Angel: Hey guys! Since I have dropped my last story about POT, I decided to put up this one. I hope this would get better reviews than the last one. I know there are lots of stories there that Eiji turned into a girl and such. Please give this a shot. I promise it's different than the others.
Introducing new (minor) characters:
Emiko Kikumaru (Eiji's big sister)
Ran Kikumaru (second big sister)
Atsushi Kikumaru (Big brother)
Shinji Kikumaru (second big brother)
Fuuko Azusagawa
Sae Mikagami
Pairing: Fuji/Eiji yes, shounen-ai
Warning: OOC might occur.
Summary: Eiji turned into a girl. And it's not just that, no one remembers Eiji anymore! There never was a Kikumaru Eiji, just a Kikumaru Eiko. What's happening? Does this has to do with Inui's juice? Why did his world suddenly turned upside down?
When He turns to She
It's once again a typical day in Seishun Gakuen. Eiji and Fuji were sitting on the bench, waiting for practice to start. They were talking about quite random things, and currently the topic they have landed is...
"Nya! Fujiko, I just don't understand girls." Eiji pouted while running his hand through his hair.
"And why is that?" Asked by the curious tensai staring at the cute red head beside him.
"They are so confusing. My sisters always talk about boys on how they look cool, they put on make up most of the time, then they often have a slumber party and it's really noisy! They even use my favorite tooth paste! It's almost empty now..." Eiji continued to grumble.
Fuji chuckled. "Eiji, that's just your sisters. My sister is a bit quieter than yours, sometimes her card reading is a bit scary."
Their conversation was interrupted when Inui called them. He had prepared a special training for the regulars. Their goal was to hit the ball inside their baskets. Each ball has their own color that corresponds the baskets. Easy huh? Not! Inui made the three freshmen to carry the baskets and run around the court randomly so the regulars would get a hard time targeting it.
"I-NU-I!" Eiji started. "That is so unfair! We can't hit the balls when those three freshmen are running around like crazy! moving target is unfair!"
Inui's eyeglasses flashed. "There was an 84 chance that you or Momo would say that. So I have prepared this." Inui took out a large pitcher of pink like violet juice. It looked so sticky and Icky which has bubbled popping above it.
"What's that?" Momo said scared hiding behind Ryoma who lowered his cap.
"It's my newest juice, though I haven't tested it yet, so I don't know the real effects. And It's still nameless." Inui smirked before laughing like a mad scientist.
Everyone guzzled, well except for Tezuka, he had his usual stoic face which showed he wasn't scared even he is. Even the tensai, Fuji, was a bit scared remembering what Aozu(1) did to him.
"Let's start." Inui declared. "Eiji you go first."
"Nya! Why do I have to go first!" Eiji said while walking towards the court. We wanted to yell at Inui more but that might cost him on drinking that goo.
Inui started to serve. Eiji, being and acrobatic player was able hit the balls on their correct basket. One ball almost hit Horio on the head. "Kikumaru-senpai!" Eiji just grinned and flashed a V sign at Horio.
When Inui was serving the last ball…
"That's red" Eiji said while running across the court.
"Are you sure it's not green?" Inui questioned him.
With hesitation, he was about to hit the ball on the green basket when he really confirmed it was red. But, sadly, it was too late, he already hit the ball across where Kachirou was holding the green basket.
"I-nu-i! You cheated!" Eiji yelled "I was right about it being red!"
"You shouldn't fall for those kind of things Eiji" Inui said while popping out behind him holding a cup of his juice. He handed the juice to Eiji. "You are very easy to predict."
He bit his lips while staring at the pink like violet juice-cough-goo. "When I die, tell my mommy I love her so much." He said before drinking all of it.
Eiji's face turned red to pink, then blue to green. He started to run towards the exit for water yelling.
'Nya, I'm dying!' Eiji thought as he run. Just as he was about to reach the faucet he heard someone yell.
"Watch out Kikumaru-senpai!"
He felt something hit him hard on the head. Eiji fell down on the ground. Everything was revolving around him. His chest hurts, he couldn't breath. He noticed the shadows crowd around him. He tried to reach out a hand. "he-lp.."
"Get a stretcher!" Oishi yelled.
'Am I really going to die?' And with that Eiji passed out.
Eiji woke up with a really bad headache. He opened his eyes to see the white ceiling. Every thing was quite blurry because of the light. After a while his eyes adjusted to it.
"Nya, Where am I?" I muttered. "My head hurts!"
"You're in the infirmity." I heard someone said. I tilted my head and saw the school nurse.
"Thank God you're okay."
Wait? That's Oishi's voice! I excitedly turn my head towards him. Oishi smiled at me.
"I'm glad you're okay Kikumaru-san." He stood up and took a bow. "I'm sorry about the ball hitting your head Kikumaru-san. It was an accident caused by one of our members."
"Nya? I don't understand…" Kikumaru-san? What's up with that? Since when did Oishi called me that?
"You don't remember?" The nurse asked.
I shook my head.
"You were passing by the tennis courts when a ball hit your head. I guess you were hit pretty hard." Oishi explained and yet I still don't understand.
"EIKO-CHAN!" Wow, that was deafening, who ever that girl is looking for I guess she really cares for that someone.
I sit up and saw a girl sitting beside me with teary eyes. Whats with… Nya! She's hugging me! A girl is hugging me!
"Eiko-chan, I was so worried when they told me you passed out." Nya? Is she calling me Eiko-chan? Who's that? And who is she?
"You're worried?" I asked, just out of curiosity. What else can I say?
"Of course I am! I'm your best friend!"
Be-Best Friend! But Oishi and Fuji are my best friend!
I looked at him. He just smiled. "I have to leave now, please take care Kikumaru-san. And I'm really sorry from before." He bowed down then left leaving me really confused.
"What's your name?" I asked the girl. I need to straighten things up. I really didn't wanna ask it but I had to.
"What? Are you kidding me? You don't remember my name?" The girl started to cry again.
"Not at all" I answered "I don't even remember you at all, sorry" I shook my head and looked at her feeling really sorry for her.
"You are so mean Eiko-chan!" She started to cry. Nya! Am I really mean? Wait.. I'm not Eiko right? "I'm Fuuko! Fuuko Azusagawa"
"Nya, Gomen (2) Fuuko but I really don't remember you"
"You might have temporary case of amnesia." The nurse said while she sat down on the bed I was lying on. Amnesia? Impossible! I remember everything! I'm Eiji Kikumaru, a senior, a regular in the tennis club and a part of the golden pair! "don't worry, your memories will come back sooner or later. But it's still better if a doctor sees you."
"Wah! Poor Eiko-chan!" Fuuko hugged Eiji.
"I'm really sorry Fuuko…" I lowered my head, this was really making me very confused.
"I suggest you take a break Kikumaru-san." The nurse walked up to us and smiled to me. "I'll call your sisters and tell them to take you to a hospital."
I shook my head, a hospital? But I'm perfectly fine… "But.. I don't think it's…"
"It is necessary Kikumaru-san, we have to know what caused your amnesia or worse you might have an internal bleeding."
I nodded before sighing, but I am fine... "Maybe I should head back to class now…"
Fuuko unwrapped herself from me. "I'll come with you! You might fall down or something."
"I was going to suggest you stay here before your sisters arrive, but if that's what you want, then okay. That might help on regaining your memory…" The nurse nodded before going back to her desk dialing on the phone. she must be contacting Emiko nee-chan now.
I walked out of the infirmary with Fuuko trailing behind me. What the hell was happening to me? What's with this Eiko-chan, amnesia and best friend thing? Wasn't Fuji and Oishi my best friend? Wait… somethings very itchy… I tried to reach my back and felt something… my hair…. I ran, I need to find a mirror, but something was wrong. I felt kinda heavy on the front… I didn't feel that before when I was in the infirmary, maybe because I was lying on the bed. blink blink… I slowly looked down ward and…
"No… I have...I..." Stepping back I grabbed the hair behind me. Long red locks… "This is not my body… I'm not a girl.. I can't be a girl."
"Eiko-chan! What are you saying? Of course you are a girl! You've always been one!" I heard Fuuko from the back. "Silly Eiko-chan" She smiled at me. Her face only inches a part from me. I felt my face heat up. I pushed away Fuuko and ran away. This is so confusing. I don't understand anything anymore. I'm supposed to be a guy for God's sake! But why is everything different!
Oishi, Fuji! Fuji! Fuji… help me! Fuji! "Fuji!"
Fuji, who was cutting classes for some reason and was sleeping under a tree, heard someone call his name that woke him up. He stood up and went towards the source of the said noise. He saw a red haired girl crying behind the building. "Kikumaru-san?" He asked. She was his seat mate, but that's all he knows. but somehow, everything else about her was blurry.
The girl looked up. "Fuji?" Eiji asked back before launching his self to the other boy. "Fujiko!" He cried out loud.
A bit taken back about the girl's action, Fuji just tried to calm her down. "There, there Kikumaru-san…" He was quite confused too, but nothing will come up from this girl if she was crying.
Eiji pushed back Fuji hearing him calling him Kikumaru-san like Oishi did… "Fuji…. Don't you remember me?" He stared at him; eyes were still full of tears and confusion.
"What are you saying Kikumaru-san? You're my seat mate. We're from the same class… Oh and my kohai(3) hit your head with one of the tennis ball this morning…"
"No… that's not it Fujiko!" Eiji yelled. He started panting from too much crying, his eye's hurt.
"Fujiko?" Fuji chuckled. "I like that name… anyways, Kikumaru-san, what's wrong? Other than those things I have said, are there any other things I should remember?"
Eiji stopped to think. 'So no one really remembers Eiji…just Eiko. What world am I in anyways? This.. this is…Inui's fault! Because of that juice of him, my whole world changed! This is so unfair!'He started crying again. "This is so unfair… why does these things has to happen to me!" He wined and sat back on the ground.
Fuji felt sorry fro the girl. He didn't know anything that was happening about her but she looked like she was really in pain. He sighed and hugged the girl. "Don't worry Kikumaru-san… everything will be okay…" He started soothing her back.
After a while, Eiji calmed down. They were still sitting at the ground staring at the sky, ditching class, under a shade. Eiji was sitting beside Fuji who was now currently looking at the girl.
"Kikumaru-san…" Fuji started before being cut off by Eiji.
"Please call me Eiji… I'm not used on people calling me Kikumaru-san nor Eiko. And don't ask why." Eiji said as he hugged his legs. Some how, the things around him was slowly sinking down to his brain now, he had to accept the fact that he's a girl now. that Eiji Kikumaru is gone. But at least, he needed some one to call him by his name, because one day, he might forgot that he was once a boy.
"Eiji? Isn't that a boy's name?" Fuji chuckled.
Eiji pouted. "That's mean Fujiko! I am a…" He trailed off remembering that he was a girl now. "Never mind…"
Fuji turned his head back to the sky. "Fujiko huh… that's a really cute pet name." He then started thinking. "Ok, here's the deal. I'll call you Eiji and you continue on calling me Fujiko. Is that fine?"
The red head beamed and hugged the brunette. "That's great Fujiko!" Some how, it was the first step for him. A step to accept what he is now, a girl. "Thank you so much!"
"I really don't know what's happening but I'm glad you are fine now…" Fuji smiled. This girl was rather interesting. She wasn't just a common girl. She was some kind of special. It was like there was a bond between than that he didn't know. Well in time, he'll know what kind of bond that is, for now, he's just going to enjoy this girl's crazy ride and know her better.
End of Chapter
Angel: Whoa! First chap done! On to the next! But I might be doing my Naruto fic so it might get postponed for a while. I hope you guys liked it. Please review and tell me if I made something wrong. Sorry if it's a bit short. I'll try to make it longer Thank you for reading!
"Umm.. Nee-chan that's Syusuke Fuji. He's my some kind of special friend." Eiji said, it was true. Now that she's a girl, and for Fuji, she's just some one who sits next to him that suddenly cried and hugged him, what do you expect about their relationship now?
"Oh my gosh! Eiko you have a boyfriend?" Her sister exclaimed before pushing Eiji out of the way to hug the stunned boy. He himself wouldn't know how to classify himself when it comes to his relationship with Eiji. But come to think of it being a special friend would be nice.
Aozu- The bluish liquid/ Juice Inui made for their bowling session. This Inui juice is the only juice that made Fuji faint. It is also the name of Fuji, Tezuka, Oishi and Ryoma's group in the band of princes
Gomen- an informal way of saying sorry in Japanese.
Kohai- Lower class man/ Junior