Sorry this took so long but my exams sort of piled up on me but now with Christmas slowly approaching I can update a little more often.

Now here's the final chapter of my Mummy Rewrite, enjoy!


Faith ran hastily through the sand toward the City. Her clothes weighed her down but it didn't stop her. Nothing did; her feet sinking into the torturous sand, falling from the fact that she couldn't move didn't stop her, the bruises didn't stop her; she was even adorned with cuts, scratches and blisters, but she still didn't stop. Her determination clouded all other rational thought from her mind.

Right there she thought of nothing other than getting to the guys as quickly as possible.

The little brunette stopped but once when she heard faint screaming followed by a louder gunshot. In her mind, Imhotep didn't use a gun and Beni didn't have the balls to shoot someone on his own free will. That meant it had to be Rick, and she was getting close. The only thing she was worried about was the fact that they had already resorted to shooting.

All the stones would've normally looked the same to her but this time in the City, Faith seemed to know exactly where she was going, a if being guided by some invisible force. The path was clearly mapped out ion her mind. Running straight and then turning right; until she saw a small entrance in the stone. That was where she had to go!

Jumping through, she suddenly halted to catch her breath after running for the longest time in her life. All the sand and all the dirt that had been trapped in her mouth in process came flying out via coughing. It was only then that the American realized that she was exhausted and thirsty. Yet she still managed to gain the will to move forward and cast her eyes around the chamber she was in. There, in the corner, was a pile of moved stones, no doubt where the guy had been.

Making her way there, she almost cried in fear as she heard something crunch under her foot and she felt something very solid there. Looking down, beneath her boot was one of those scarab beetles that ran around the place. But it was already dead. Quickly adding two and two together, it became obvious that this was the reason for the screaming and gunfire.

Regaining her composure, Faith picked up a torch from the wall and began to make her way through the tunnel they had uncovered. God knew how long she had to follow it but it seemed to come rather quickly…The rings of more gunshots that was. It was rapid and much louder, hinting to Faith she was getting closer.

Emerging from the now extremely narrow crevice, she gawked. The chamber she was in now was gigantic but what really caught her eyes at first was all the treasure. There was so much of it! But her attention was quickly diverted by the goings on at the bottom of the stairs she stood atop.

"Jesus Christ!" She yelled out, dropping her torch. The behind of what appeared to be mummies were vanishing into another room, after the sounds of gunfire and yelling. The only good feeling she got out of it was the fact that she had now caught up with Rick, Ardeth and Jonathan. But then again, she was now in a place crawling with mummies, idiots, scarabs and reincarnated powerful priests "Wait up guys! I'm coming!" Faith called but regretted it as soon as she saw what came right after the mummies had vanished.


At the sound of her voice, he turned, both shocked and gleaming at the sight of her "You…You're here!? Annoying brat!" He hollered and ran in her direction. She managed to utter a squeal before diving behind the nearest pile of treasure. But this girl wasn't stupid, she didn't stop there and think she managed to get away from Beni. No, she ran further into the treasure pile and concealed herself well.

It was a good thing she did that too because the weasel's form emerged seconds later, eyes darting around looking for her "Come out my friend, I will not hurt you" He chimed, Faith barely holding in her scoff. Her blue eyes, which matched the jewels beside her face, watched him walk past her and decided that this was her best chance. The only problem was that she didn't have anything to fight with except the now extinguished torch that had gone out in her haste to hide. It would have to do. Silently, with the wood held high above her head, she crept up on the little man.

At that second, as she was swinging it at his back, there was a loud explosion and Beni turned. Inside Faith panicked and thought that this was the end for her but luckily, the torch that was meant for his back now collided with the man's face. That made it even better for her seeing as he was out cold on the floor.

"Sorry Mr. Beni, nothing personal but its payback" Turning heel, Faith dashed off in the direction she had heard the explosion come from. Once again, it could only have been Rick that was responsible "I'm coming!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, keeping a form grip on the torch just in case she needed it again.

Skidding to a halt, she quickly hid behind the closest corner. The mummies had turned back and behind them, she saw a pile of rocks causing a blockage. That meant the guys had caved themselves in and theses walking corpses were going to take a different way in. Slinking as far into the shadows as she could, Faith watched the creatures walk past and prayed she wasn't spotted. Some kind of God had listened to her because she was safe and the mummies were now turning into another passageway.

Because she was in a hurry Faith saw no other alternative then to follow where those things had gone. So she slowly kept a steady pace behind them, keeping a very good distance and being silent.

After a walk that lasted just barely over five minutes, the sounds of yelling were heard and then the mummies turned a final corner. Since the shouting up ahead was muffled, Faith couldn't understand what they were saying but she recognize the voices. They were definitely Rick and Ardeth's with Jonathan's usual whine. It was then that someone's body dived into the crowd of mummies and seconds later an explosion was heard. From voice in the bundle yelling into the chamber it came form, Faith could tell that it was Ardeth and that meant that Rick and Jonathan had gone on ahead.

In that moment, for the first time her life, Faith had never felt so reckless. Without a second thought, she launched into the mummies with an immense battle cry "Aaaaahhhhhhh, Uncle Ardeth!" She hollered, catching the attention of the nearest mummy and swinging the wood in her hand wildly, hitting it straight in the 'stomach'.

"Faith!?" Came Ardeth's voice from behind some of them "What are you doing here!?"

Faith's mind flashed quickly as she remembered her father teaching her to play a sport called baseball and how he taught her to swing. Taking the same stance, she whacked the 'bat' around and it connected with the head of one of them, sending it flying. She then proceeded to bash the body until it hit the floor "I can to help!" She finally answered "I couldn't stay there and feel so helpless when I made a promise to do whatever to save Evie and get back at Imhotep for daddy and my uncles!" When she got no reply, it seemed like that was a good enough excuse for the man.

Faith desperately swung another hit at one more mummy while she heard the constant grunts and slamming sounds from Ardeth's side where he was beating them down. But one more was all the little girl could take down before another grabbed her long brown hair and began to pull her, causing her to fall backwards on her ass and emit a gasp before being dragged by the hair. Squirming and withering in pain and struggle, Faith yelled out "Let me go! Let go! Let go of me you ugly bully!" She continued to struggle against her captor, the pain in her head getting worse she felt her hair being near enough plucked from her head.

It seemed like an eternity before help came in the form of Ardeth. He had heard her painful screams and had been beating through the creatures to get to the little girl. Finally he reached her and struck the monster holding her, hitting it right in the center of the face and even as it fell back, it held onto her hair.

That was when Faith finally released the pain she was holding back and screamed as she felt the hair tear. After several seconds of it, she calmed herself and felt, about a quarter of her hair had been ripped out and now it only reached her mid-back. That was probably one of the things that made her the angriest yet. She remembered that growing up, her father and her uncles told her that her hair was beautiful especially long and that was why she had kept it so long. Growling, forgetting the pain she felt seconds before, Faith jumped back to her feet.

"Are you alright?" Ardeth's voice reached her as he pushed another mummy away.

Gulping Faith nodded and the next thing she did was hug him "Thank you" She whispered into the man's black robe and then slowly turned to look back at the oncoming row of enemies "…" Silently, she picked up the torch and inhaled, memories of all the recent events rushing back to her including all the innocent people that had died for nothing. Feeling her blood boil, Faith's eyes sprang open and there was a different look in them. She simply ran into the onslaught, torch raised. Once again it was if someone or something was guiding her, telling her exactly where to move or what to do. She dodged more and made more violent contact with the figures she was fighting, taking them down faster than before.

Ardeth watched for a minutes, unsure of something. Her posture of all a sudden, the way she moved and the way she fought resembled something but he couldn't put his finger on it. It was just so amazing that a little girl could pack this much courage, recklessness and skill. She seemed like a completely different person from the girl he had first seen in here and brought back to the surface; the one who fainted over her uncle's injuries.

But the train of thought was halted as he heard Faith yell something out "Ardeth, look out!" His eyes widened at the oncoming creatures but its head was gone form his body within seconds. That was all it took to get Ardeth back into the fight. Despite the sudden improvement Faith had made, there was still a vast difference between her and Ardeth who was back to cutting them down quickly.

"What do we do when we've taken care of them!?" She called out "Whoa!" She evaded being slammed into a wall "If, we can that is!"

"We will go after O'Connell and the creature. They will all the help they could get!" Ardeth finally struck down the last of them, breathing heavily and covered in injuries. Faith was also taking many breaths as she finally realized she was done. Dropping the torch, she backed into the wall and began to fall sideways from exhaustion. The confidence she had disappeared as quickly as it came for her and had never felt so tired in her life. Luckily Ardeth managed to catch her and set her upright before she hit the floor littered with mummy body parts.

Faith had suffered her fair share too. Adding to the injuries from falling in the sand so much and hiding from Beni, she now had deep cuts and grazes on her arms, legs and any other visible skin. Her clothes were torn in several places and her hair was deeply in need of being taken care of, with many obvious split ends. Also her face was covered in dirt and tear stains. She was definitely worse for wear.

"I'm okay, I'm okay" She slowly waved her hand with a sigh. But her head perked up at the noise from far away. That was no doubt where the others were and by the sounds of it, there was deep commotion going on there. Faith wondered how long she and Ardeth had wasted time on these things that they could have used to help everyone else "We-We should get going now right?" She mumbled "A-Are you, a-alright to g-go on?" She swayed a little before being caught by Ardeth again.

"I am" The bearded man set her straight and picked her up "But you are not"

"H-Hey, what are you doing?" She put up a very feeble defense as she felt him begin to move.

"I am going to carry you from n..." Ardeth never got to finish what he was saying he heard terrifying noises coming from the direction they were going. He knew that sound very well, the sounds of more mummies and Faith couldn't take anymore and neither could he. Deciding it was best for them to live, he gripped the little girl tighter so she wouldn't fall and Faith felt him turn the other way around "I am taking you back up to the surface now…You do not look so disheartened, you have helped more than you're fair share" He added as he ran, after seeing her crestfallen face "The rest is up to them now"

After having a mental war with herself, Faith finally nodded and closed her yes, curling up as Ardeth ran with her. The exhaustion was too much and she fell asleep despite all the horror going through her at that moment. The last thing she saw the treasure room and the spot where she had knocked Beni out. He was gone and she wasn't surprised.

It wasn't until she felt sunlight hit her face that she opened her eyes. They were just emerging from she came after them and then the wave of alert hit her again. It appeared she only needed the shortest of naps to rest herself fully, though she knew that she would no doubt wish to sleep again soon. Watching, she saw Ardeth running to a group of camels and she saw her bear close by one of them.

"My teddy!" She yelled and felt Ardeth stop and set her down. She just ran to it and picked it up, cuddling the thing tightly to her chest. It felt the same hugging her father…

"Now we must wait" Ardeth extended a hand to help her climb onto one of the camels. Hoisting herself up, Faith nodded.

"I believe in Uncle Rick, Uncle Jonathan and Evie too. Besides, you all promised me you'd come back out alive and okay. Promises aren't meant to be broken" Faith smiled weakly as she felt Ardeth climb on behind her and grab the reigns. A light hand on her shoulder told the girl that he had understood. But her smile didn't last long as she saw the place begin to collapse. It was all coming down so quickly.

"Someone must have set off one of the traps" Ardeth spoke with concern "The entire City will fall back into the sands!"

With utter urgency, Faith tugged on his sleeve "Go closer, maybe they got out!" She felt him obey and the camel trotted closer to the city where there was another group of camels, the ones closer to the city.

Faith almost died of relief when she saw three figures with their backs turned and watching the city. It was Rick, Evie and Jonathan! They were all alright and Faith felt like she was reborn again and a fresh air entered her lungs that had been begging for some for so long…ever since the death of her father.

She watched in amusement as Ardeth placed his hand on Jonathan's shoulder and the whole lot of them screamed. She just began to laugh her head off as Jonathan backed away.

"Oh thank you!" Jonathan exclaimed "Thank you very much!" He ranted as Faith climbed down from the camel Ardeth was on. She knew that she was going to stay with Rick and Evie for as long as she could now and that Ardeth wasn't planning the same thing.

As she embraced Rick and Evie, they gave her appearance a weird look and her eyes told them that she'd explain everything later but just then Ardeth was speaking "You have earned the respect and gratitude of me and my people" He looked down on all of them and Faith gave a welcoming smile.

Jonathan just looked plain cocky while holding onto his chest which was still racing "Oh well…It was nothing, it was nothing"

"May Allah smile upon you always" Ardeth said gently before performing some sort of prayer-like thing to them and beginning to ride his camel away.

"And yourself" Jonathan attempted to copy Ardeth and failed miserably "Yes anytime" He spoke to Ardeth's departing back.

"Stay out of trouble" Rick gave a weak wave and Evie smiled beside him.

"See ya!" Faith grinned "Thanks for everything" She didn't bother to say goodbye because she had a feeling in her gut that they would meet again, some day in the future. So instead to stuck with a few friendly departing words.

"He's just leaving us here" Jonathan lowered the arm he was holding up and ushered Faith into a quick despite his disappointed face "….Well I guess we go home empty-handed…as usual" He complained and gave Faith light pats on the shoulder.

"I wouldn't say that" Rick lowered his voice, looking at Evie. Faith smiled awkwardly as they began to kiss and turned away, giving them privacy. She was happy for them but she wasn't happy enough to watch them kiss each other, she considered herself a little too young for that.

"Oh please…" Jonathan muttered under his breath as he strolled over to a camel "How about you darling?" He spoke to it as he brought its head down "Would you like a kissy-wissy?" The camel just sort of breathed in his face as it grunted and Jonathan pulled a face of disgust as he pushed the creature's head away.

A yawn escaped Faith's mouth as she began to feel tired again. Suddenly, she jumped into the air she felt two hands on her shoulder. They belonged to Evie and Rick "So kid, how comes you look like you just came out of a death trap?" O'Connell questioned.

Faith managed a sheepish grin "I did…Let's just say I can't stay put for long" She then skipped over to Jonathan as Rick realized she had disobeyed his orders "And I'm so-so…" She yawned again and felt Jonathan lift her onto the white camel he was going to ride.

"Tired?" Came his cocky voice after she was fully seated and he was behind her, controlling the reigns.

"Yeah…" Faith trailed off as she leaned back and felt her eyes droop.

"Then let's go home" Rick spoke as the camel he and Evie were riding rose up. Faith just lightly nodded, clutching her bear to her as the animals began to move. The sun was setting and they were the ones riding off into the sunset.

And this was how Faith Destiny Henderson, with this new family she had found in the midst of darkness, began the journey that revealed her true self.


And it's done!

I hope you all enjoyed that rewrite, tell me if you think I should do the other movies too.

Thanks for reading.