"You are such a loser." Sasuke sighed as his team mate once again made a fool of himself.
"What did you say say to me?" Naruto Uzumaki yelled, getting into Sasuke's face.
Sasuke wiped off the spit that had sprayed on his face from Naruto's ranting. "I don't have time for this." He turned his back on Naruto and began to walk away.
"I understand." Naruto said, "You're intimidated by me. After all, I am the best ninja in the village."
"Intimidated by you? You failed the exam three times, and when you finally did graduate, you had the lowest marks in the history of the academy."
"You just can't recognize a true genius." Naruto said, "If you weren't so afraid to fight me, I'd-Whoah!" Naruto barely managed to dodge a sudden punch from Sasuke.
"If I am afraid of you, then what are you the one running away?" Sasuke asked.
"I am not running, I'm making a tactical movement." He leapt back to avoid a kick.
"In other words, you're running away." He smirked as he threw one more punch and Naruto jumped back and slammed his head into a tree.
Naruto rubbed his head. "Alright, Sasuke. You asked for it." He began a series of hand symbols. "This move even defeated Iruka-sensei."
"Was he incapacitated by laughter?" Sasuke asked.
"You'll see. Harem jutsu!" Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke and several cute naked female versions of himself surrounded Sasuke. "Hey Sasuke." One of the girls said as she blew him a kiss.
Sasuke turned and punched one in the face. It transformed back into Naruto and when he fell to the ground, all the others disappeared. "Don't bother picking a fight with me if that's the best you can do." Sasuke advised Naruto before he turned his back to the boy and walked off.
"Stupid Sasuke. Why didn't it work?" Naruto sat cross legged with his head propped up pon his hand. Suddenly Naruto had a brilliant idea. "That jutsu will surly beat him." He said with a grin before heading into the forest to train.
The next day, Naruto confronted Sasuke. "I want a rematch."
"You're just going to be humiliated again." Sasuke pointed out.
"I have a plan. You're not going to lay a hand on me this time."
"You're too weak for me to even consider it training, so stop wasting my time."
"I'm going to beat you this time. Believe it!" Naruto punched at Sasuke, only to be dodged effortlessly.
"You couldn't beat a drum." Sasuke said before knocking Naruto down with a single blow.
"Then I guess it's time for my secret weapon..." Naruto began a series of hand signs.
"That's the same as the technique you used last time. What makes you think it will work this time?"
"I figured out why it didn't work. Bishie-Harem Jutsu!"
"You are such a loser." Sasuke sighed, before knocking Naruto to the ground. "The reason your technique didn't work wasn't because I'm gay."
"Sasuke!" Sakura had come around the corner and noticed him.
"Back off billboard brow, he's mine!" Ino had heard Sakura's exclamation.
"It's because, unlike you, I'm used to it."
"Then I'll try this one more time. Bishie-Harem Jutsu." Sakura and Ino's jaws dropped and Sasuke recoiled from the sight of his own naked form surrounding him. "What do you think?" Naruto asked. He never received an answer as Sasuke ran away, trying to hide the blush that was creeping into his face.
The End
AN: For those who didn't get my subtle hint, I am insinuating that Sasuke is only in love with himself, thus when confronted with himself acts as Hinata does around Naruto.