Therapy for Ezekiel Zick...
"Would you care to join a guy like me to... Ugh too professional. Hey, would you... No too stupid."
Zick was trying very hard to ask someone to the dance. He glanced at a poster sitting on his bed.
The Golden Dragon Dance.
This Friday.
Bring someone you love and care about.
' Someone I love...I have to do it. Yet I can't. I need help. I need.'...
Yes Zick. You need a school advisor.
"What's this all about Zick?"
Zick lay on a sofa, hands on his head. "Every time I try to ask this person to my school dance I freak out. I try practicing it in front of a mirror. I can't even do that right."
A man nod his head. "I see, and who is this person?" Zick shook his head. "I rather not say." The man nodded. " I see. And do you like this person?" Zick stood up. "YES!! More than anyone else in the world." The man kept nodding. Zick continued. "I mean, this person is smart, cute, funny and really cool. I need to tell this person how I feel."
The man finished nodding. He stood up. "I think you just found your answer Zick. You go tell this person how you feel." Zick stood up suddenly happy. "Thank you sir. I will..."
(later at the dance)
Zick was wearing a tuxedo. He walked towards a group of people. Past Elena, past Lay. To the person we least expected most.
"Can I have this dance Teddy?"
"Sure Zick. I love to."