A/N: I know…This whole Mummy rewrite has been done so many times and I realize I'm a bit late but I just couldn't help myself…I'm a HUGE Mummy fan

A/N: I know…This whole Mummy rewrite has been done so many times and I realize I'm a bit late but I just couldn't help myself…I'm a HUGE Mummy fan. This rewrite features my Mummy OC who I've used in some Mummy RP's on other sites.

"Henderson what the hell are you saying!?" A voice carried through the house. The voice could only belong to one man…Mr. Burns.

A young brown haired girl sat in a chair upstairs, perfectly aware of that fact the three men downstairs thought she was outside. She sighed as she settled the book on crocodiles and other reptiles down in her lap…Now she was never going to be able to read. Her father was bound to start another shouting contest with his two friends. Faith Henderson knew her father all too well.

Thinking she may as well really go outside and check on the new colt that had been brought to the ranch a few days ago, Faith stopped when she heard her own name in the conversation.

"Henderson, Faith needs to know…In case we don't come back" That was Mr. Daniels' voice. Why was her name being mentioned? The little eight year old ducked down as she tiptoed to the foot of the stairs. She hid behind the banister as her blue eyes surveyed her father and the other two.

"Faith doesn't need to know anything. It'll only cause her a big heartbreak. I'm not gonna die, and then I'll tell her when she turn eighteen" Henderson's voice carried into her ears. His back was to her and she saw Burns roll his eyes behind his glasses.

"We can die; do you want your daughter to grow up hating her mother? Tell her the truth. We all know too damn well that her father didn't just drop her on your doorstep as you've told her countless times" He said as he took off his glasses and wiped them "She's as precious to us as she is to you Henderson; and me and Daniels want what's best for her. She's like a daughter to us too"

Henderson sighed "I understand where you guys are coming from but what am I supposed to say? 'Hey Faith, you know your mother didn't abandon you as baby, not really. She left you in my care, because she knew she was dying, trying to keep you away from Egypt for some strange reason she wouldn't tell me'? Is that your idea of an explanation?"

Faith clasped her hand over her mouth. She never knew. She had hated her unknown Egyptian mother because she was told her mother had left her. That's why she didn't take an interest in Egypt like her father…Well he didn't really either, he just hunted treasure but he still went out there and Faith was glad that she was left behind. But now…

"Yeah something like that, only more subtle" Daniels began but suddenly looked up and saw the blue eyes, that were inherited from his friend, peeking through the banister "Faith…" He begun and then her father and Burns looked up.

"Faith Destiny Henderson, get down here now" Her father said in a stern voice. He didn't look angry, rather more concerned than anything.

"Don't call me by my full name daddy" She frowned. She on the other hand, unlike her father, was mad "W-Why daddy? Why did you lie to me? You told me I was the result of a drunken night in Egypt"

That's right. When Faith had first asked about her where she came from, her father told her that he made a mistake when he was drunk in Egypt. Faith didn't fully understand then and therefore went to ask one of the two other men who were like family. Daniels had told her the whole thing; the three men were on a treasure hunt in Egypt and got drunk. Her father didn't remember anything but a year and a half after that trip a woman had shown up on their doorstep, saying that the baby in her arms was Henderson's. She didn't even say anything and left. Daniels told her that her father was cautious and worried about what with her, having not planned on it happening and didn't really think of her as a daughter. But he had kept her and the three of them raised her together and became attached to her…She had become their baby girl. But it seemed now that what Faith had been told was a lie.

"You were born because I drunk, that's the truth and nothing more to be to added, now why don't you…" But her father was cut off by Burns.

"But you're mother didn't come and just leave you. She came to us sick, tired and dying. She begged us to take care of you, and that she knew that Henderson was your father. Your father remembered and it was kind of obvious too…You had the exact same eyes. We accepted and then your mother died a few days later. Her last wish was that we name you Faith Destiny Henderson…After she died, a strange man came and said he was here for her. We let him take her but kept you a secret. That was the last time we saw your mother. We're sorry we didn't tell you…"

"Why didn't you uncle?" Although they weren't really her uncles, Faith had become accustomed to calling them that, like they were family "Why couldn't you just say so?"

"Your mother never wanted you to know. We thought if we made you hate her, you would never take an interest into your Egyptian side of the family. We were right…You didn't, you became interested in animals and helping me around the ranch" Her father looked down at her proudly "Burns' right. I'm sorry I didn't tell you honey…"

Faith's eyes watered as she ran and hugged her father "Daddy…I wish you would have told me sooner" Then a thought crossed her head "Take me to Egypt with you this time"

All three treasure hunters looked at the girl like she was crazy "No way" "Never" "Hamunaptra's too dangerous" were some of the protests she heard. That made her frown.

"If I come, I might be able to find out something about mom. Now that I know what happened I feel like I need to go to Egypt. Like there are answers, clues, there for me as to who she was and what she was like. Please…" She looked up them with her infamous puppy-dog eyes.

"Well…" Her father hesitated.

"Please daddy, you can't leave me here all alone. Not with that crazy maid/nanny. And besides, I'm better with animals than any of you…Admit you need me" She grinned at them cheekily.

"Fine but you do exactly as I say, got it?" Henderson eyed her carefully and Faith nodded sincerely, before running off to her room, saying something about packing.

"If she gets hurt out there, I'm blaming you guys…" He looked at his friends, with half serious half-mocking look.

"Why us?" They said defensively.

"Because I never blame myself for anything" He laughed. He knew his daughter would take of herself just fine but still…A dad's got to worry.

If only they knew what was waiting for them in the sand's of Egypt.


Faith sighed under the hot sun. So this was Cairo huh? How did those three deal with this every time they had set off on their adventures? But it was a nice break from the summer rains they were experiencing in America.

They had been in Egypt for about three days now, getting settled in and so forth. During that time, Faith had visited local libraries, older residents of the city with Burns, Henderson or Daniels but found nothing about her mother. Yes some old people remembered a woman matching her description but said she was a stranger from the desert. At that point Faith had given up. She knew it was pointless to try and find out about someone who lived in the desert. She was just happy about the stories she heard from the people that knew her mother a little. According to their stories, she was a kind woman who put people she had never met in her before herself.

But now it was time for Faith to follow her family and go to this Hamunaptra place. To be honest with herself, she had become fascinated with Egyptian culture instantly and wondered why she let her past hatred for her mother get in the way of learning about it. She had learned a few word of Arabic but not that much. What really caught her attention at the moment were Egypt's animals. Now she was excited about going on an adventure to Hamumaptra.

She only carried medium sized bag on her back, which contained some clothes and a few books for her to rid. The rest was being carried by the diggers her father and his friends had hired. She looked at the ferry that they were taking through the Nile. This place sure was busy. People pushing here and there. And all she wanted was to get on board and get away from all the crowds but no; they still had to wait for their Egyptologist to show up, seeing as none of them knew anything about hieroglyphics and hieratic. Faith had become separated from the rest by the crowds, some five minutes ago, not that she was cared because all she needed was the ferry to be in her sight.

Sighing and deciding it was best to find someone she knew before they sent out a search party, Faith suddenly paused when she heard people talking in English but couldn't see them.

"…marched halfway across Libya and into Egypt to find that city. And all we found when we got there was and blood" An American accent said. That got Faith thinking, was there another group of English-speakers after her father's treasure? The voice had said a city and mentioned sand and blood. She had heard the stories of the City of the Dead when she arrived.

She shrugged, deciding to leave it and climbed aboard the ferry, where she saw her father standing not too far off with Burns, Daniels and a funny looking man with a weird red hat.

"There she is! Faith where the hell were you!?" Her father sighed in relief "We've been worried…Oh yeah this is uh…" He looked at the new man and Faith mentally slapped herself. Her father was terrible with names.

"I'm Dr. Chamberlain, the Egyptologist. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Henderson" He shook her hand and Faith looked a little confused.

"Uh yeah…Pleasure acquaintance your making too" She tried to repeat his word but they came out jumbled, and she saw Burns and Daniels stifle a laugh behind the Dr. The man looked as confused as she did, before he understood and shook his head, walking off. Then Faith frowned and mumbled under her breath "Englishmen…" Which about did it for Burns and Daniels and even Henderson began laughing.

"I've gotta go find our guide…That Beni guy" Henderson held out his hand for his daughter to come along, which made her groan…She barely knew him but she already hated Beni Gabor when she met him the previous day. He reminded her of a weasel that was about to catch its prey…The thought of him made her shiver. Henderson noticed this and lowered his hand "Daniels you come with me, Burn you take Faith to our room. We'll be back soon"

"Got it Henderson, c'mon Faith" He took the little girl's hand and led her through the smaller yet still quite big crowd on the ferry.

Sorry it's so short, I promise the other chapters will be much longer but I started this late. Please R&R. thanks