, because she'd probably get more movie and show roles after her movie premiered, so it'd be easier. Robbie Ray had doubted it, but figured that it was 6 years ago and she was now 22 and more mature.

Miley lifted her hand swiftly, hailing a cab. The yellow car turned right, pulling infront of Miley. The driver got out and took her suitcase. He closed the trunk and Miley lifted her jean-clad legs, getting into the car. She lifted her Chanel sunglasses to the top of her head and closed her eyes, leaning her head against the leather seats. She zipped open her LV bag, pulling out her iPhone. She pressed "New Text", then clicked on Lilly's name.

"I'm back," she wrote.

A/N: A little short, but WHATEVER. hah..but future chapters should be longer

oh yeah, any of you see JB at the white house? they looked so cute in their tuxes, hah Joe was the only one with a white one!!

so i gave u the sequel, now you need to review!!

peace out xoxo