Stella collapsed against Flack the second they sat down on the break room couch. They had just solved an incredible triple homicide which had kept them busy for almost two straight days. Stella had counted 12 missed phone calls from Mac.

"We should go pick up Micah from your sister's," Stella said. They'd stopped by when they had a chance, but they hadn't seen their son all day. Flack nodded as he ran his fingers through her hair. As Flack and Stella walked to the elevators, the doors opened to reveal the Messer family. Stella froze in her tracks as Danny stepped out of the elevator with his left hand in Gio's and his right in Lindsay's. Fina sat on Lindsay's right arm laughing at a face Gio had just made.

Stella got over the shock and ran toward Lindsay, embracing her.

"Oh my word! She's adorable!" she exclaimed, tickling Fina's bare foot, "Hi angel!" she cooed. Then Stella turned to Danny and hugged him too.

"I'm so glad you're ok," she said. Flack also hugged Danny and most of the lab rushed over to them. Fina curled into Lindsay, frightened by all of the new faces, then reached for Danny. Lindsay handed her over, feeling a slight twinge of jealousy but understanding her daughter's discomfort.

"We were just headed to get Micah," Flack said, "Do you guys want to come over for dinner?"

"Sounds like a plan," Danny answered for all of them.


The four adults watched as Micah and Fina met each other. The two babies stared at one another then crawled toward each other, eventually settling on their behinds and passing toys back and forth. Micah held out a teddy bear and Fina shook her head. He tried again, the bear was his favorite toy, but she shook her head again, chattering away. Micah seemed to understand and set the bear aside. Gio came over and started playing too.

"How adorable!" Stella said as Gio kissed Fina's head.

"He's been amazing," Lindsay said, "He hasn't left her side since she and Danny came back."

"How did that happen, by the way?" Flack asked.

The adults sat on the sofas and talked until Gio wandered over to Lindsay and Fina crawled to Danny.

"These two are minutes from crashing," Danny said, "We'd better be off."

And with that, the Messers headed home, together, angels in their arms.


So, I was done with this and then KitKnits suggested that I needed some team reaction. So I wrote this. Surprise gift! Hope you enjoy and I can concentrate on a sequel now.