A/n: Hi! I know it's been a REALLY long time since i updated and I'm sorry! Senior year has really caught up to me. Between school, band, band, band, breaking up with my ex and being diagnosed with Celiac Disease (It's a gluten-intolerance, look it up for more info), i haven't had all that much time to write. Seeing as it's christmas, i'll post what i have. Here ya go!
Ch. 9
Bella opened her eyes to the sight of Edward sitting there, holding her in his arms.
"Hi there beautiful,", Edward said, kissing Bella on the forehead.
"Hi? OMG!", Bella said, springing up and running to the mirror. She looked in and what she saw made her absolutely breathless.
"Bella, now please don't freak out.", Edward said, coming up behind her and looking at their reflection on the mirror.
"I'm..wow..I'm gorgeous. Edward," Bella said, turning around, "Thank you. Now, what's the cover story?"
"What?", Edward said, a little taken aback at how abruptly she caught on.
"What's the story for why I've been missing for 3 days? What story have you guys put out?", Bella said, turning around to look at his face.
Edward stood there, staring at her, looking slightly guilty.
"Well…we killed you, or rather, you had an accident.", Edward said, bracing himself for Bella's reaction.
"Ok, what happened? Did I trip over something, fall onto a knife? What happened?", Bella asked.
"Well….you were in a car accident. We made it look like you lost control of the car going around the bend on the cliffs. We put a dead body about the size of you in your truck and pushed it off the side of the cliff. The police were only able to identify your body because of the truck. We suspect that the dogs already have figured out what has happened, but not the circumstances as to why. I'm so sorry, Bella. I never meant for this to happen. I lost control. I can not forgive myself for this.", Edward said, looking down at the ground as to avoid Bella's stare.
Bella put her arms around Edwards waist and held him close to her. Edward looked into her face and saw that she had no regrets about what had led to this. Bella leaned into him more and pressed her lips to his mouth. Edward deepened the kiss. Just then, there was a knock on the door.
A/n (again): I know that it is REALLY short, but i just wanted to give you all a Christmas present and thank each and everyone one of you who have commented or subscribed or favorited this story or me as an author. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!